First “The Anniversary” Poster

Posted by John Campeaon 28. 05. 2009in News Chat

Hey there guys. As some of you may know I’ve been working on my first, VERY small budget, feature comedy I’ve called “The Anniversary“. It’s been a work of passion and has been the most fun and rewarding experience of my life. I trust Quentin Tarantino will come groveling to my door to beg me to teach him how to direct after he sees this. Oh wait… that was bizzaro dimension that happens in, not here.

Through all the successes and mistakes, the movie is almost ready (for what exactly I’m not 100% sure of yet) and our first trailer should be hitting the web in the next 2-3 weeks. For now, here’s the first concept poster for The Anniversary.

Thanks again to all of you for your continued support and encouragement during this process in which I have no fucking idea of what I’m doing.

The Anniversary

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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48 Responses to “First “The Anniversary” Poster”

  1. Dragonslayer says:

    Nice man. Is it playing in the US? If so, under what distribution?

    • John says:

      We haven’t taken it to any distributors yet… we’re just starting that process now and have just been taking on by a firm that will represent us.

      I doubt it’ll play in theaters other than for film festivals… it’s simply too small of a budget without any “A” named actors. But if we can get a DVD or limited release deal I’ll be thrilled.

    • Dragonslayer says:

      Cool John. Just wanted to know

  2. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    Hey John

    Assuming your film will be 90 minutes how much footage did you shoot overall to get it to that final cut running time?


    • John says:

      Because our time and budget were so limited, we basically only shot what we needed to shoot and not too much got left on the cutting room floor.

      Having said that… there will be a couple of deleted scenes and outtakes.

    • Chuck Norris says:

      As editor, I logged over 17 and a half hours of footage.

    • Calviin says:

      Any chance you can sell copies of the movie poster?

      I’d like to see a blown up version of the poster with the top two thirds removed, zoomed in to the center of the lower third, just to the left of the dog. Or just a large poster of Julia Voth. Thank you.

  3. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    One other crazy question- Can Chuck Norris who edited the film legally use that name as the REAL Chuck Norris(Delta Force)is a member of SAG?


    • John says:

      My Editor, Chuck Norris IS THE REAL Chuck Norris. That’s his real name. The guy from Delta Force’s real name is NOT Chuck Norris. Seriously… look it up. :)

    • HAZMAT says:

      Holy shit! I just did…its Carlos Ray!

      I learned something today lol

      I thought that was like…a joke..the whole Chuck Norris thing…Thats his real name…holy shit…

    • Chuck Norris says:

      Yeah, it’s true. That asshole was not born “Chuck Norris.” And in the immortal words of the “Office Space” character Michael Bolton, “Why should I change my name? He’s the one who sucks.”

  4. HAZMAT says:

    Fucking cool!

    Does it need to have like some film studio before the trailer comes out? I dont get how that works…cuz I dont see one at the bottom of the poster…

    I hope that dogs like a big character..I like dogs

  5. Joshua Ferreira says:

    That’s amazing… Simple concept, but very nice… Good luck for the rest…

    Joshua Luís

  6. Varun says:

    Great tagline.

  7. Greg says:

    Just out of interest, what was your budget?

    • Rodney says:

      They paid everyone in Jujube’s and beef jerky, and filmed on a camera they returned to Best Buy with the original receipt.

  8. Seth Rex says:

    John, how long will it take before your criminal mother bootlegs The Aniversary? :P

    • John says:

      I think she was camcording it over my shoulder as we were editing… but I don’t want to throw around accusations just yet

    • Seth Rex says:

      Lol. We shall see then. Can’t wait to see this. From all that you’re doing to hype this up, it sounds like quite the film.

  9. Roguepirate says:

    John, will you try experimenting with digital distribution (e.g. itunes) with the theatrical release of your movie?

  10. Meli says:

    I like the tag line and the Boxer puppy…I have a Boxer, so I’m bias. LoL

    I’m looking forward to seeing your film sometime in the future.

