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Forgotten Fridays: Galaxy Quest

Short Version: With all the Buzz about Star Trek, let's not forget that the highest form of flattery is imitation, and satire spinoff comedies are only funny if the source material is worth poking fun at. That's where we get Galaxy Quest. Pure comedy gold.

Release: 23 December 1999

Genre: Comedy/Sci-fi

Director: Dean Parisot

Staring: Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tony Shalhoub, Sam Rockwel, Daryl Mitchell, Enrico Colantoni

» Review

Forgotten Fridays: Galaxy Quest

By Rodney - May 22, 2009 - 10:38 America/Montreal

Thanks for checking out our new feature, Forgotten Fridays. This is something we want to try out to review some older films that maybe you have forgotten about or maybe never got around to seeing that we just want to share. I have done some of these reviews in the past called Forgotten Gems, but now we want to try and bring you something on a more regular basis.

Today’s review is Galaxy Quest

With the successful sequel/reboot of Star Trek getting so much attention lately, I thought this great comedy film that satires Star Trek both on and off screen would be a great start.


Eighteen years after their sci-fi adventure show “Galaxy Quest” was canceled, actors Jason Nesmith (Tim Allen), Gwen DeMarco (Sigourney Weaver), Alexander Dane (Alan Rickman), Tommy Webber (Daryl Mitchell), and Fred Kwan (Tony Shalhoub) are making appearances at sci-fi conventions and store openings in costume and character. They’re wallowing in despair and at each other’s throats until aliens known as Thermians arrive and, having mistaken the show for fact and consequently modeling their entire culture around it, take them into space to save them from the genocidal General Sarris and his armada.


Ok, I am not going to gush over every last frame, but there is a LOT about this film that I just love. First off is the premise. Yeah, its an updated take on the movie star mistaken identity gag that brought us The Three Amigos (a future Forgotten Friday feature no doubt) but it works in its own right. The actors spoof on the convention circuit to poke some fun at the rabid fanboy/girl Trekkies, as well they focus on the interpersonal relationships and conflicts that for Star Trek are almost as much cannon off screen as the show and films are on screen. We get to watch as these modest actors have no careers and are clinging to the only thing that made them popular nearly two decades previous.

Then there is the cast. The Galaxy Quest actors that make up the core command of the show are all stars in this. Tim Allen is not for everyone, but in this movie he is. I just love the guy as his genuine personality and comic timing bring life into anything he does. He is far from A-List, but he has his own flavour that he brings to any project he is on. Here he gets to play the Kirk archetype embodying him both on and off set. He is egotistical, and everyone talks about him behind his back and quietly despises him.

Allan Rickman plays the PERFECT theater snob who’s career got railroaded for his involvement in the show, and dare I say that I have NEVER seen Sigourney Weaver look hotter. Wrap up the cast with the polar opposites played by Sam Rockwell and Tony Shalhoub. Rockwell plays a “red shirt” from an early episode who dies before the first commercial break and catches up with the cast trying to ride their coat tails of fame that they are desperately hanging onto. Shalhoub plays the laid back Engineer. When these two are doing there thing they give us two completely different reactions to the impossible scenario they find themselves in.

Rockwell (Guy) is giving the more realistic reaction. He is in a constant state of panic. If aliens dragged me off into space and I would be acting the same way. Shalhoub (Tech Sgt Kwan) however seems to unrealistically go with the flow and takes it all in stride like someone told him the cable guy was coming the next day instead. No biggie. He just rolls with it. And in that comes some of the great comedy he is known for.

And that is just the “Crew” The Thermians - aliens who have built their culture around the “historical documents” (the show) - play a supporting role but brilliant as well. The leader of this outcast alien race is played by Enrico Colantoni (Veronica Mars, Just Shoot Me) and he just hits it out of the park. The odd mannerisms and dialouge of the aliens is delievered perfectly while still portraying their dire need and awe. Missi Pyle and Patrick Breen make up his entourage and they too have their presence.

The plot, the premise, the cast, the comedy, the clever dialogue. Everything about this movie is awesome.


There is a little bit of suspension of disbelief required to FULLY enjoy the movie. The Thermians build their entire culture around the Galaxy Quest TV Show, replicating the technology and it just so happens the rest of the universe co-operates. They even re-create make the Omega 13 (watch the movie, you will know what it is) without knowing what it can do. Yet when it is used, it works just like the fans presumed it would. And when they require spare parts, it just so happens there is a mining world that has the power supply they need. Meh. You have to over look some of that stuff for the premise to work.

Other than that, I got nothing. I could watch this movie a dozen times a week and not be tired of it. I am watching it right now.

Shut up. Just go watch the movie. Its made of awesome.


I cannot give any higher praise for this movie. And in rewatching it after some time I find myself enjoying it more and more. There are little things you catch like some of the minor supporting cast. An easy spot is Brandon, the sterotypical “Questarian” fanboy who’s devotion is challenged when he encounters the actor he worships on a bad day is played by a young Justin Long. And you will catch brief moments when Ted the lawyer from Scrubs (Sam Lloyd) and Rainn Wilson from The Office, appear as one of the Thermian crew. And The pilot of the ship shown only in the clips from the Galaxy Quest TV show was a 8 year old prodigy. That kid was played by Corbin Bleu (now famous as Efron`s best pal Chad on Highschool Musical)

Typically this is where we would write a “Out of 10″ rating, but since all of these Forgotten Friday reviews are going to be what I would already give a high rating to, I have made my own rating system.

TV - Make a point of watching it if you see it listed on TV.
Rent - Good enough to go out of your way to see it, but not enough to buy it.
Buy - So good. You will watch it again and again. Buy it!

