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District 9 Trailer Online

By Rodney - May 1, 2009 - 11:22 America/Montreal

Neill Blomkamp’s District 9 Trailer has hit the net.

His documentary style sci-fi film shows Aliens who have come to Earth and are now refugees in South Africa. The aliens are forced to live in slum-like conditions on Earth, and are hated by those who live nearby until they find a government agent who is infected by their bio-technology.

Do you know who Neill Blomkamp is? Of course you do. Peter Jackson won’t shut up about him. This effects artist was PJ’s choice for directing the Halo film (that won’t happen now) and everyone wanted to know what Jackson saw in him to offer this inexperienced nobody such a major film franchise. We were not the only people to think this as Microsoft wouldn’t risk the money on Jackson’s buddy and the extraordinary budget he proposed. The movie died off.

Well like any established director does, he needs to build a name for himself before people are willing to take a chance on you. Even GOOD directors can make bad movies, so this guy who’s only experience guarantees the movie will be pretty, needs to do something on his own first. He is only on the map because Peter Jackson keeps telling everyone how he is a visionary.

I can respect Blomkamp for humbling himself to making his own film first and proving himself before trying to start at the top of the ladder. Peter Jackson dick up your ass or not, I wouldn’t risk millions of my dollars on a director because he says so. I’d want to see his resume.

At least now we have a chance to.


  1. chuck86 says:

    i’m a bit intrigued by this on. it looks very interesting.

  2. RonSalon says:

    It looks really interesting. I’m going to check it out.

  3. mike says:

    this looks bad ass!!! i NEED some new fresh sci-fi.

  4. robertwolf says:

    This trailer surprised me. I didn’t know about this film until now. For a second, I thought it was a documentary about Iraq. I love me some sci-fi.

  5. RAF says:

    I thought that the film was about refuge camps in Africa….then I saw the alien being interview and I was surprised. It looks very creative, the way he combined both documentary and sci-fi. I will be in the look for this one.

  6. Jay C. says:

    Ummm…I think my comment just got deleted?

  7. Beejag says:

    So, I thought it looked like a pretty refreshing take on the whole Alien’s come to Earth story for a change, although I have to admit, them blurring out the Alien’s face seemed a little over done, but whatever I suppose, it wasn’t a huge thing.

    Also, just curious, what were your thoughts on the whole thing Rodney?

    • Rodney says:

      What “whole thing”… the trailer?

      I am curious to see how Blomkamp can do, but mostly just because of Peter Jackson talking this guy up like he is the messiah.

      Otherwise, if I knew nothing of this guy this honestly wouldnt turn my head. Kinda feels like a really well done fanflim really.

  8. Terry Letourneau says:

    Looks very cool, and I never heard of this film before. After reading the synopsis, I thought it sounded like a ‘reboot’ of Alien Nation’.

  9. Jay C. says:

    Maybe if I change the wording:

    How can you possibly say that Neil Blomkamp is an ‘inexperienced nobody’ when he has a back catalogue of award winning short films and commercials? He’s not the only first time director to be handed the reigns to a franchise. You may remember David Fincher’s first film was Alien 3. How about Joss Whedon? First time director on Serenity.

    I don’t understand how someone could watch Alive in Joburg and now think he’s a perfect match for the Halo film. But for some people, it seems less about allowing up and coming visionary director’s create something new and exciting and more about worrying about whether or not the studio is safely investing its money. Seems backwards to me.

    And yes, what DID you think Rodney? This post seemed more about Halo and less about the actual trailer.

    • Rodney says:

      As mentioned above, this feels a lot like a really done fan film to me, and though it might be a good premise (which I think the documentary style interviews are a good fit for) I am just not seeing anything that makes me WANT to see this.

      My interest is purely from a “Why is PJ all up about this guy” point of view. If I tripped over this on my own, not knowing his PR history, I likely woudln’t have even talked about it.

      Which is why my post was mostly about HIM and not his movie. Curious to see what he can do. I saw “Yellow” and wasn’t impressed at all. I saw Joburg and also didn’t blow wind up my skirt.

      Yes, there are unknowns who come out of no where to become something. But that doesn’t mean every nobody gets a shot at the bigs on the top of the ladder. Whedon certainly didn’t come out of nowhere and was at least directing TV episodes for YEARS before his own show got a feature film.

    • Jay C. says:

      Yes, but according to the logic around here, directing TV shows for years does not equal directing big budget film. If that were the case, would you feel comfortable hiring a guy who directed a hundred episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond to helm Halo? No. Why? Because it requires a VISION. A vision that Blomkamp clearly has.

      Experience is experience and talent is talent. I agree that Joss Whedon was experienced enough to direct his first feature, but I’m not the one arguing against the idea of first time director’s helming big budget projects.

    • Rodney says:

      Shaky cam isn’t always bad, but it doesn’t work in action shots. It was a suitable effect for the most part of Cloverfield, but in action scenes, it confuses the visuals instead of clarifying them. Cheap trick to simulate motion instead of illustrating motion.

      And now you make assumptions asserting your opinion OF my opinion to pass judgement on an opinion I have not yet made. I have never even suggested that TV directors=bad.

      If Blomkamp had directed dozens of TV episodes, I would be less wary of his ability. But we have no evidence of his directing capabilities.

      I have lots of Vision and some great ideas for movies, tv shows and other stories. I think I could have done Wolverine better than Gavin Hood. But does that suddenly qualify me to direct Halo? Hardly.

    • Jay C. says:

      “Shaky cam isn’t always bad, but it doesn’t work in action shots.”

      “Cheap trick to simulate motion instead of illustrating motion.”

      What if the character in the action sequence is in over his head? What if he doesn’t know how to fight? What if the situation is desperate? There are many different scenarios in films that call for many different stylistic approaches. Are you aware of the difference between an objective and subjective camera?

      I’m sure some filmmakers fall back on a shaky camera out of laziness, but to write this technique off as inappropriate for action is short sighted. Tripod: Dolly: Handheld: Shaky; these are four choices with four very different consequences, all used as a storytelling device and all legitimate choices within the context of a scene.

      “And now you make assumptions asserting your opinion OF my opinion to pass judgement on an opinion I have not yet made. I have never even suggested that TV directors=bad.”

      I know you haven’t. But you’ve suggested that someone with a history of shooting television is somehow more appropriate than a visual artist with a history of award winning commercials and short film productions under his belt. Again, grey area. I don’t see how one is appropriate and one isn’t.

      “If Blomkamp had directed dozens of TV episodes, I would be less wary of his ability. But we have no evidence of his directing capabilities.”

