Farrell talks more Anchorman 2

Posted by Rodneyon 27. 05. 2009in News Chat

Seems in the midst of promoting Land of the Lost, Farrell was asked for an update on the rumoured Anchorman sequel.

/Film says:

Will Ferrell is making the rounds doing publicity for Land of the Lost and was asked for an update while appearing on an Australian radio show Jono & Dano. According to Moviehole, Ferrell told the hosts that “everyone is meeting next week” to discuss a possible sequel. Ferrell went on to joke that the meeting is really to see whether or not Paul Rudd and Steve Carell are willing to take pay cuts, as he wouldn’t be.

So in a nutshell, even joking what I am hearing here is that Farrell wants to do this film, but he isn’t willing to take a pay cut to make it happen.

Steve Carell and Paul Rudd have become bigger names since Anchorman came out, and rightfully they would have been paid less as they were not the stars of the film. They served as comedic backboards that worked incredibly well in the film. I think in a sequel, they shouldnt be played up as anything more than they were in the first, and if so they shouldnt get paid as much as in the first.

Just seems like a douchey thing to say, but I worry that the movie wont happen now that their price tags have gone up individually. Why would they do this for less when another film offer could pay them more? For the love of the art? We can only hope.

I would love to see more of this, as the first had me in stitches. Maybe they could recruit some new talent instead of squabbling over paycheques. Let Farrell play the aging reporter who’s job is threatened by younger talent instead of threatened by a girl. And I hope they push this story into the 80s and not on the moon as one suggested plot was rumoured.

Also, with Samantha Who cancelled on Tv, Applegate will be looking for work.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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13 Responses to “Farrell talks more Anchorman 2”

  1. Shane Hero says:

    “Ferrell went on to JOKE that the meeting is really to see whether or not Paul Rudd and Steve Carell are willing to take pay cuts, as he wouldn’t be”

    Clearly Ferrell is well aware of the fact these guys have gone on to become bigger stars since the first film was made, hence the JOKE he was making. The supporting characters practically made Anchorman, so you couldn’t make a sequel without the original news team. It wouldn’t be right.

    I agree they shouldn’t get bigger roles in a sequel, but why should they not get a bigger paycheque this time around now they’re bigger stars? Since when have big-name actors not been suitable for supporting roles? While the original was a “Will Ferrell movie”, a sequel would be a bigger deal since it would pretty much be an all-star cast now.

    I’m really hoping for more Ron Burgundy adventures, but he NEEDS his original news team.

    • Rodney says:

      I surely admit that I would like to see the original news team, but NEEDS is a strong word. He NEEDS that supporting cast to be just as funny as this film was, but that supporting cast just needs to do its job as well as these guys did. He needs his news team, but the news team doesn’t need to be these actors. (Would still be my preference, but its not absolute)

      I didn’t say they would NOT be suitable as supporting cast. But I also believe that an actor should get paid according to the role he does. Why over pay for an actor who is doing the same job? The only reason that exists is that they pay him because he won’t do it for less. He agent says so.

  2. dave says:

    that is seriously what you heard from that?

    • Rodney says:

      I don’t understand the question.

    • Erick says:

      I think he means that you took his not wanting to get a pay cut joke too literal.

    • Johnson says:

      I’d agree, i think you’re taking Ferrells joke a bit too seriously, i’m sure a few months back either Steve Carrel or Paul Rudd made a similar jokey statement about Anchorman 2 whilst being interviewed on Radio 1 in the U.K.

  3. Elliott says:

    Is Applegate still working? Didn’t she have breast cancer? Just wondering if she still acts after that?

    • Erick says:

      Nope it’s impossible to act after being diagnosed with breast cancer…haha wow, cmon, logic is your best friend.

  4. T-Vo says:

    By Odins Raven and Great Zeus’s Beard, this is something I have to see!
    The Whales Vagina needs it!

  5. Corey says:

    I’m sure he knows you Can act after being diagnosed with breast cancer but she couldve decided to stop after that. I haven’t heard of her being in anything since then. But I thought I’d read before that Paul Rudd has said he wants to do a sequel

  6. 3R!C says:


  7. HAZMAT says:

    The question is…

    Will it be on the Moon?

  8. ProdSon@TheFilmNest says:

    As much as I don’t really care for the movie, I’m positive they can make everything work.

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