Did Jon Favreau Just Confirm War Machine In Iron Man 2?

Posted by John Campeaon 28. 05. 2009in News Chat

One of the great little tips of the hat in Iron Man to those who know the comic book was the character “Rhodes” (at the time played by Terrance Howard and now about to be played by Don Cheadle) looking back at one of the Iron Man suites in Tony’s lab… starring at it for a moment and then saying “next time baby”. Those “in the know” recognize that he’s talking about War Machine (Rhodes gets a suite of his own and calls himself War Machine in the comics).

With the character coming back for Iron Man 2, and the fact that director Jon Favreau has stated that he’ll have a bigger role to play this time, there has been a lot of speculation that we’d actually see Rhodes become War Machine in this movie… and in an interview with Empire Online… it at least LOOKS like he’s just confirmed that. Read what he said:

And what of Stark’s friend and confidant Jim Rhodes? Favreau hinted that Rhodes, now played by Don Cheadle, will be tooling up big-time when he dons his own armoured suit as War Machine. “Rhodesy is definitely stepping up in this film. Let me put it this way: Tony’s not the only person with technology in the film.”

So is that it? Did Jon Favreau just confirm for us that Don Cheadle will be suiting up as War Machine in Iron Man 2? That would be sweet.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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40 Responses to “Did Jon Favreau Just Confirm War Machine In Iron Man 2?”

  1. HAZMAT says:

    FUCK yeah!

  2. Kristopher Tapley says:

    No, Terrence Howard confirmed it when he said, “Next time, baby.”

  3. OMAR says:

    You know what overall I fell that Don Cheadle will kill if not compete with Robert Downey Jr in terms of acting. I am excited for IM2

    • t-bone says:

      while i agree that cheadle is a fine actor, i’m not sure that your statement is accurate. jr. is back to being a the actor he once was, if not better and i think it will be a good show.

  4. riggs says:

    his nickname is rhodey

  5. Brandon says:

    Maybe this time Rhodes just gets a blackberry and then says “Next time an I-phone, baby”

  6. Vito says:

    I can’t wait for Iron Man 2. Too bad Terrence Howard is a dick, because I liked him in the first one. I’m sure Cheadle will be great, though.

  7. Thos says:

    Very sweet, indeed.

  8. algoresnuts says:

    so basically all the Ironman villains are dudes who wear imitations of the Ironman suit? that is so stupid. Every villain wears a robot suit???

    • John says:

      War Machine is NOT an Iron Man Villain. He’s his buddy.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      OMG John! Spoil it for everybody! Just kidding! :D

    • iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      pretty much, no.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Hey algoresnuts

      If you look at Spiderman villains, a lot of them look like the green goblin or look like venom

      X-Men villains mostly have beards or can teleport

      Not all of them, but each character has his own thing…like his own signature…look up for the list of Flash villains, a lot of them look just like flash..especially Zoom

      But no, LOTS of Ironman villains dont wear iron suits

    • HAZMAT says:

      Im not agreeing with algoresnuts!

      Im just saying hes got a point…lots of superheroes have villains that all look the same

    • Chris says:

      The big difference between Iron Man and War Machine is that WM is a bit more brutal, he will kill a lot quicker than Iron Man does, and therein lies the conflict between the two characters.

    • Brendan says:

      Since when do the Mandarin, Fing Fan Foom or M.O.D.O.K look anything like Iron Man?

      Sure some of the villains have technology- but that is just natural since most of the Iron Man mythology is based around defense contracts and arms dealing. What they’re all supposed to look like ogres?

    • methos says:

      “If you look at Spiderman villains, a lot of them look like the green goblin or look like venom”

      what?! lol I have to disagree. Kraven, Rhino, Scorpion, Chameleon, Jackal, Shocker, Doc Ock, vulture, Hammerhead, Murlon, Lizard, Mysterio, etc. All different aside from colorful suits. I have noticed an awful lot of green and black designs but other than that they’re diverse enough. I will concede to a few Green Goblin knock-offs but it’s a small amount.