      Simply untrue. 100% false. Just google his name and watch.

      “I have lots of Vision and some great ideas for movies, tv shows and other stories. I think I could have done Wolverine better than Gavin Hood. But does that suddenly qualify me to direct Halo? ”

      Am I to assume that this statement implies that Neill Blomkamp is as experienced, talented and dependable as yourself? Otherwise, I’m not sure what your point is. Every other movie critic/blogger probably thinks they could’ve done things better than the pro’s.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Not to get in the middle of this, Jay C., but your two examples kinda suck. Fincher was given an opportunity to make a movie in already created theatrical franchise. Now if he would have been a nobody and made the first one, that would of been a good example. Whedon’s Serenity was basically a two hour episode of Firefly made for the fans, not a really a new franchise there either. Now if Serenity had been the original theatrical movie and series spawned from that, then maybe he would be a good example.

      Sure Halo is based off a successful game franchise, but that would have been the first time it was put to film for theatrical release or anything else… well, other than those shorts that were made. The guy is a nobody in the theatrical sense, and Halo would have been quite a major project for him being such a huge fan base for something that has never been seen in any other form than a game. That would be like Whedon making Serenity and having a show spawn from it rather than the other way around, and it would be like Fincher making the first Alien movie rather than the third.

      Might want to find some better examples if your going to try to make a point about cinema nobodies hitting big on their first big screen directorial debuts.

    • Rodney says:

      Did google his name. Did watch. Haven’t found anything yet that I haven’t already seen. Still not impressed. Still not convinced.

      Still not seeing anyting that a film school grad isn’t already doing.

      I wouldnt trust a film school grad any more than I would trust this guy. But I am not Peter Jackson and I am not swimming in money.

      I don’t particularily find Peter Jackson to be this demigod others make him out to be either.

    • Jay C. says:

      Hey Jeremy K.,

      So you’re telling me that if I could find an example of a director who has helmed a first time entry into a big budget franchise, you would unequivocally accept Neill Blomkamp as a responsible and experienced candidate for the Halo film?

      Fine: Garth Jennings: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

      Or to a lesser extent, Zak Snyder: Dawn of the Dead.

      Either way, it just doesn’t matter. Just because one first time director finds success or failure with a film doesn’t mean another will or won’t. These things aren’t connected. I’m in support of Blomkamp based on his previous work, not based on statistics. You can bring on the most experienced Hollywood jobber in the world, but if he doesn’t have a vision, the film will suffer. If you think my examples of first time director’s kind of suck, how about we look at EXPERIENCED director’s that have attempted to take on a franchise with bad results?

      Tim Story - Fantastic Four 1 and 2
      Mark Steven Johnson - Ghost Rider
      Joel Schumacher - Batman and Robin (Didn’t start the franchise, but certainly almost ended it)
      Rob Bowman - Elektra

      “Might want to find some better examples if your going to try to make a point about cinema nobodies hitting big on their first big screen directorial debuts.”

      That’s not even my point. My original point was simply that Blomkamp has demonstrated a great deal of vision and artistry in his commercial and short work, and seems to be demonstrating it in this trailer. Unfortunately, people are still more interested in talking about why he’s not right for Halo.

    • Jay C. says:

      “Did google his name. Did watch. Haven’t found anything yet that I haven’t already seen. Still not impressed. Still not convinced.”

      There’s a big difference between simply not being impressed by someone’s work and claiming that they have no experience.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      No, all I am saying is that you should use proper examples. And Snyder remaking an older movie and Jennings making a movie that has already been done in film (the British did this years ago) are not good examples once again. Not to mention I don’t remember reading/hearing that the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was big hit, though I personally loved it. I don’t even think it was all that financially successful or we would probably be hearing word about the next book being adapted to the big screen.

      Solid arguments require solid examples, that is all I am trying to say.

    • Rodney says:

      And still no examples of this long list of experience that he apparently has..

      I see a lot of effects jobs, not much else. Googled for his projects that he directed. All 3. All independent shorts.

      If I make my own videos and name myself director does that mean I have experience too? I could have more “experience” than him before the weekend is out if thats all that matters.

    • Jay C. says:

      “No, all I am saying is that you should use proper examples. And Snyder remaking an older movie and Jennings making a movie that has already been done in film (the British did this years ago) are not good examples once again.”

      Sorry, but the whole ‘your example isn’t 100% the same as this scenario’ argument doesn’t work for me. I’m not interested in debating whether or not my examples are ‘proper’. If you’re not capable of equating two examples without them being exact replicas of each other, I’ll never be able to satisfy you. This sort of discussion may require a bit of abstract thought.

      “Solid arguments require solid examples, that is all I am trying to say.”

      Which is why Neil Blomkamp’s involvement in Halo is a moot point. It didn’t happpen. The trailer is for District 9, a film that he has filmed and completed. If this is of no interest, then maybe the subheading of this site should be changed to ‘The Official Home of Correct Opinions on Movie That Didn’t Happen’. Personally, I think this film looks fresh and exciting on multiple levels.

      I have a sneaking suspicion that when this film doesn’t rake in the big bucks, we’ll get a big, fat, irrelevant ‘I TOLD YOU SO’.

    • Jay C. says:

      “And still no examples of this long list of experience that he apparently has..”

      Sigh. Again Rodney, if it’s simply numbers your concerned about, then yes, you would be able to make your own videos, as many as it takes, and name yourself a ‘director’.

      His filmography:

      District 9
      Alive With Technology (Citreon Commercial)
      Evolution (Nike Commercial)
      Crab (Nike Commercial)
      Tetra Vaal (Short Film)
      Alive in Joburg (Short Film)
      Adicolor Yellow (Adidas Commercial)
      Tempbot (Short Film)
      Halo: Landfall: Three Short Films Set in Halo Universe (Short Film, Commercial)

      Now Rodney, produce a body of work as visually inventive as this and you can be called a ‘director’.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      If you don’t think proper examples are needed to prove a point, well, that’s all on you. If you have problems with the way Rodney and John handle this site, well, that’s all on you as well. I don’t see anybody holding a gun to your head making you view this site.

      Personally I think this movie this pretty good. Also, I am very happy that this guy did not make a Halo movie, and I would be even happier if nobody did. First game was good in it’s time, while the other two are rehashes of the same old thing. Sure a lot of people liked the games, but for the most part I hated and hope to never see a movie based on them.

    • Jay C. says:

      “If you don’t think proper examples are needed to prove a point, well, that’s all on you.”

      If you think finding a ‘proper’ example of a first time director successfully handling a big budget franchise means anything in regards to whether or not Blomkamp would’ve successfully handled the Halo film, well, that’s on you.

