Entertainment Tonight’s Toy Story 3 Teaser Preview

Posted by John Campeaon 28. 05. 2009in News Chat

As silly as it may seem to say, if Toy Story 3 turns out even half as well as Toy Story 1 or 2 did (an with Pixar behind it, why should we expect it to be anything less than brilliant) an argument could be made that Toy Story will have to be considered amongst the greatest trilogies of all time. Think about it.

It goes without saying that I can’t wait for next summer and the next installment of the franchise… but for now we can whet our appitites with this little preview video from Entertainment Tonight (thanks to Larry for the heads up)

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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9 Responses to “Entertainment Tonight’s Toy Story 3 Teaser Preview”

  1. HDpunk says:

    haha, that was awesome

  2. Vito says:

    Yay! I can’t wait. For years I never believed they were going to do it.

    I also hope the rumors of Michael Keaton as a Ken Doll are true. Keaton’s the man.

  3. Alex says:


    “an argument could be made that Toy Story will have to be considered amongst the greatest trilogies of all time.”

    Wait, what? If toy story 3 is anything like 1 or 2 (both hold a 100% on RT) than not only will it be considered one of the greatest trilogies of all time, it WILL be the greatest trilgogy of all time!

  4. tzaylor says:

    I understand some of the reasons why you hold Pixar in such high regard. Their pioneering efforts in animation and storytelling have been incredible.

    Although I havn’t enjoyed their last 3 movies as much as their earlier films, I would agree that Toy Story 3 will probably seal the deal for an amazing trilogy. I rewatched the first two recently ago and loved them….again!

    I’m hoping for the best on their 3rd toy story!

  5. Phil Gee says:

    I just saw it properly on Youtube. It may just be a logo trailer but I grinned from ear to ear the whole time. I’m so excited.

  6. Ty says:

    the trailer is officially online now John


  7. HDpunk says:

    thanks for the link Ty

  8. Jenny says:

    Saw the trailer before Up! today, and there were quite a few people saying “2010!?”
    No one wants to wait that long. It seems almost cruel to announce it this far in advance.

  9. Kristina says:

    People cheered in my theater when they saw Woody. The kids were so happy, and they were all crying out “WOODY! BUZZ! YAY!”. It was so cute:)

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