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X-Men: First Class will be a Prequel

By Rodney - April 15, 2009 - 08:43 America/Montreal

X-Men First Class borrows its title from the X-Men comic book of the same name, and now news surfaces that the next generation of Xavier’s students which this movie was supposed to be about will not be the focus, but rather just like the comic, it will be a prequel story that will go back to the first class of students who would become X-Men.

/Film says:

Josh Schwartz had been hired to write a screenplay that focused on “the other teenage characters attending the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning.” But apparently the project is not a spin-off, but a full on X-Men prequel. X-Men franchise producer Lauren Shuler Donner revealed on Fox Movie Channel’s Life After Film School that the film actually focuses on “the first class of Xavier’s school, way back when.”

This is a much better idea.

With some of the younger versions of characters being revealed in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, a logical step forward would be to offer a sort of sequel and have X-Men Origins: First Class as a prequel to the existing films. They can still do a Power Pack movie, or X-Terminators, or New Mutants spinoffs to cover the younger current junior X-Men wannabes.

In the Wolverine trailer we see Xavier’s Alum Scott Summers trying to fit in to a normal high school before ripping its roof off with his optic blasts and who knows who else we will get to see. Showing the earlier days of the X-Men like the comic book started out would be really interesting, however we know they will have to make concessions with Angel and Iceman being introduced as teens in the first X-Men film.

Patrick Stewart seems to be immune to aging, so he can always play Xavier.

I am sure they will get some really hot redhead to play Jean, and I can’t even begin to think who would fill the oversized shoes of a young Beast (Kelsey Grammer was inspired in that role) but who else do you include in the First Class to replace Bobby and Warren?

Maybe they will blurr the First Class with the All-New-All-Different X-Men and give us some back story on Colossus?


  1. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    if it is a prequel, it could follow wolverine, and they could use cyclops, jean, storm, beast, colossus, the white queen and some of the others who where intruduced in wolverine? another good idea, but somehow i think it will get so turned around that it will screw up continuity within the movies….my head hurts.

    • Rodney says:

      How can it get turned around. By the first movie we already see Jean and Scott as X-Men/instructors as well as other former X-Men like Beast and Colossus in the third and second movie.

      We just don’t know how they got to where they are.

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      the difference in ages,which characters have already been used in the previous films, and which characters are going to be used:wolverine and if the ever get to it magneto. scott and jean are roughly the same age, as long as they leave strorm on the cutting room floor of wolverine, they could use her along with frost. unfortunatley Wolverine will have quite an effect on this movie because of all the cameo’s. it will be a sequel/spinoff to/of wolverine and a prequel to the x-men movies. rough gestimate, it will take place in between wolverine and x-men which would be about/within 1 to 10 years depending on how old they make the kids…assuming cyclops is even in it and that he is between 14-18 years old.it’s really just the little things that worry me. I got too much free time, and i’m here at work.

  2. Robin says:

    Wasn’t Colossus just a student in the movies? I could swear that he was only one of Iceman and Rogue’s classmates.

    If I had to guess, I’d say that Scott Summers, Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Beast, and Storm are definitely shoe-ins for the film.

    Hell, maybe they could include Gambit, fresh off his appearance in the Wolverine film.

    Personally, I can’t wait for this.A true ensemble X-men flick. An entire X-men film where Wolverine doesn’t steal everyone’s screen time.

  3. dani says:

    I’d love to see the original five in First Class. But how can they explain the continuity in the movie franchise if Cyclops, Beast, Angel, Iceman, and Jean are the first 5 students to be taught by Xavier? They’d probably tweak it around or else do a do-over (which I doubt).

    But yeah, I agree, this is a much better idea than having the new generation. These original characters have yet to be fleshed out on the big screen. It’ll be a shame if they get passed up for some lesser known mutants.

    Besides the 5, I’d love to see Storm, Rogue, Gambit, Kitty, Colossus thrown in the mix too. Wolverine is welcome as long as he doesn’t steal everyone else’s thunder.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      Since Xavier says in the first “X-Men” film that Jean Grey, Cyke and Storm were “among” his first students, there could be some room for new characters who left Xaviers Academy for one reason or another. It is more than likely we will get a teen/young 20something version of those three characters.