      I’ll let this film and his own filmography speak for itself.

    • Gutpunch says:

      I’ve never understood why this site gets its hate on when it comes to Blomkamp.
      The site’s argument against this director is bullshit from start to finished and is only brought on by its disliking of Peter Jackson for some reason.
      And I can tell exactly why the Halo film was scrapped. Because no computer game film has reached the grosses that the proposed budget was for. No movie company would risk 200 million dollars to make a computer game movie, none no matter what the title was. And who was behind the camera would make a lick of difference. It was scrapped because of budget, not because of Blomkamp.

    • Rodney says:

      No, your interpretation of what is “visually inventive” has nothing to do with it. You are calling me out on his EXPERIENCE as a director.

      The only thing he has directed outside of commercials were his own effects driven short films.

      You said yourself that my opinion of his quality has NOTHING to do with his experience. So by your own logic, I can make myself some films - with vision, call myself the director, and by your very own standing I would have as much experience as he does.

      The point is that in offering the trailer on MY post I discussed that this guy likely wouldn’t have the exposure he is getting if he didn’t have Peter Jackson backing him. My post was about the trailer coming out and Blomkamp finally having the opportunity to prove himself.

      But you want to make this into YOUR platform to attack my opinion on the guy.

    • Rodney says:

      Is that going to sound anything like your big fat irrelevant “I hate that you are a hater” rant?

      Just wondering.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Uh, you were the one that started trying to mention directors as examples: “He’s not the only first time director to be handed the reigns to a franchise. You may remember David Fincher’s first film was Alien 3. How about Joss Whedon? First time director on Serenity.” All I wanted to point out was you needed better examples, cause those sorta fail when compared to Blomkamp. Nothing more.

    • Gutpunch says:

      “The only thing he has directed outside of commercials were his own effects driven short films.”

      Yes, his OWN films, that he created, with his own vision and money. For a guy who was 25 at the time and basically changed the way we use CGI today, I think that’s quite the accomplishment and shows that he has tremendous vision. Again, how many short films did Fincher create from scratch before he was hired for Alien 3? None, zilch, zero. He was hired solely because of his visual style as a music video director.
      You guys have been ragging on him from the start, blatantly claiming that he hadn’t even delivered coffee on a movie set, totally ignoring the fact that he had worked on multiple films and was a well established director with tons of experience under his belt. You blame him and Jackson for the project to fall apart yet choose to ignore the logical reasons for a film to be closed down, money.

    • Rodney says:

      “Well established as a director” … And I am well established as a Nascar Driver because I have a speeding ticket.

      He directed his own short films. When someone is established in their field, other people will hire you to do their work. He only does his own work.

      Are you a painter if you paint your own house? Are you a mechanic if you change your own oil?

      I am not discrediting the things he HAS done, but you seem to put far too much credit in what he says he is.

      He has not worked on multiple films as the director. He is an effects artist. He has accomplished as much as any film student does, since they will have numerous short films with themselves listed as “director” to their credit. I don’t take any of that away from him any more than I would discredit any film student for their efforts.

      He wants to be a director and someday may prove well enough to be one.

    • Jay C. says:

      “Uh, you were the one that started trying to mention directors as examples”

      I brought up other directors in response to Rodney’s claim that Blomkamp is an ‘inexperienced nobody’. As in, I don’t think any of these people were ‘inexperienced nobodies’ when they were given their opportunity to direct. Some may have been more experienced than others, but these films aren’t being handed to random dudes walking down the street. Again, if you can accept the examples I listed as valid, I can’t do anything for you. It’s not the crux of this discussion. If it will make you feel better, fine, Neill Blomkamp is the only person on Earth to exactly experience the situations and scenarios Neil Blomkamp is experiencing. No other example can replicate this.

      Moving on.

      “You said yourself that my opinion of his quality has NOTHING to do with his experience. So by your own logic, I can make myself some films - with vision, call myself the director, and by your very own standing I would have as much experience as he does.”

      Yes, YOUR opinion of his quality has nothing to do with his experience. But you’re not a studio exec. You’re not Peter Jackson. You are Rodney. Quality is certainly one of the main factors in qualifying Blomkamps skills and abilities. Your opinion on this simply isn’t valid in regards to whether or not he’s capable of doing his job. You simply don’t like his work.

      Further more, your point would be valid if every film set, professional or amateur, were the exact same environment. Unfortunately, they’re not. Blomkamp’s experience working with a crew, working with effects, directing actors and meeting deadlines would be of great importance. You would experience none of this if you were to simply pick up a camera and ‘make yourself some films’. If you were doing this professionally in a professional environment, then yes, you would have experience. It wouldn’t mean you’re good at it though.

      “But you want to make this into YOUR platform to attack my opinion on the guy.”

      I wasn’t aware that disagreement was frowned upon in the comments section. Well, at least not to THAT extent.

      “Is that going to sound anything like your big fat irrelevant “I hate that you are a hater” rant?”

      I don’t know what this means.

      “He directed his own short films. When someone is established in their field, other people will hire you to do their work. He only does his own work.”

      Rodney, have you heard of Spy Films? I’m guessing no. Well it’s a well respected commercial production company and Neill Blomkamp happens to be one of many directors included in their roster. This means Neill Blomkamp is a director for hire under Spy Films. This also means that Neill Blomkamp HAS indeed been HIRED to direct content for other companies, including Adidas, Nike, and Microsoft. Yes, those award winning Halo short films were in fact a job he was hired to complete. Neil Blomkamp has directed. Multiple times. End of story.

      “Are you a painter if you paint your own house? Are you a mechanic if you change your own oil?”

      If painting is also your day job, then yes. You are still a painter. Are we forgetting that this entire conversation is attached to a post about the trailer to Neil Blomkamp’s feature film?? You know, the one being released by Sony Pictures? He’s a director.

      “I am not discrediting the things he HAS done, but you seem to put far too much credit in what he says he is.”

      I’m sorry…what does he say he is? And yes, you are discrediting the things he has done. You’re not counting them as experience. You are discrediting them.

      “He has not worked on multiple films as the director.”


      District 9
      Alive in Joburg
      Adicolor Yellow
      Three Short Halo Films Known as ‘Landfall’ (for which he won the Cannes Lions 2008 Grand Prix)

      “He is an effects artist.”

      So are James Cameron and David Fincher.

      “He has accomplished as much as any film student does, since they will have numerous short films with themselves listed as “director” to their credit.”

      You’ve obviously never been to film school. If you are comparing the works of Neill Blomkamp to the average student film — quality wise or experience wise — you truly do not know what you’re talking about.

