Castlevania Movie has been Shelved

Looks like the Anderson helmed Castlevania just couldn’t find a way to make it work, and the project is being turfed.

Bloody Disgusting says:

Sources close to Bloody-Disgusting have confirmed that Paul W.S. Anderson’s Castlevania adaptation has officially turned to dust. The project, originally announced with Sylvain White (Stomp the Yard, I’ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer) attached to direct, had recently went out to new directors only to take a trip into the abyss of “development hell.”

I was always a fan of the video game, but as with any video game adaptation I wasn’t at all looking forward to seeing this adapted.

Sure any film can surprise, and Paul WS Anderson has the best track record with games adapted to films with Resident Evil (best is a loose term here), but I am not shedding any tears hearing this is being sent to the attic.

Maybe someday.

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8 thoughts on “Castlevania Movie has been Shelved

  1. Ohhh good so selling my soul to the devil did work in this case. Well I will be going to hell now, maybe ill find the movie there also….Hey wait a min? NOOOOOOoooo!

    1. You’ve got to be kidding, name one movie he’s done that was good in the public’s eye. If anything he is overrated since he is able to find work.

  2. The RE movies are nothing like the games, they’re terrible stand alone movies as well. The only decent movie he ever directed was Event Horizon. I can’t believe he still gets work, thank god this project fell through.

    1. You know, I vaguely remember when George Romero was hired to write a RE screenplay (and direct I believe) but the powers that be decided his script was too much like the video game and dumped him. Go figure, a scraped adaptation because it’s too close to the source material. I could see if the script was dreadful, however in my opinion, Romero’s script is far better than what actually ended up on screen.

      Funny how the world works.

  3. this is bad news. I wanted to see how Anderson could bring Castlevania into a live-action movie format. maybe it’s for the better though, many video game movies lately have been flopping recently.

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