      Hang on to something. Here’s who else we could see…Here we go.

      1- Beast. Could still be played by Kelsey Grammar. His age is never given in X3. The actor is wearing prosthetic makeup. Beast would be the first “graduate” and one of the “first teachers”. Blue fur or just big feet.

      2- Magneto will be one of the teachers. Whoever plays the character could be the same actor who plays him in the spinoff Magneto film. Or it is Ian McKellan.

      3- Gambit could be a replacement for Iceman/Angel. Same actor from Wolverine film.

      4- White Queen/Emma Frost could be a replacement for Iceman/Angel. Same actress from Wolverine film.

      5 - Jason . Who’s Jason? Stryker’s son! Oh, we all forgot about him, now, didn’t we? And what a foe he could make in his prime! Giving hallucinations to everyone!

      Now, here’s my out of the box thinking. Y’ know how in X3 Juggy was now changed into a mutant for adaptation sake? Rodney’s gonna hate me for this…


      You don’t want to hear it.
      You don’t want me to write it.
      You know I am compelled to


  4. T-Vo says:

    FOX fucked the X-Franchise continuity up so bad that they are still figuring how to milk this cash cow.
    They totally ingored one of the coolest charators in Nightcrawler (his opening sequence in X-2 is one of the coolest scenes in all comic book movies, then he doesn’t get reprise his role for x-3? WTF?
    Making Colosus a student with no accent, getting rid of Rogue. Its goes on and on.
    I think they should reboot the franchise, keep closer to the comics continuity and they can have movies coming for the next 10 years. The kinda are set for it with Prof X coming back to life at the end of x-3. Maybe X-Men First Class can be a reboot if you will, and start telling the stories from then.

    • Matt K says:

      nightcrawler wasnt in x3 b/c in the video game they explain that he didnt like the xmen’s violent lifestyle and the crew didnt think it was worth going throught the long hours of makeup just to give him a small role in x3

    • Rodney says:

      Yes T-Vo, Fox did this on purpose just to upset YOU.

      And I am sure they are looking at their over flowing bank accounts saying “Gee, we should reboot this just so the fanboys that would never be happy will want to watch it”

      Or they can just keep making films so they don’t lose the licensing they have over the majority of Marvel Films properties (Any character that originated in any X book belongs to them first)

      You may not care for the films, but they are far from a need of a reboot so that you can just complain about those ones too.

      Nightcrawler is hands down my favourite XMan, but there is no reason to get all bent because they didn’t use him in the third movie. I loved him in X2, and was upset that he wouldn’t be in the third. I got over it.

      And they don’t need to reboot to take advantage of 50 years worth of comic storylines and characters, and the last thing they would want to do is reboot it.

    • HAZMAT says:

      But in the movies they didnt give him any swords!!!!!!!


    • Rodney says:

      @Hazmat, they also didn’t give him a sex drive.

      Nightcrawler in the comics idolizes Eroll Flynn and is a swashbuckling ladies man.

      But later in the books Nightcrawler actually leaves the X-Men to return to his faith and actually obtains a preisthood.

      There are different phases about Nightcrawler’s life, and they chose to go with the phase that most hardcore comic fans refer to as Priestcrawler Kurt.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Yeah, you know what part freaked me out?

      When I saw it, he waggs his tail at Mystique because ha asked her “why not stay in disguise all the time?” “Because we shouldnt have to” and then he totally looks like he got turned on and I was like
      “DUDE gross!”
      But then when I talked about it with my friend and he cleared things up for me

      “you DO KNOW she probably isnt his mom in the movie right?”
      “then how the fuck was he born? im tellin you thats his mom…that scene was weird”
      “soon you will see comic book movies change everything”

      After that, I noticed comic books adapting everything in their movies and changing everything so i accepted more of this shenanigans

      But when i saw X2 for the first time that scene made me feel uncomfortable

  5. 3R!C says:

    So the guy who created The O.C. wants to do an X-Men movie? Hope it’s not like a WB(CW) teeny drama.
    Wasn’t the show Heroes similar to this?