      “He wants to be a director and someday may prove well enough to be one.”

      You’ve just alienated an entire community of hard working and talented short film, commercial and music video directors around the world. Although I’m not sure they’re concerned about meeting your standards as to what qualifies them as being ‘directors’.

    • Rodney says:

      Jay, I know a lot of film students as well as animators, all of which were required in their course of study to write, direct and produce their own short films. I am very aware of what a gifted student is capable of, and I have seen amateur effects artists pull off stuff that looks as good or better than anything Neill has done.

      You presume to know my exposure to the film industry just because it differs from your opinion of what a student may be able to do?

      And the post was clear as to what angle I was discussing. My beef with Blomkamp being attached to Halo was that I had nothing to base this mythical “experience” on other than his buddy PJ elevating him to the throne of feature film director. I am not just randomly picking a fight with this guy. Even Microsoft doubted the guy’s ability and askd PJ to come back to them with a lower budget and a different director, but he refused. But we can ignore that since you are convinced he deserves the job. PJ says so.

      He might have a gift. He could very well be the next big name to rule over Hollywood from a folding chair.

      The point is that he hasn’t proven himself in a feature film. EVER. Not saying he never will, but he never has yet.

      I am not interested in this film. Not because of some personal agenda against him. I just don’t see this bright shining innovative vision of genius that you insist is there.

      And no.. I don’t own Hollywood and they will do whatever the hell they want and hope I buy a copy, but thats the wonders with this site.

      Its my opinion. And regardless of how compelling you think you are, you have not changed it.

      I will make my mind up about my personal preference to Neill if I get around to seeing his film. But mark my words, it will never be Halo. Microsoft has been exposed to more of this guy than I ever will, and he was a deal breaker.

    • Jay C. says:

      “Its my opinion. And regardless of how compelling you think you are, you have not changed it.”

      Sorry Rodney, but many of the comments you’ve made here are beyond personal opinion. You’ve made multiple statements that are simply uninformed and untrue. When you say Neill Blomkamp has never been hired for a project in his life, that’s not your ‘opinon’. That’s false. When you say he’s only directed 3 films, that’s not your ‘opinion’. That’s false.

      When you say “I am not discrediting the things he HAS done, but you seem to put far too much credit in what he says he is.” what do you mean? What does he say he is? Have you read somewhere that he says he’s the messiah of film?

      I have no intentions in trying to change your mind. From what I’ve read around this site, both yourself and John’s opinions are pretty much the exact opposite of mine. That’s fine obviously. What bugs me is when these stubborn opinions start being thrown around as facts — shaky cam is only a tool for directors who don’t know how to shoot action, musicians are never good actors, Neill Blomkamp has never been paid to direct and only has three films — you end up getting called on it. That’s what comments sections are for, no?

      So to clarify; are you saying i have NOT changed your OPINION that Neill Blomkamp has in fact been paid to work on projects outside of ‘his own’ and that he has made more than three films If not, then The Movie Blog truly is the Fox News of movie blogs.

    • Rodney says:

      Its like talking to a wall with you. Ironic since you wont read what I type and just make up your own mind about my opinions.

      When you say Neill Blomkamp has never been hired for a project in his life, that’s not your ‘opinon’. That’s false.

      Except I said he has never been hired to direct a FEATURE FILM. He is hired for commercials and effects.

      When you say he’s only directed 3 films, that’s not your ‘opinion’. That’s false.

      But in the list you provide it has 3 films before this one, and the rest are commercials. So you are arguing symantics because I was still discussing FEATURE FILMS and directing.

      When you say “I am not discrediting the things he HAS done, but you seem to put far too much credit in what he says he is.” what do you mean? What does he say he is? Have you read somewhere that he says he’s the messiah of film?

      Sorry, perhaps you are the messiah of my opinions. Its speculation since out of the thousands of qualified and experienced FEATURE FILM directors out there PJ picks this guy. Clearly he thinks he has talent. Clearly he thinks he is a better choice than any others.
      “That’s what comments sections are for, no?

      So to clarify; are you saying i have NOT changed your OPINION that Neill Blomkamp has in fact been paid to work on projects outside of ‘his own’ and that he has made more than three films If not, then The Movie Blog truly is the Fox News of movie blogs.”

      Wow, so cheap shots are now your tool of choice. Good think you back them up with your own opinions presented as facts disguised as misdirection presented as facts.

      Next time I want to write I will fire you off an email and ask your permission.

    • Jay C. says:

      “Except I said he has never been hired to direct a FEATURE FILM. He is hired for commercials and effects.”

      No you didn’t. You said this:

      “He directed his own short films. When someone is established in their field, other people will hire you to do their work. HE ONLY DOES HIS OWN WORK.”


      “But in the list you provide it has 3 films before this one, and the rest are commercials. So you are arguing symantics because I was still discussing FEATURE FILMS and directing.”

      I’m the one arguing symantics? You’re the one claiming that directing commercials and shorts doesn’t make somebody a director.

      “But in the list you provide it has 3 films before this one, and the rest are commercials.”

      So the Halo shorts don’t count as short films because they are made to sell a product? Well I guess Transformers isn’t a film then. It’s a commercial. For cars, the military and toys. Stop arguing symantics Rodney.

      “Its speculation since out of the thousands of qualified and experienced FEATURE FILM directors out there PJ picks this guy. Clearly he thinks he has talent. Clearly he thinks he is a better choice than any others.”

      There are a few interesting things about this short paragraph. First off, the ’speculation’ part. You are speculating. Good, that’s cleared up. Second, the fact that these thoughts have nothing to do with Blomkamp’s OR Jackson’s films or their abilities as filmmakers. It’s gossip. Sensationalist gossip fodder.

      “Wow, so cheap shots are now your tool of choice. Good think you back them up with your own opinions presented as facts disguised as misdirection presented as facts.”

      It’s not a cheap shot, it’s my opinion. Take it as constructive criticism. (Although I know that’s not really welcome around here) As for the last part there, you lost me. If you’re trying to say I’ve disguised my opinions as facts, I’m not sure what it’s in reference to.

  10. Jay C. says:

    “I don’t understand how someone could watch Alive in Joburg and now think he’s a perfect match for the Halo film.”

    That should read ‘NOT think’

  11. Beejag says:

    Yeah, my bad, I typed it in a hurry, didn’t realize until afterwords how poorly worded that last sentence was, and yes, I was asking as to what your thoughts of the trailer were.

  12. danny says:

    Blomkamp has done A LOT of amazing stuff.

    Just because you don’t know his work, doesn’t mean he’s a nobody.

