Doctor Who The Movie?

Posted by John Campeaon 27. 05. 2009in News Chat

I used to watch old Doctor Who reruns when I was a kid. You know… back when the Dalek’s were a group of armless, feetless rolling garbage cans who just yelled “Exterminate”! I never did understand how they built anything.

I must admit that I haven’t really watched the new series at all… not because I don’t think it looks bad or anything like that… I’ve just never got around to it despite the fact that lot of people I know seem to love it.

Anyway, there is some rumblings that BBC is possibly looking at developing a Doctor Who movie. The folks over at Sci-Fi Wire give us this:

A spokeswoman for BBC Films confirmed that “a script is in development,” the BBC reported in a story about David Tennant’s upcoming guest appearance as the Time Lord in the Doctor Who spinoff series The Sarah Jane Adventures. BBC entertainment correspondent Lizo Mzimba said there were no guarantees a film would be made; if the project went into full production, a release would be a long time coming. It’s also unclear whether Tennant or another actor would fill the title role.

I really don’t think this will ever actually come to pass. Doctor Who has a very loyal following, but a loyal following isn’t enough… it needs a large enough audience, and Doctor Who just doesn’t have it. I can’t see them ever investing the budget or the resources into a full length major feature film.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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9 Responses to “Doctor Who The Movie?”

  1. Matt Keith says:

    Man, I love the this show and would love to see a movie….just a shame that I don’t get to watch it as much as I used to.

  2. party marty says:

    Its kind of pointless. The christmas special episodes are over an hour long, have a massive budget and scale by BBC TV standards, the movie would have to up the ante an incredible amount.

  3. Rodney says:

    Agreed. I am a major Doctor Who fan, and while it is considered insanely popular in the UK, over here it is not so big. A Doctor Who movie would be nothing more than a glorified christmas special.

    This season has been scattered into 4 1-hour TV events (one already happened) and then Tennant is handing off the Tardis to a younger actor who will be the next Doctor.

    I don’t see a movie unless its a TV special.

  4. Thos says:

    David Tennant is brilliant as the Doctor. I didn’t like Sarah Jane much.

  5. Brian D says:

    This would have been the year to do it. They cut way back on the episodes being made so David Tennant could take a little break and do other things, but he decided to quit. They could have done a movie this year (instead of the 4 or 5 episodes this year) that could possibly lead into the series with the new doctor.
    In the 60s they made 2 Dalek movies with Peter Cushing as the Doctor. One of the reasons Tom Baker stayed on as the Doctor for as long as he did is because there were movie rumors and he assumed that if he was the TV Doctor then he would also be the Movie Doctor. Spielberg in the early 90s considered doing a Who movie.

  6. cea314 says:

    There’s plenty of indy theaters that would embrace it to show to smaller venues. I wouldn’t underestimate the Doctor’s popularity in the US, however I do think a movie would require a Three Doctors type plot where they’ll bring Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, and the next Doctor together like they’ve done with the old series at times. A Time Lord is always bound to cross paths with himself. Especially if they could convince Eccleston to do it. And if it was written by Russell T. Davies and Steven Moffat.

    • James says:

      Yes, great idea!

      I would love to see more of Eccleston as the Doctor. : )

      John, check the new series out. It’s great stuff!

  7. someeone says:

    There already is a couple of movies including a very big budget one.

    They could do another movie but as said above it might be blah when you compare it to the Holiday Specials (which rock).

    I like David Tennant, he is good. Although you will never beat Tom Baker.

    While I love what they’ve done with the new series, I do feel they’ve moved away from writing original isolated stories (e.g. 2 hours = one isolated story arch) and more to progressive story telling (e.g. 1 series = one story arch).

    So less like the Twilight Zone and more like the new Battlestar Galactica.

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