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      I swear that even though the creator of heroes say he never read and x-men comic it was (season one) oddly, strangely similar to some of the characters and story lines in the books. the days of future past/present story line in season one and two, the genosha story line that was in season three…of course they got some comic writers on there now, but it makes me wonder…but no it’s not really like x-men first class. it just explores the early adventures of the team, i never read it but assume it takes place before the first issue of (uncanny)x-men? am I wrong?

    • Rodney says:

      Keep in mind that he also created Chuck, which is a great spy show with lots of action, eyecandy, charm and heart.

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      dat’s right. chuck is pretty damn funny.

  6. Brian says:

    If this happens, I hope they pick a story from the comics and stick with it. They are really making a mess of the x-universe by changing the ages of a lot of the characters. If they can’t use the original team lineup because of ages then why bother trying to make a movie like this. Just make another x-men with a slightly different lineup. Just reboot the franchise and keep things simple.

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      so this will be x-men origins: x-men? much like wolverine there is a lot of promise here, but…

    • Rodney says:

      Another genius who thinks rebooting is the answer.

      Ironic since the films could be looked as like a reboot of the comics, but thats not acceptable.

      Change is only allowed if it lines up with your own tastes then?

      Changing character ages is not the end of the world. Its an ensemble storyline, and it doesnt have to be word for word off the pages of the book.

    • Brian says:

      Change isn’t the issue. So far nothing in the x-movies is being done the way I would want, but I still enjoy them.
      I just think that they need to stick more to the comic story lines. Mainly just to maintain some kind of order to the movie version of the x-universe.
      There are plenty of appropriate characters to use for all the different timelines. If someone is a good enough writer they can make anything work.
      It’s just that they can’t have the original lineup in a movie now unless they ask the audience to ignore a few things or do a total reboot. And the only reason why is because the writers and directors decided to change things up.

  7. HAZMAT says:

    I want the obvious x-men that were mentioned already ^^^ to be in it



    And have the morlocks being the villains!!!! Which means that Marrow will be the main villain…shes SO HOT…and so badass! with her spiked bones coming out of her back and elbows

    Or maybe dont have the morlocks in it and go the vulcan way…which will also be badass…

    • HAZMAT says:

      Or fuck it..have Apocalypse =]

    • chris....the real one says:

      havoc and bishop would be great to see on screen if done right….but idk, some of these super hero movies change the hell outta good comic characters.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Yeah but what if we never live to see them in the big screen broh!?

      Im so fucking scared that theyll have a JLA movie in the year 2103! Or a civil war movie in the 3000s

      I want this shit done in MY LIFETIME!

      Then after Im dead in about 70 years they can remake them

      i WANT to be around when the civil war movie comes out goddammit!

  8. Brian says:

    I’m against making so many changes that it no longer resembles the source material. If that’s the case then just make up your own characters.
    I would be happy if they made Scott, Jean and Hank the focus of the team and maybe include some non-major supporting characters. Or maybe young versions of adult characters we’ve already seen in the x-movie trilogy.
    But if they want to include Warren and Bobby joining the team in the past then it will have to be either a partial or total reboot of the franchise.

    • Rodney says:

      Well it still resembles the source material so I guess you are just fine with it.

      Its not exact, but that’s fine too.

      They wont include Warren and Bobby since they are introduced as students later in the history of the films.

      There is NO NEED for a reboot. They made changes. I am sure you will still sleep at night.

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      hopefully they don’t ruin the francise. marvel should just take back the rights to all of their characters by force and tie it all together in one nice neat little package and make one coheseve unverse. reboot, not really necessary. they don’t have to make anymore x-men (sequel) movies, they could just start off here with first class and make sequels to them all the way up to x-men, but stay in continuity

    • Rodney says:

      Marvel taking back the rights wont “fix” or change anything other than allowing them to crossover characters.