    Don’t your homework before you post.

    • bigsampson says:


    • Rodney says:

      Danny, do YOUR homework. I have seen EVERYTHING that Blomkamp has to his credit as a director. (Save this film obviously)

      Peter Jackson is the only guy going out on a limb for this guy, and maybe someday he will impress me, but its not today.

    • Jay C. says:

      “Danny, do YOUR homework. I have seen EVERYTHING that Blomkamp has to his credit as a director.”

      Rodney, you obviously didn’t do your homework if you think he’s only done three short films.

    • Rodney says:

      Well Jay, since you know so much better than google and IMDB combined, tell me just how many other films has he directed??

      Not effects, thats what he is already. DIRECTED.

    • Jay C. says:

      “Well Jay, since you know so much better than google and IMDB combined, tell me just how many other films has he directed??”

      I’ve already listed them:

      District 9
      Alive in Joburg
      Adicolor Yellow
      Three Short Halo Films Known as ‘Landfall’ (for which he won the Cannes Lions 2008 Grand Prix)

  13. alfie says:

    hey rodney feel free to please post links to any interview where peter jackson came close to saying this guy was some kind of ciematic messiah.

    i mean if he couldn’t shut up about him as you say or made him out to be the messiah you must be able to find a ton of interviews where jackson creamed himself about the guy.

    please give us some quotes or examples…should be easy to find

    or could it just be a continuation of this sites overboard reaction to the halo situation where you now just make shit up.

    find me a quote where jackson claims blomkamp is the anything close to a cinematic messiah.

    • Jay C. says:

      As I stated in my deleted post, there seems to be an undertone to posts like this. A focus on defending or re-iterating a previous statement or argument rather than any insightful commentary on the trailer at hand.

      There seems to be a lack of grey area in opinion around here. Shaky cam is ALWAYS bad. Video game movies will ALWAYS be bad. Musicians are NEVER good actors. Many statements that are simply unfounded. The Blomkamp/Peter Jackson topic is just another example of this.

    • Rodney says:

      I sense an undertone of assumptions here. Ironic since you want to accuse me of assuming.

      Peter Jackson refused to budge on Blomkamp as director for Halo. Its been speculated more than once that Halo might still have happened if Jackson would have agreed to a lower budget and a different director, but he let the project DIE to protect his opinion of Blomkamp.

      Also, District 9 may never have happened if Peter Jackson wasn’t producing it. Clearly he has a lot of faith in Neill.

      Yes, I am making a generalization that Peter Jackson holds this guy in high esteem. This is evidenced by his own actions.

    • Matt K says:

      shakey is always bad? hmmmm it worked for “cloverfield”

    • Alfie says:

      So because Jackson likes the guy and backs him he thinks he is the messiah.
      big difference to wanting to work with someone to claiming he is the saviour of film.

      You guys have a weird bee in your bonnet about blomkamp and Jackson that’s fine but you shouldn’t make up stuff. Jackson has never said the guy is the greatest or anything close to that. He thinks he has potential and is helping a new film maker. Would you rather he got rob bowman, jan debont, stephen sommers to direct halo? I mean no experienced director has ever made a bad film right?. At least with halo under blomkamp we had no idea what to expect. At least it was an unusual risky choice.
      Something different from the normal jaded Hollywood director for hire journeymen they get for those types of films a lot of the time

  14. Rob says:

    Well, Peter Jackson’s a big boy now, he can make his own mistakes.
    If District 9 doesn’t do well, nobody will be particularly surprised, but if it does - well done Neill. Your next mission: get a few more films under your belt and prove Jacko right.

  15. leeloo says:

    lol @ alien talking with pixelated anonymity.

  16. Adam says:

    Well, I’m hooked already.
    But I think this could be exceptionally good or just plain awful.
    To be honest, I haven’t heard of this guy before but if Peter Jackson backs him up I think he’s worth a closer look.

  17. M says:

    I am intrigued by the teaser that they sent out. I will wait to see the full trailer before saying whether I will see it or not.

  18. Matt says:

    All Peter Jackson/Halo discussion aside, this film does has a really interesting premise behind it. And for the first 45 seconds or so of the trailer, I was really interested. Then the space ship came in.

    Something about it looked so fake. I don’t know what it was, it was just horrible. It looked really CGI, and that just doesn’t work in a film with this premise. Furthermore, the interrogation scene wasn’t great either. I get what they were going for with the blurred out face, but it just looked horrible, and I hate the alien’s design. It’s TOO alien. To make this concept work, we need to feel for the aliens, which will be really hard to do considering that they’re incredibly generic insect creatures that speak in chirps and squeaks. Theres still potential here, and with Peter Jackson directing i’ll hope for the best. Not sold yet, though.

  19. Kaneda979 says:

    Creepy, weird, good effects, unique sci-fi story and feel, I’m in.

    Be great if this finally does but this guy on the map as he does prove himself with this film, so that they can finally make a Halo movie.

  20. Steve says:

    Saw this trailer at the Wolverine movie, looks pretty interesting. I will be seeing it.

  21. rus in chicago says:

    Rodney you are like a movie blog Ellsworth Toohey, I love it.

    Jay C. is right about this and you guys need to throw in the towel. Whenever you watch online examples of a director like Blomkamp’s Yellow and Alive in Joburg you can’t say it didn’t inspire me based on current levels of special effects work. These works were done before 2004 and WERE a huge moment in special effects circles and influenced every film student currently in school at that time. And why did it have such an effect? Because of the director’s VISION; he brought an individual, fresh take on sci-fi that has a visceral layer and futurist underpinnings that helps convey a mood and therefore actually helps justify a less sophisticated effects compositions. This is what is so groundbreaking about his stuff – the philosophy behind the work actually makes the story and effects that much more powerful. And in this way he is a more powerful director than 90% of the people out there thinking they are a director, or could be on the weekend.

    For the love of movies, we should all be screaming for this guy to get a bigger budget and platform to work on! What the hell would we lose, seriously? Our only concern should be, like with EVERY movie, is the script worth anything. No director, no matter their experience or skill, can overcome bad writing and poorly executed third acts. This is the only concern I have for Mr. Blomkamp, as his previous work is more of an appetizer and not a full meal. I’m hungry for more.

  22. jason says:

    Sheesh Rodney,

    you’ve got a bee in your bonnet about this guy. It might be true that this guy is an unknown, but so what? Everybody is unknown at some point. Clearly you seem to be implying that you could shoot a better film than Blompkamp or Hood.