  9. Kristina says:

    We knew this already from the end of Iron Man 1 with that “Next time, baby” line, didn’t we?

    • Chris says:

      Yeah because they confirmed it right then and there…..didn’t they? :/

    • John says:

      No, they had no confirmed plans for Iron Man 2 when making Iron Man 1.

      That “next time baby” was just a wink to those who knew the comic book.

  10. Ramsey says:

    And possibly in The Avengers too?


  11. bigsampson says:

    um….for you to say they didnt confirm a sequal is one thing but im 100% that even before the producers where filming it before final cut they new what they had on there hands and were in the process of making a script etc for part 2

    • John says:

      Obviously there was “work” (next to none though) on a sequel script… but there are 1000 scripts produced every single day in Hollywood. They simply didn’t know if they were going to do another IM movie. They didn’t even have the directro signed on for the next one until a few months ago.

    • bigsampson says:

      dont think they needed a director….this shit is golden baby!!! $$$$$$ hollywood!!

  12. 790 says:

    Really NOT looking forward to Cheadle in this next film.

    Never liked him as an actor.

    • Brendan says:

      I like him as an actor but to be honest I do not see him as WM.

      My picks? D. B. Woodside, or maybe Harold Perrineau. Both great actors who could hold their own against Downey, and they both have action experience.

  13. Jim says:

    Cheadle will be fantastic…most of the action is CG anyway, so “action experience” is moot.

    • Brendan says:

      Sorry, but I disagree. CG Can’t replace everything- and there are some actors I just don’t see doing mad actions sequences like the ones needed for a comic book movie and Cheadle is one of those guys. No kind of CG will fix that.

      Now I’m not saying his acting will be bad, or that the action sequences will be bad- I’m just saying I don’t see him in the role, and as I said; CG can’t fix that.

    • JohnZDelorean says:

      Agree with Brendan. Cheadle just doesn’t have the physicality for War Machine. He doesn’t have the look of a guy from South Philly who joins the Marines. He’s actually smaller than RDJ.

  14. Jim says:

    I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t have the same issue you do with Cheadle. I think he’ll be just fine.

  15. War-Journalist says:

    I agree with Jim. Cheadle is a good actor imho (I saw “Reign Over Me recently; good flick). I just can’t really see him as a hip, strong, young, bodyguard to Tony. That’s what Rhodey was essentially. Anybody can look good in a super suit with missiles and machine guns, but will we see the real Rhodey under the iron(technically gold-titanium alloy XD)? But I give the entirety of my trust to Marvel, so we’ll see. I can’t wait.

  16. bjon86 says:

    Oh gimme a break. are you really trying to act surprised about this like it wasn’t inSANEly obvious in the first movie that War Machine would definitely be in the NEXT movie with this line “NEXT time.”?? please! duuuuuuuh.

    • Brendan says:

      I dunno, I remember in Spider-Man 2 when they introduced Curt Connors I was SURE the Lizard was the next main villain- low and behold it was Foreman.

  17. Phil Gee says:

    The real news to me is that Rooney is playing ‘Whiplash’. I would have guessed twenty other characters before I would’ve thunk he was playing Whiplash.

  18. NYCKING says:

    Anyway, I’m indifferent towards War Machine and couldn’t give a rats ass if he showed up or not. If he’s in, then good. If he’s not, whatever.

    The main thing to pay attention too is whether or not IM2 will live up to expectations, and deliver in either the same positive tone the first film did, or better.

  19. Markus K. says:

    Though I am REALLY looking forward to the next IRON MAN movie (collected the comic since I was a kid), but I’m a slight fanatic when it comes to comic book/video game movies, especially when it comes to characters I like. In the idea that Justin Hammer is going to be in the movie (of which I think should have been in the first) will be good. But to have another villain who, from what I’ve read, is part Crimson Dynamo and part Whiplash. Why not ALL Crimson Dynamo and have the Titanium Man in the movie as well.


    If that were to happen, I would go see the movie 100 TIMES.

  20. Markus K. says:


    If it is DEAD-ON to the storyline in the comics, I will see it 200 TIMES.

    I promise you I will.

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