      Beast is an associate member of the Avengers for instance.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Im sure that the Avengers will be a movie thatll make like 100 mil in the first week
      So Im guessing it might get a sequel…if it does..then i want it to include some new avengers…

      So by crossing over they can have wolvie in it or like rodney said, beast
      And spiderman should do that too

      And then, my ultimate movie dream…this is the movie i want made the most…after the avengers movie(s):

      Civil War.

    • chris....the real one says:

      as much as i want to, there will never be a civil war movie, and if they do make it…it’ll prolly be awful

    • Brian says:

      I’m sleeping fine,
      And no one even knows who will be in this movie yet, so for now it’s just wishfull thinking and speculation.
      But the 2 best replacements for Angel and Iceman would be Havok and Polaris.
      And Fox will never let Marvel have the movie rights back. But I wonder what Marvel really sold? Just the X-Men rights or anything Marvel that has anything to do with mutants?

    • Rodney says:

      Fox owns the rights to all the X books. I am sure they have a definitive list somewhere.

      I think Polaris and Havok would be a great story hook.

    • nerrojj says:

      I perceived Warren to be in his mid 20’s and not a student. “I heard this was a safe place” therefore he could just be looking for a place to stay and not enrolling as a student.

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      it will allow them to make the movies the way that they want them made.

  9. chris....the real one says:

    i dont know about this, i was hoping they keep the original first class (beast, cyclops, jean, iceman, and angel) and not create new younger teen x-men.

    to replace bobby and warren id like to see kitty and colossus but they too were new recruits in xmen 3. storm needs more love (she was ass in the movies), and quicksilver will be pretty cool to see. i would hate to see stupid re imaginings of other xmen to fit into this movie.

  10. leeloo says:

    oh good. they can kill cyclops again.

    this is exactly why most prequels suck.
    all of the main characters, storm, cyclops, beast, jean are immune to any real danger since they are in x-men 1-3.

    i dont mind the idea of the young x-men but its just too late to go back to these characters unless they are a peripheral group in a larger story.

    i give it 2 downloads down.

    • Rodney says:

      The entrance to the afterlife in XMen is a revolving door. It’s very common in the comics to have someone come back to life.

      I for one would love to see Jean Grey get separated from her team mates and DIE in First Class then have a mysterious figure with a diamond shape on his forehead quietly replace her with Madeline Pryor but have her pose as Jean. Then there will be a twist on the whole Jean Grey storyline from the XFilms.

      Dum da dum!!!

    • chris....the real one says:

      LOL…that would be awesome..fuckin mr sinister

    • HAZMAT says:


      Actually Mr Sinister would be badass…then have him turn into Apocalypse…after he kills those 12 mutants and gets their souls (or was it 10?)

    • chris....the real one says:

      thats what has always kinda irked me about the xmen movies…they have soo many great villians and stories but the only villan they’ve done right is magneto..and then they took his powers, wtf. apocolypse, sinister, morlocks, etc would be cool to see on the big screen

    • HAZMAT says:


    • Rodney says:

      Sinister was my second fav enemy after magneto. But I always liked the intellectual struggle between magneto and xavier.

      Simister was just… sinister! And he manipulates everything. He would be a perfect enemy.

      Do the Mutant Massacre for Part 4 which would lead perfectly into Part 5 with Apocalypse (Sinister doesn’t turn into Apocalypse)

    • HAZMAT says:

      The way he looks down at the whole world and the way he talks down to everyone makes him so amazingly beast

      I would have liked it if they had magneeto in the 1st one, morlocks in the 2nd one, in the 3rd one sinister turning into Apocalypse midway through the movie…and have the morlocks fight with magneeto and the x men to kill Apocalypse

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      in ultimate x-men, sinister is apacalypse.

  11. Mladen says:

    Who cares about matching up the comics. Seriously. Just think of it as one of those Marvel ‘What-if’ titles.