    People seem to love the little that he’s done, and this D9 looks groovy. it seems, at first look, to be:
    .The first african Sci-fi ever shot.
    .The first sci-fi combining a docco and cinematic style. This seems a brave thing to try and pull off, esp for your first feature.
    . The first big PJ film to feature a cast of complete unknowns, at blomkamps behest.
    .The most bizarrely creative attack on the subject of apartheid.

    Whatever you might think of this whole thing, it’s clear that Blomkamp has nads for pushing this as his debut. It’s the strangest , riskiest thing many have seen in ages, as the Sho west footage proved.

    Maybe you loathe the guy, but give him a break, he’s a young kid doing something motivated by passion, and therefore has as much of a right to try as the film students that you’re punting.

    • Jay C. says:

      That’s the thing that bugs me about this post. All of the points brought up by Jason:

      “.The first african Sci-fi ever shot.
      .The first sci-fi combining a docco and cinematic style. This seems a brave thing to try and pull off, esp for your first feature.
      . The first big PJ film to feature a cast of complete unknowns, at blomkamps behest.
      .The most bizarrely creative attack on the subject of apartheid.”

      …are completely ignored in order to get a couple more jabs in at Peter Jackson and Blomkamp. It’s just such a sensational, gossipy approach to what could be a potentially interest discussion about the current state of sci fi, how District 9 is attempting to bring something new to the table and the clear connection this film has to some serious real world issues. Isn’t that what good sci fi does?

      Although I guess if the spaceship doesn’t look cool, it negates any subversive, intelligent or visually unique elements of the film. But in the end, unfortunately I think The Movie Blog has suffered a steep decline in terms of overall relevance in the realm of movie blog discussion. Sorry guys, but this is just one more example of completely missing the mark. Forgoing some great movie discussion in favour of a self serving jab at a filmmaker that’s doing nothing other than trying to bring something new to the table.

    • Tarmac says:

      Totally agree. Love this trailer. Looks to be the most interesting sci-fi in a long time.

    • Rodney says:

      “The Movie Blog has suffered a steep decline in terms of overall relevance in the realm of movie blog discussion”

      I never thought I would say this. But that is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. I guess if you can’t keep on topic you have to invent a new one?

      The post was about how I didn’t like Blomkamp being handed the keys to the kingdom and now that it fell apart he gets to prove himself like everyone else.

      Somehow that offended your frail sensibilities and you felt you had to attack me on it.

      I appologize for thinking this was a discussion on a blog site about opinions. In the future I will simply change everything I think because the mighty Jay Cheel says so.

    • Rodney says:

      And while we are at it, your very own writer on YOUR site is saying “I think this is going to legitimize Blomkamp as a brilliant and capable director.

      So then he is not legitimate as a director? How can your writer POSSIBLY state this as an opinion when clearly your fact-opinions would argue differently?

      Is it possible that you are too busy looking down your nose at the rest of the world that you didn’t even notice your very own staff passing off their opinions as facts.

      But if I speculate the same thing suddenly you want to slander us as “the Fox Broadcasting of Movie Blogs”

      For shame.

    • rus in chicago says:

      What I love about this whole tread and your argument Rodney is it’s based on a bullshit gossip you have cultivated in your own head. There is absolutely no evidence that the Halo film was shelved because of Blomkamp’s experience and there is abundant evidence that it was stopped because of mere financing issues. Here are the facts that you would realize if you got over your jealousy of this guy:
      You can find the list of video game movies here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_based_on_video_games
      It is a list of UNDERPERFORMING films with both established and unestablished directors, but of the few that broke through to mainstream audiences, one was an unproven director, and the other was due to Angelina Jolie’s tits and ass!

      The Halo film was shelved because it is part of a genre of films that has a horrible record at the box office and the studios finally decided to scale back their expectations and budget, yet you go out of your way to blame Blomkamp?

    • Rodney says:

      Rus, how about you go back almost 3 years (you know, the time that has passed since Halo was shelved in which Blomkamp was NOT offered any other jobs - and read the stories surrounding Microsoft’s decision to not make this film.

      MS asked Peter Jackson to lower his budget (because they anticipated films of this sort wouldnt make as much) AND drop Blomkamp. PJ said no, and so did Microsoft.

    • rus in chicago says:

      (O.k. Rodney I’ve removed the rough language, my bad, please post and respond. If you don’t I’ll bad mouth this site everywhere)

      How do I prove a negative? Its your conspiracy theory, you keep claiming it, YOU PROVE IT. You can’t because 1) you were not part of the discussions and 2) every movie is a push / pull between the creatives and the financiers on establishing a budget.

      This is the ONLY official release on the shelving and it has more evidence leading to a simple dispute between producer and financiers on budget versus expectations then any of the Bloomkamp distrust you cultivate:

      “As was previously confirmed, we deeply regret that both Universal and Fox did not choose to move forward with financing the Halo film under the original terms of the agreement,” it stated. “At this time Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh, along with their partner, Microsoft, have mutually agreed to postpone making a feature film based on the Halo video game universe until we can fulfill the promise we made to millions of Halo fans throughout the world that we would settle for no less than bringing a first class film to the big screen. We are fully supportive of Director Neill Blomkamp’s vision of the film. Neill is a tremendously gifted filmmaker and his preliminary work on Halo is truly awe-inspiring. While it will undoubtedly take a little longer for Halo to reach the big screen, we are confident that the final feature film will be well worth the wait.”

      Go ahead Rodney prove your point with evidence. And don’t link to any of the thousand of blog opinions about Microsoft’s actions. Give us real evidence!

    • rus in chicago says:

      This is direct evidence the split is more between Studios and Jackson on budget and profit sharing then the Blomkamp issue. Varity (an actual paper that deals in facts) terms the Blomkamp issue as “speculatively”. The profit sharing issue is reported as fact.


    • Jay C. says:

      “I never thought I would say this. But that is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. I guess if you can’t keep on topic you have to invent a new one?”

      My opinion of this site is ignorant? So you’re saying that the only legitimate opinion of this site is a positive one? Sounds pretty insecure and tyrannical to me. Anybody who might feel that the lack of podcasts, lack of reviews, absent writers (Nagy, Serena, Sharon and so on) and late to the table news stories is a decline in quality is ignorant? Dude, if you want to head over to The Documentary Blog and comment about my lack of updates and reviews, feel absolutely free. I would welcome the criticism, and it would probably kick me in the butt to step things up. I certainly wouldn’t call you ignorant. And I CERTAINLY wouldn’t delete your post and ban you.

      And at this point, I don’t think it’s off topic at all.

      “I appologize for thinking this was a discussion on a blog site about opinions. In the future I will simply change everything I think because the mighty Jay Cheel says so.”

