77 Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 05. 2009in News Chat

With Star Wars celebrating its 32nd Birthday this week (May 25th, 1977 was the release date of A New Hope) it is only fitting that a tribute to that film that changed everything would take place. No, I am not talking about Fanboys. I am talking about a trailer for a buried and forgotten film called 77. (Originally called 5-25-77)

77 is a movie about a geek in the late 70s who is obsessed with films and makes them in his back yard. He is a social outcast and gets picked on for his fandom. It only gets more rabid in the summer of ’77 when the geek is introduced to Star Wars.

Check out the trailer.

I really am looking forward to FINALLY getting my copy of Fanboys, but this is no copycat roadtrip comedy. Although just like Fanboys, this film was made a long while ago, and is likely surfacing again because of the popularity of Fanboys. It still doesn’t have a distributor, but I hope it does soon.

This has a coming-of-age feeling that reminds me of Almost Famous. In part because of the era its set in, but more that it is a heartfelt drama, that although appealing to the sci-fi geek in me, really hits home with the love affair with Star Wars that we had.

And its star, John Francis Daley of Freaks and Geeks and more recently Bones is just awesome. The guy is a solid actor, and will serve this role well.

With all the Star Wars bashing that has become more popular than the films themselves, I think it is wise to be able to look back and be able to see what the big deal was.


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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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12 Responses to “77 Trailer Online”

  1. Jeremy K. says:

    I just watched Fanboys last night! I liked it a lot, but I think they could have done a bit better portraying the seriousness of the dying friends condition to add some serious depth to the dramatic side to an otherwise outrageous movie. One of the best parts of indie comedies for me is they almost always have a really serious story going on in the background amongst all the over-the-top comedy. Fanboys had the comedy a plenty, but I would have loved to seen them play up that dramatic back story a bit more. Granted that dramatic story almost got completely cut for release, so at least it did get what it had. All the cameos were awesome as well, and Kristen Bell continues to be as wonderful as always.

    Looking forward to checking 77 out to see how it plays out, the premise sounds like it could be entertaining.

    • Slushie Man says:

      I agree with you on Fanboys. It was a great movie, for sure, but not perfect. Of course it seems the general mentality on the majority of the Internet these days is if something isn’t ‘Great’ then its bad.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Ya, I agree. Kinda interesting how movie reviews have gone to black and white with no gray in between.

    • Rodney says:

      There is lots of gray in reviews.

      Thats why we rate them out of 10. (everyone has a scale)

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Not directed at themovieblogs reviewing system, Rodney. Just in general. Seems like a lot of people expect great things from movies and if they don’t reach the level that they expect then the movie is shit.

      Like Terminator Salvation for instance. You explained the highs and lows for the movie and the rating based on that. Your review fell into a gray area, it just happened to be closer to dark than light. Some people that post how they felt about it that did not like it basically acted like it was the worse movie ever made. Like it falls into the same batch of films as Battlefield Earth and the Spirit. There was no gray area for them. They went hoping for some amazing and walked away disappointed it did not match what they were hoping for so it was thus a steaming pile of shit.

      Personally I liked it, though there were a few short comings. The movie left a lot to my imagination which I personally like. I’d still rate in the gray area, but on a lighter side with the first two Terminator movies.

      I use Terminator as an example just because it is current and I just saw it.

    • Rodney says:

      Granted, but all sites have a scale by which they rate films.

      Usually a “out of” system, but its there.

      Even the iconic “thumbs up” or “down” is scaled to variations on “two enthusiastic thumbs up” scaling to lesser rated descriptiveness of thumbs down.

      Much of the black and white you see is just commenters giving their one line reviews of positive or negative, which I find tend to be of three categories. Shit, ok, and Awesome.

  2. T-Vo says:

    I loved Fanboys. There are so many references to geek culture in it,you can’t even count them and I’m not just talking about Star Wars references eiter, but other movies and tons of comic book references.

  3. Brian D says:

    I think this movie was originally supposed to come out the summer of Revenge of the Sith. If I do see it, it will be because I am a Freaks and Geeks fan. It really doesn’t look that funny, same with Fanboys.

    • Rodney says:

      This film isn not intended to be funny. It has its giggle moments in the trailer, but I never got the idea that they were passing it off as a comedy.

      Fanboys does look good, and is set as a comedy with heart.

    • Brian D says:

      Trailer humor can be very misleading for me. I remember thinking that Rushmore looked horrible based on the trailer. But ended up seeing it on a preview night and now it’s one of my favorite movies.

  4. Tyson J. Hayes says:

    This is the first trailer in a long time that has made me excited to actually see the movie. I hope the film gets picked up by a distributor so we can see it come to life, or at least a DVD release so it can come home with the people that would really cherish it.

  5. obi-wan kubrick says:

    This looks really good. The Enterprise would destroy the death star.

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