  11. TheOtherJamesTaylor says:

    Great font on the title and nice cast photos John.

    Any tips on how to stick to finishing one script? I’ve got two on the go and am tempted to start a third but I want to at least finish the one I’m furthest on and most invested in.

    • John says:

      Hard to say man. It depends on the writer. For me, I have to stick to writing one thing at a time. But I know some guys who feel more comfortable doing several projects at once. Just find your groove.

    • Gutpunch says:

      I find that the best way to finish a script is to get out of the city, away from everyone and everything, no internet, no phones and just hole yourself up in a cabin somewhere.
      That’s what I’ve done in the past and with great results, at least in regards of finishing the damn thing, the quality of the writing is a whole different matter.

  12. Ranting Man says:

    I’m liking the timeless feel to the poster John. Nice work. Can’t wait for the trailer

  13. jeremy mills says:

    i would love that in my room

  14. kc says:

    Congratulations… good looking poster, good tagline. I’ll buy a copy.

    I’ve enjoyed this site for years now, it’s the least I could do.

  15. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    If you find a distributer for the movie and it will come out on festivals or get out on 2 or 1 screen, and the movie will become just like The Blair Witch Project a little succes, what will you do after this ? Will that been the end of Campea at MovieBlog or is this a one time drill. Wil John Campea become the next Paul Thomas Anderson or the next Ed Wood, will see.

  16. Karthik Abhiram says:

    Congratulations John. This poster looks great.

  17. John says:

    Hey Kevin,

    Right now I’m just a guy who made a movie. I’m not a professional filmmaker by any stretch.

    But… let’s say by some miracle after The Anniversary comes out some people want to give me more money to make more movies… then I might be a professional filmmaker. If that happens, it MIGHT be inappropriate for me to write about other filmmakers while being a filmmaker myself.

    But I don’t want to get ahead of myself. The odds are better that I’m the next Uwe Boll than the next Martin Scorsese

  18. Vito says:

    Fantastic John! I’m very happy and excited for you. I hope we’ll all get the chance to see it one way or another.

  19. robertwolf says:

    Haha, love how the dog gets on the poster!

  20. MEDavidson says:

    Post the script.

  21. GODFATHER says:

    “The next Uwe Boll”? Please God, tell me you think you’ve done a better job than that, John! Those are some seriously scary fucking words! LOL

    Anyways, wish you all the best. The tag line is fantastic. It’s a good thing you’re not all that sarcastic on a regular basis! LOL

  22. Sleepy88 says:

    I am an avide reader of your blog but have yet to date to really make a comment,please forgive me. I wish you the best of luck in your endevor and hope it’s as funny as I believe it will be. I will keep reading but commenting little but I felt on something like this, I am sure you have put all your heart and soul into, it’s the I can do for the amazing reading and opinions I have aquired from your blog. Good luck and let us all know when and where we will be able to view your first go at Hollywood!

  23. Algoresnuts says:

    JOHN, is there any way we can purchase the screenplay? I would love to read it.

  24. cloud720 says:

    When you do find a way to release this movie you should make a page for visitors of themovieblog to write their own review.

  25. War-Journalist says:

    I simply can’t wait to see it. Congrats, John.

  26. ButterOnMyPopcorn says:


    If this movie makes millions are you obligated to buy your actors houses?

  27. Kevin says:

    I’m really getting excited to see this, so, you better get atleast a DVD deal because I really want to see it. That Chuck Norris comment had me rolling, too!

    So, after this experience, would you do another small-budget movie like this one, or would you wait for a bit more dough to roll in before going at it?

  28. tri-lam says:

    Those actresses are beautiful. . . kind of makes me wish Doug Nagy had been directing. ;)

  29. Russell says:

    John, what about a direct to digital release. Release it to Itunes and Hulu and have a website for down loading it and let people buy / rent it that way.
    Would that work because I want watch it here in Northern California and would pay to rent it.

  30. Peter says:

    Thank god there’s no floating heads.

  31. Matt Keith says:

    More pictures of the twins….PLEASE!!!

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