      Didn’t you just call me ignorant for giving my opinion about the current decline of quality around here?

      You don’t have to change anything you think. You just have to be ready, willing and able to back it up. If your site is about opinions, you’re bound to have disagreements. Just because you have an opinion doesn’t mean it’s an informed one.

      “And while we are at it, your very own writer on YOUR site is saying “I think this is going to legitimize Blomkamp as a brilliant and capable director.”

      I didn’t say that. Sean said that.

      “But if I speculate the same thing suddenly you want to slander us as “the Fox Broadcasting of Movie Blogs”

      I’m not saying your the Fox Broadcasting of Movie Blogs for thinking that District 9 will legitimize Neil Blomkamp as a director. I’m saying it because of the sensationalistic, self-righteous angle you chose to take on this post, backed only by your own personal speculation. You’ve put words into both Peter Jackson’s and Neil Blomkamp’s mouths and you’ve misstated multiple facts about his career.

      Worst of all, you did this while completely bypassing any discussion about District 9.

      ‘For shame’ indeed.

  23. MechoPower says:

    I just went and watched all N.B.’s shorts, commercials, etc. I am totally not impressed. The District 9 trailer looks almost the exact same as the Alive in Joburg short. The Halo short was horrible. The effects and costumes were mediocre at best, the dialogue was terrible, and most of his “films” look the same with the same exact terrible filming. Now I am not trying to hate on the guy…i dont have an ounce of talent to pull any of that off whatsoever…but to fall behind the dude like P.J. has is just odd. I mean look at what ol P.J. has done how he wanted N.B. to helm a huge movie on just those simple little shorts…I dont get it!!! I think D-9 looks terrible but I am going to see it just to see what all the hoopla is about. That and to come back here and listen to Rodney and the boys go at it!!!

    • rus in chicago says:

      MechoPower, the tread is about District 9 not Halo, move on! D-9 is his chance to prove himself.

      Let me give you all a little history. The Wachowski brothers sold the idea and story for the Matrix, but had to do Bound to prove themselves. They did comics before??? I think Blomkamp’s work is at leastr on par with comics! Christopher Nolan, after a successful commercial career (sound familiar) did a self generated little movie called Memento to get on the path to The Dark Knight. Blomkamp is following the path like every other director.

      And to all this bullshit about P.J. taking him under his wing: most every other director you love has been helped by another established director. The Cohen Brothers helped Riami, Lucas help Rodriguez, Altman and Paul Thomas Anderson.

      To bash the guy for expressing himself or make statements that his stuff is shit just makes you look like you have no taste.

  24. Valis says:

    This looks great. For a minute I thought it was I watching a real documentary.

  25. prahanormal says:

    I saw the trailer a little while ago, and quite frankly I think it looks amazing. Maybe it’s just because I love this style of filming but I think it looks interesting. Plus the effects are fantastic in the trailer

  26. Drew says:

    His experience dosen’t matter, this is his first film. But the fact is he has just as much experience as Zack Snyder or David Fincher had when they did there first.

  27. Drew says:

    And good on you Jay for standing your ground

  28. Drew says:

    Well I AM on his side, so it would make sense for me to support him standing his ground…

    • Rodney says:

      What side? He is introducing a new argument by superimposing his own perceptions as my opinion.

      1. Blomkamp is a relative unknown (if not for the Halo fiasco, no one would know him even today)
      2. This is his FIRST feature film. And just like anyone else, this is his chance to prove himself.
      3. The last feature film Blomkamp was offered was 3 years ago. Because Peter Jackson said so. No one else offered him a job to direct a feature film since.

      This is his chance to prove himself. Just like Halo would have been his chance even if my opinion says he didn’t deserve that shot.

      These are my points, none of which Jay is introducing. Instead he is content to attack my character and split hairs over details he wants to attack me with instead of addressing what I was talking about here.

    • Jay C. says:

      “1. Blomkamp is a relative unknown (if not for the Halo fiasco, no one would know him even today)”

      I agree that he is a relative unknown. However, within fx and industry circles, I would disagree.

      “2. This is his FIRST feature film. And just like anyone else, this is his chance to prove himself.”

      I agree 100% that this is his first feature film. And I agree 100% that this is his chance to prove himself as a feature film director. I disagree that his previous work is not enough of an indicator that he is capable of handling a feature film project like Halo.

      “3. The last feature film Blomkamp was offered was 3 years ago. Because Peter Jackson said so. No one else offered him a job to direct a feature film since.”

      First off, everyone gets a job because someone says so. Another weird shot at Peter Jackson that I just don’t understand.

      As for not having been offered to direct a feature since; I can’t comment on this because I don’t know the personal business of Neill Blomkamp. Can you, Rodney, confirm 100% that he hasn’t been offered any film projects between now and Halo? Or is this more speculation? According to wikipedia.org, he’s apparently attached to a medieval war film called Factory 9. Again, I think you might be speculating.

      “These are my points, none of which Jay is introducing. Instead he is content to attack my character and split hairs over details he wants to attack me with instead of addressing what I was talking about here.”

      I haven’t taken issue with any of the points you mentioned above. I’ve taken issue with your claims that Blomkamp is as much of a director as you are, your misinformation regarding his filmography and the sensational angle of your post.

      As for the death of Halo, here’s what Blomkamp had to say in an interview with Creativity:

      “Basically, it was a combination of; there were two studios involved that weren’t getting along in the process of making it, Universal and Fox. That kind of stuff happens, it’s a fragile industry. So the film collapsed at the end of last year, and it’s been dead, ever since then. I’ll be curious to see what happens.”

  29. Drew says:

    “Because everyone is right if they just keep standing their ground.”

    I don’t think anybody is nesicarally right… This is a movie blog comment section… It’s a place where we share our OPINIONS. Although like many have stated before Rodney, some things you have said go beyond opinion. He has just as much experience as a director like Fincher had coming in to Alien 3. But that is besides the point… this isn’t Halo, this is District 9, an expansion on his own short film. I don’t see how experience is relevant to this project.

  30. Andrew James says:

    I think the point here is not Halo. Seriously, are we still talking about that? Who gives a fat fart?

    The point is that this is an interesting trailer that appears to break some new and interesting grounds cinematically and in the world of sci-fi. We should be talking about why we like the trailer or why we don’t like the trailer. Instead, there are 80 comments here, nearly all of which are relegated to fighting about fucking Halo and of Blomkamp’s worthiness.

    “The post was about how I didn’t like Blomkamp being handed the keys to the kingdom and now that it fell apart he gets to prove himself like everyone else.”