So on a scale of TV, Rent or Buy I suggest BUY!

They just released a new version of the DVD called the Deluxe Edition which has a LOT of behind the scenes stuff. Nothing earth shattering but there is a music video of Sigourney Weaver rapping. Just sayin.


  1. Matt Keith says:

    Man, I love this movie.

  2. 3R!C says:

    I remember I was in some pizza buffet place one time with my friends and this was on their T.V.’s there. Was entertaining, something to look at while we ate our pizza.

  3. Bruce says:

    Yep… made of awesome. And Sigourney Weaver’s bewbs look incredible in this flick. This movie is easily in my deserted island collection.

    • Anti-Septic says:

      I am a fan of this movie as well, I feel the same way as you and feel it should be part of any deserted island collection.

      Just for the simple fact that Sigourney was rockin some serious cleavage for this film doesn’t hurt it’s watch-ability factor either! :P

  4. kc says:

    Saw this movie at the theater. We went not expecting much and walked out wishing for a GQ2. Great, great flick. Great cast.

    Tony Shalhoub was FANTASTIC… that guy is one of the best comedic actors in the biz in my opinion… Monk, the taxi guy from wings… this guy can do no wrong. He was also great in Siege btw.

    I wish this guy was in more films.

  5. wolvie says:

    i liked that better than the actaul star trek movie lol

  6. Justin says:

    Love this movie always watch it whenever it’s on TBS, Comedy Central, or YouTube.

  7. Brian says:

    My hatred of Tim Allen has kept me away from this movie. But I’m always hearing how good it is, so might need to check it out.

  8. Jake says:

    I started watching this at a friend’s house, and after 30 minutes of no laughs, I left. Maybe it gets better. Maybe I need to be a bigger convention nerd to get the early jokes. Who knows?

  9. EAP says:

    This movie is a classic, loved Alan Rickman´s performance.”by Grabthar’s hammer… by the Sons of Warvan… you shall be… avenged”.

    • Anti-Septic says:

      That is the best part of this film. The total disdain on his face having to recite those same lines over and over at all the conventions, just classic and he really sells it!

  10. leeloo says:

    kirk roll!!!!

  11. Sound Designer Dan says:

    “Let’s go before one of those things kills Guy.”

    GQ is one of the best parody films ever made.

  12. peterporker says:

    When I first saw this in theatres I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it. I wasn’t a big star trek fan and it looked like it would be some lame comedy.

    But it wasn’t. It was hysterical. Perfectly cast and I was surprised how hot Sigourney Weaver looked. Even Tim Allen whom I didn’t necessarily like was funny. Rickman was his usual brilliant self.

  13. BrDanzig says:

    Glorious choice. One of the best comedies in the last decade.

  14. chris says:

    Awesome movie… one of my dad and myself’s favourite movies. Tru genious

  15. evilcat says:

    I think this and Dogma were the two films that persuaded me that Alan Rickman had been possessed by the ghost of Frankie Howerd.

  16. 790 says:

    I think your missing the point on the Thermian’s Rodney. The suspension of belief your classifying as “The Bad” is excused as a parody/theme of the overall Star Trek connection in the theme of film…

    I too love this film.
    Because of Star Treks new film they just re-released “Galaxy Quest” on dvd with some awesome bonus features!!!

    Just fyi,,,, :-)

    • Rodney says:

      Im not missing the point on the Thermians. They invent a copy of the technology that doesnt exist and create something that they dont even know what it does. They would have no way of making the Omega13 since the show didn’t tell them what it even does, but when activated, it does exactly that.

      Its one minor thing, and so minor that it still gives me an opportunity to give a near perfect review. But it is a valid concern. If you cannot suspend your disbelief and accept it as “well they just did” then the whole point is lost.

  17. Kevin says:

    I still think the part where the ship leaves space dock and scratches the side of the ship on the way out is iconic. Everytime I watch a Star Trek movie, that scene is all I can think of.

  18. Simple Simon says:

    I gotta agree. I can watch this one over and over (I do, in fact). I remember going to the theatre to watch Galaxy Quest and Mystery Men together…one of my all time favourite movie experiences.

  19. Karthik Abhiram says:

    This was an awesome movie… really enjoyed it.

    By the way… this is a great new feature on The Movie Blog, will be looking forward to rediscovering more movies this way…

  20. 790 says:

    Well Rodney the entire film is a sci-fi comedy. Those points you brought up, never even came up to me.

    How would they know how to build anything from a tv show, come on man its a comedy,,, :)

  21. dogbone says:

    Alan rickman is pure genius! “Miners not minors!”
    That exit from the dock always makes me since!
    Awesome feature guys!

  22. Dragonslayer says:

    I LOVE this movie.

  23. Jim says:

    Thanks for the reminder…it’s been a long time since I’ve seen this flick. I rented it last night and thoroughly enjoyed, and so did my wife.

  24. Mladen says:

    Hey Rodney, I like the Forgotten Fridays feature so far, keep em coming! Its a good idea to try and link them to films currently out. Star Trek/Galaxy Quest, Terminator Salvation / Mad Max 2….

    Glad to see all the positive comments on Galaxy Quest. One of those movies I didn’t think twice about but when I finally got around to seeing it I loved it. Recently managed to convince my girlfriend to watch it with me, and she loved it too. A good solid mix of physical, verbal, and injoke comedy with lots of fun characters.

  25. Loachdriver says:

    Love it; watch it often. When they’re in the pinchers and Sigourney Weaver says ‘Screw that’ watch her mouth and you will know what 4 letter word she actually used.

  26. Meli says:

    I remember how this movie took me by surprise when I saw in the theaters, it was such a good time and so damn funny. I watch this flick at least once a year.

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