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First Look At Transformer Sideways

By John - May 21, 2009 - 01:15 America/Montreal

With a new Transformers movie there comes new characters. I’m not sure why Michael Bay would choose to ignore the catalogs of existing classic Transformer characters to being in brand new or completely obscure ones… but whatever… it’s his movie.

Along those lines Bay has released an image of a new Transformer called “Sideways”… a gigantic robotic war machine capable of massive destructive power… not to be confused with the Paul Giamatti movie about an aging man who loves wine… but I can see how you might get those two mixed up.

Our friends over at Screen Rant points out something that caught my attention too about this picture: “He sure looks similar to Barricade, the Decepticon police car from the first film who by a blatant plot hole disappeared during one scene never to return in the movie again. There are rumors that say this is simply that character in the form of a different vehicle but there’s nothing confirmed on that front.

Meh… I dig the look.


  1. Johnson says:

    Yeah he looks alright pretty normal by TF standards, i’m not a great lover of the all silver look it would be nice to see some colour on him just to break it up a bit. His face does look kinda like Barricades so it could be him.

    That plot hole is one of the things that does bug me about Transformers considering Barricades the main decepticon for the first half the film he probably has more screen time than the rest of the cons lol only do disappear during the final battle. Maybe Bay will address this in TF2 but i’m not going to be hopeful.

  2. HAZMAT says:

    Is he the one that says “Upgrade time!!!” in the tv spot? He looks like it

    They show the constructicons unite to make devastator here:


    • HAZMAT says:

      K here’s the upgrade time guy….i dont know…they look similar but this one might be green


    • tom. says:

      that’s one of the twins, can’t remember their names. Def not this barricade/sideways.

    • heyshenanigans says:

      Autobot Skids is the bot saying “Upgrade Time”.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Oh gotcha

      Thanx guys

  3. michael says:

    I think it be foolish to expect consistenty, michael bay doesn’t know the meaning of the word. But that’s not the reason we’re going to see it anyway it’s because of the…


    • Bale says:

      well count me in with michael bay as the ppl who dont know what consistenty means.

    • Johnson says:

      Your right, it is foolish but ya know stranger things have happened.

      I prefer the term BAYHEM myself lol ;)

    • MandarinOrange says:

      He is consistently AWESOME.

    • GODFATHER says:

      Consistenty? WTF is that? Or are you trying to say “consistency”???

      LOL… I love when people try to insinuate someone more successful is short in one aspect or another, only to boggle their own quip. Too funny.

    • iknewthiswouldhappen says:


  4. tom. says:

    I always wondered what happened to barricade. So he just..disappeared?

    • Matt K says:

      No, he got pwned by Optimus on the highway and was left out of action for the final battle.

      As for the picture I think it looks awesome.

  5. TigerClaw says:

    Sideways isn’t a new character for the movie, He appeared in Transformers Armada and Transformers: Cybertron as well as the comics.

  6. TigerClaw says:

    Oops, Here’s the working URL

  7. Kristina says:

    Am I correct in assuming that he’s a Decepticon? All the Decepticons look all sharp and pointy like this.

    • Matt K says:


    • Kaneda979 says:

      Yup, he’s a Decepticon alright. Also for telling them apart visually, look at the faces/heads. The movie versions of the Despticons are very alien and evil looking, insect like.

      It’s cool that they made the Decepticon heads so different then Autobot’s, because the original series started this concept and continued on threw all the Transformer cartoon shows and comic books over the years.

    • fluffmaster says:

      The easiest way would be to check out the eyes in most cases. Red for Decepticon, blue for Autobot.

  8. HAZMAT says:

    Barricade doesnt get pwnd by Optimus, he just runs away….after Optimus kills Bonecrusher Barricade just dips

  9. Derbmeister says:

    Eh, cool but not “the first look” at this character. There’s been other images available of Sideways for a few months. Although, this is a new image.

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