    I personally am a little bit sick of seeing Wolverine hogging all of these movies. Cool, he’s a good main character, but there’s a ton of great stories they could tell without him. And if they use him in this film there’ll have to be a bunch of writing gymnastics involved to either avoid him meeting all of the x-men or another sudden onset of memory loss for everybody involved… I’m fine with him having a supporting role in this film, but if he’s the main character again I’m not feeling it.

    I’m sure there’s a way to make it work if Gambit is involved (team-up!) since he’s the only surviving hero who has met him so far, and its probable that they’ll bring Gambit back, since everybody loves Gambit (right?)

  12. Darren J Seeley says:

    I still think the main foes will be Jason and Dragon Man.

  13. tzaylor says:

    I would love to see Bobby in First Class. I loved the Xmen trilogy but was left wanting more ice time.

    • Matt K says:

      bobby couldnt be in first class could he? i mean hes just a teen in the first xmen, unless hes gonna be like 5 years old

    • nerrojj says:

      Booby has always been the youngest team member so maybe they will go with that angle.

  14. nerrojj says:

    Angel @ 15-18, non-student because his dad wouldn’t allow it/ solo career

    Beast @ 18-25, just graduated, maybe first teacher

    Cyclops @ 18, student, also see a gleams of Scott’s brothers: Havok (Alex Summers) and Vulcan(Gabriel Summers)

    Iceman @ 10, new student, professor visit with family wanting him to go to his school

    Jean Grey @ 18 student

    Others that should make an appearance:

    Storm @ 18-25 student, maybe teacher

    Emma Frost @ 18 student, love triangle between Scott and Jean

    Colossus @ 15, new student

    Polaris @ 18, student

  15. Matt K says:


    i meant to put that xavier tranfering him mind to “the comatose guy” is implying that he is still alive.


    besides they never revealed if clyclops was dead i mean you never see him die do you and even jean wasnt sure if she killed him, and they are also other xmen besides the ones already introduced, right?

  16. Sean says:

    They can always just introduce Warren as if it was his first appearance, pretending X-Men 3 never happened. I’d go along with it. I’ve been pretending it doesn’t exist since leaving the theater.

    Smart ass comments aside, they have pretty much ignored the history line of the X-Men. It may be that they go with Storm, Cyclops, and Jean. They kind of hinted those were the original members in the first X-Men movie.

  17. Rodney says:

    2 weeks ago there was an episode where Tricia Helfer was undercover as a stripper… need I say more?

  18. T-Vo says:

    If you don’t reboot how can you have an X-4, or will they just let the X-men franchise go away and continue with the First Class storylines. First Class will clash with X-men movies since they can’t have Iceman and Angel. Who would take their place? They can’t even put Kitty Pryde in there and with Emma Frost in The origins movie, who else would be in First Class? Beast, Cyclops, Jean Grey and who and who? I don’t see how they can continue with both movie franchises at the same time. Its Fox’s pitiful attempt to keep the rights of the characters. Enought with origin stories already. Rodney, who said I didn’t care for the films? I stated the things I didn’t like about the films but I really like the first two and appreciated what was trying to be done in X-3, but X-3 kinda killed all momemetum and continuity for any future X-Men movies, if it wasn’t for the Professor X cameo at the end, all hope would’ve been lost for any future X-men

  19. Rodney says:

    Who says they are going to use the same class as the comic? Because all the other movies were so specific on rosters?

    First Class will be about Xavier’s FIRST CLASS, not specifically with Bobby and Warren. In fact because the movie WILL be in canon with the rest it guarantees it will NOT have Iceman and Angel.

    You are jumping to the conclusion that they will shoot themselves in the foot and include iceman and angel alongside Cyclops, Jean and Beast.

    X-3 didn’t kill anything. And if you ever read the X-Men comics Professor X comes and goes many times throughout the books history. We don’t have to have the professor to have an Xmen.

  20. Matt K says:

    also xavier put transfered his mind into “the comatose guy”

  21. Rodney says:

    And his voice sounded just like Patrick Stewart, so you know they are going to spin it so that Patrick still plays him.

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