    Exactly. So why is the title of the post “District 9 Trailer Now Online”? It should be titled, “Blomkamp Finally Has to Prove Himself” and then an editorial covering your thesis with *maybe* the trailer at the end of the post to help provide perspective.

    Rodney, you’re not wrong, but can you really not see where Jay’s frustration comes from? Here’s a chance to really get into a great discussion about sci-fi and where it is heading and the interesting direction Blomkamp chose to take it. But instead, you simply post the trailer and then bash the guy for two paragraphs.

    So again, you’re not wrong, it’s simply baffling. Much like my still unresolved issue with John going to movies he’s pretty sure he’s not going to like. The posts just don’t make sense to me and no matter how many time he tries to explain it to me, I still don’t understand the reasoning behind doing something for 90 minutes to 2 hours and spending ten bucks on something that you’re inclined to believe won’t be an enjoyable experience. Sorry to go off topic (sort of). /rant.

  31. rus in chicago says:

    “Rus, how about you go back almost 3 years (you know, the time that has passed since Halo was shelved in which Blomkamp was NOT offered any other jobs”

    Again baseless criticism. Rodney you do understand movies take time to write, finance and plan, right? I mean you can ask your partner on TMB about the time it took to get The Anniversary done. Here is the schedule I see from doing simple research:

    Oct 31st 2006 - Halo postponed
    (Period of Neill working at his job and writing script)
    Nov., 2007 – P.J. and Neil team up on District 9
    (financing secured)
    Dec. 2007 – District 9 announced
    (Period of preproduction)
    June to September 2008 - Principal photography in Johannesburg
    (Period of post production)
    April 18th, 2009 – first look at District 9 footage

    3 years is about average for a film of this type.

  32. Matt K says:

    i disagree w/ rodney and john on SEVERAL occasions and my comments arent deleted or attacked

  33. Drew says:

    But I digress, fighting about your comment moderation system is silly, and I really should be talking about Neill Blomkamp.

  34. Drew says:

    And to be honest, the more I think about it this whole debate is rediculous. I agree with Jay that Blomkamp has enough experience to do Halo, But this is DISTRICT 9. WHY ARE WE EVEN TALKING ABOUT HALO. Halo is a dead project. And that was a major problem with your post Rodney (and I don’t mean to attack you personally Rodney i’m just bringing up problems) you didn’t even talk about this film. You just went on about Halo and The Blomkamp-Jackson relationship.

  35. prahanormal says:

    *if anyone is

  36. WolfMarauder says:

    I find this childish argument in the comments section extremely amusing. Somehow I knew there’d be a thread like this on TMB when word of this Blomkamp film, what with the legitimate, but also substantially stubborn skepticism about him. I would never have imagined that such a seemingly unimportant topic would inspire disagreeing film viewers to go so far into the debate that they’ll do just about anything to “win”, patronization and hypocrisy be damned. Why take it so personally, any of you?

  37. Neil M says:

    OK. I just want to clarify something. I’ll ask you Rodney because I certainly don’t want to form conclusions for you. Do you honestly think that Transformers 2 looks more interesting than District 9? I’d like to hear from John too, although I think I know what his answer is going to be.

    • Rodney says:

      More entertaining, yes. Better effects, yes. But Transformers is not attempting to send a message, or make a statement or even pretending to try and be deep or cerebral.

      Neill’s efforts are to make an insightful film and combine it with a unique style to tell his story. Transformers has no message.

      “interesting” is far too subjective to try and label either film. I am clearly more “interested” in Transformers, but more because I find a great deal of entertainment in light action popcorn flicks. You are asking me to apply a subjective term to two movies that bear very little to compare.

  38. Rodney says:

    Threatening to “bad mouth this site everywhere” is hardly valid. No one gives credit to a troll.

    I didn’t have to be part of the discussions. Back in 06 we discussed the reasons Halo got shelved.

    “Both Universal and Fox Studios have pulled out of the Halo movie adaptation, citing rising movie costs and concern over the inexperience of first time director Neil Blomkamp. As the budget was rumored to be edging closer to $200 million, and Microsoft getting a lion’s share of the profits, the studio execs decided it was time to pull the plug.”


    Google “Escalating budget and concern over the inexperience of first time director Neil Blomkamp” and you will find dozens of sites all reporting the same news. Then check for Peter Jackson related topics around the same time and you will see the PR shit storm that he caused double talking and calling Halo “Neill’s vision” when the script and pre production was already in place before Neill was even hired on.

    The budget was certainly a big issue as well (its always about money) but it was admitted that with a more established director (Del Toro was considered) they may have approved it.

  39. rus in chicago says:

    Rodney, you are still just relating your opinion and other websites opinions of what went down. Your links actually reference my Variety link, from above, that puts more weight to the profit sharing dispute.

    Please, please give us hard quotes to prove your point.

    Your ability to hang-on to this internet gossip is baffling. I really don’t understand it, did Blomkamp kill your dog or something?

  40. prahanormal says:

    Dear god Rodney stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a troll.

  41. Drew says:

    That really is a MAJOR problem with this site, ANYONE who disagrees with you Rodney or John is deleted, or attacked.

  42. Rodney says:

    Clearly you do not read this site AT ALL. Daily people disagree with us, and we don’t delete the comments.

    The commenting guidelines are clearly laid out when you hit reply. If you cannot abide by them, then you can already expect what will happen.

  43. Prahanormal says:

    You apparently didn’t read his whole comment. He also said “Attacked”.

    I’ve seen you cry troll plenty of times, not one of those comments have been actual troll. What’s sad is that’s usually your argument too.

    “You don’t agree with me, so instead of making valid points I’m just going to call you a troll an than BAWWW about the site policy that you’re following anyway.”

  44. Rodney says:

    I use the word troll very specifically and very accurately.

    People who start arguments just for the sake of starting conflict are trolls. People who know they are wrong but keep going on about it anyways are trolls.

    You are allowed to disagree. Happens all the time. But if you are just here to cause trouble you will find your efforts magically missing.

    I have NEVER deleted anything just because it disagrees with me.

  45. prahanormal says:

    “People who start arguments just for the sake of starting conflict are trolls. People who know they are wrong but keep going on about it anyways are trolls.”

    You’ve got the definition half right

    People stating their opinions aren’t wrong Rodney< and if they keep going on about it that means that they can back up their opinions

    We aren’t starting trouble< if anyone is

    (sorry for the odd punctuation)

  46. Rodney says:

    Stating an opinion and discussing the difference of opinion is a far cry from being contrary and disrespectful.

  47. prahanormal says:

    People give the respect that they get Rodney> All of the times Ive seen you cry troll was just people stating an opinion>

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