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First Official Stills From The Anniversary

By John - May 10, 2009 - 11:13 America/Montreal

Most of you won’t care about this post, but the other day when I did an impromptu live broadcast a bunch of people asked for some pictures from my new movie “The Anniversary“, and I’m finally getting around to posting them up now.

Back in August, I put up a post entitled: Go Make Your Damn Movie! The basic premise was that with technology today, some resourcefulness and talented people and friends around you, you don’t need $10 million dollars to make a watchable and good movie. It was this core belief that helped prompt me to make my own film “The Anniversary”. I set out to make a movie for $30,000. I failed… but I did get it made for $50k… and most people who have seen it think I’m flat out lying and figure it cost $2-$3 million. If I can do it… YOU CAN DO IT.

Anyway, here are the first “official” (I guess they’re official since I’m the director and I’m releasing them) stills from The Anniversary which I promised you guys from the live show last week. Enjoy!

From left to right: Dan Calahan (writer of last summers movie “College”) as Jesse and Ryan Patrick McGuffey as Myron

Manolis Zontanos as Manolis with Marita and Mariel Gomsrud

Jason Contini (our lead and my Ben Affleck… inside joke) as Cid

Ryan Patrick McGuffey, Ashley Oxford as Shannon and Erin Cummings as Eve

Manolis and Jason

Erin Cummings (Watch for her this year in Bitch Slap, this months Playboy Magazine and the upcoming new TV series “Spartacus”). My god this woman sizzles.

Manolis and Dan talking about deep important world issues and the human condition (not really)

The core gang. Jason, Manolis, Ashley and Ryan

Julia Voth (The upcoming movie “Bitch Slap”) as Shelly was the first person I cast in this movie. Every male on the planet will fall in love with her.

Theresa June Tao as Ivy

Betsy Cramer as Trisha. Her breaking up with Cid on their 15th anniversary of dating because he refuses to propose is the flash point that sets the story in motion.

Gavin Grazer as Peterson, Cid’s lawyer boss. Yes, Gavin is Hollywood super producer Brian Grazer’s brother… but who cares? This guy is hilarious and just killed us when he was on set. I love this guy.

If you’d like to see some “behind the scenes” pictures from the set of The Anniversary, you can see them here and here.

So there you have it. A bunch of people were asking me when we’d see a trailer… and to be honest we’re a long way off from a trailer. Trailers are one of the hardest things to make, and there is no way I can make a good one myself, so once all the final touches are put on the movie, we’ll look into getting someone to cut one for us.

We are aiming to have the first public screenings of the film at festivals starting in July. We’ll keep you updated with dates.

Thanks again for all your encouragement and support guys. This project was the hardest but most rewarding one I’ve ever done. We’re all VERY proud of this little movie and I can’t wait to show it to you. Now you go make one… because you can. Cheers!


  1. AARON says:

    I wish I was the dude in the second pic

    Anyway when are we getting a trailer?

    Btw great tag line John

  2. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    For a film shot for $50K the production values look great. I watched that podcast it was really good. I look forward to seeing your movie.


  3. GODFATHER says:

    Way to go, John. Make that dream happen. Wish you guys all the success one deserves. BTW, the pic of the guys on the coach, is the beer holder based Doug or Bruxy? LOL.

    BTW, Erin’s HOT!!!

  4. AARON says:

    Of course she’s hot, she’s Erin

  5. Kevin says:

    great pictures! Congratulations! Things look like they are really coming together, I can’t wait to see more! I can’t believe you got such amazingly hot women in your movie. Nice bit of casting there!

  6. Matt K says:

    damn those twins are hot

  7. astrocreep says:

    I love the tag line. The production value looks really good for only $50k. I hope we can see a trailer sometime before the first public screenings.

    And Erin is so amazingly gorgeous. She’s going to be in this months Playboy? SWEET!!!

  8. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    Looks a little bit like a new George A Romero Movie being called Anniversary of the Dead. Good job John.

  9. Ann Ora says:

    I don’t know how many times I have to say this, but I am so very proud of you! You are an inspiration to us all baby :)

  10. Meli says:

    Good looking pictures. I can’t wait to one day see your film.

  11. EZELL says:

    Your Cinematography looks very bad ass The RED is a Good Camera. Unless it turns off on you. LOL

  12. José Ramos says:

    Nice! They look very professional, awesome quality. Keep it up :D. Cant wait to see it.


  13. robertwolf says:

    Looking forward to seeing some footage!

  14. Dragonslayer says:

    Can’t wait. This will be released in the States, right?

  15. Ranting Man says:

    Looking good John. Looking forward to the trailer

  16. Bill Rotar says:

    Most of the pics are people sitting in chairs or on couches. Was there a lack of imagination in the scripting or was this a documentary on people and their fave furniture?

    • John says:

      Yes Bill, I admit all the pictures are of people either A) standing or B) sitting. Clearly my script didn’t have enough imagination to include scenes where people have dialog standing on their heads. Damn my lack of creativity!

    • Indiana Jones' Brother says:

      Indeed, I often throw my hands up in disgust at what is another movie filled with people sitting and standing. Why no blocking with people talking while crawling on the ceiling, or say floating perpendicular to the floor? :)

      Seriously though, nice pics! Thanks for posting for the curious minds.

  17. Antonio Spinozzi says:

    Top stuff John! Am genuinely excited and intrigued to see this.

    All my best!

  18. algoresnuts says:

    looks good.

  19. algoresnuts says:

    not enough pictures of people flying, John.

  20. algoresnuts says:

    John, is there any way you will be selling your screenplay? Maybe, after the movie debuts. I’d love to read it.

  21. War-Journalist says:

    Cool. Hot girls and groovy guys. Props to you, John. Can’t wait to see it.
    Since when has the live show been back up? I’m way out of the loop.

  22. Matt K says:


    Could you post more pics of the twins?

  23. Brendan says:

    Dude looks good- Like really good, good job man.

  24. drebin73 says:

    will the trailer debut with Transformers 2? this looks awesome so far. it looks realy professional and top notch (and i dont mean that insultingly.) i look forward to seeing this eventually.

  25. HDpunk says:

    will we, one way or another, be able to watch this some time this year?

    i just want to see it already

  26. Pman67 says:

    Dude! How could anyone that visits this site on a regular basis not care about your work?

  27. Devan Price says:

    Wait you used The Red One for this?!?!?!?!?!

    if so im glad im getting one next year!

    it looks absolutely gorgeous and smooth.

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