X-Men Animated Series Season 1 and 2 on DVD

Posted by Rodneyon 29. 04. 2009in News Chat

X-Men is not just a popular movie franchise, but it has held its own corners of TV Land as well. Any of the Live Action attempts failed at the pilot stage, and the only one to have any wings to it was Mutant X, which had a strong resemblance to the X-Men, based on Marvel’s concept of mutants and even bore the Marvel branding during the credits despite having nothing to do with the Marvel Universe.

But the various animated series have been fairly successful and it all owes its success to the first series to dare a season after the failed X-Men 80s pilot Pryde of the X-Men.


Walt Disney Home Video has released two DVD volumes of the popular 1990′s ‘X-Men’ animated series. Launched in October of 1992 by the Fox Network, the series aired on Saturday mornings and met tremendous success. For the first time comic book fans were given the opportunity to see their favorite X-Men stories told in an animated form that honored the original material. The “Night of the Sentinels” two-part episode originally aired as a “sneak preview” even though it truly wasn’t ready for broadcast. There were many animation errors in these two episodes, but the errors were later corrected when Fox re-aired the pilot in early 1993.

Back in the day these were the first collected TV Series I ever bought. Granted being the dinosaur that I am, this was available in VHS format with ONE EPISODE per tape. I had the entire first season of videos including the three part season finale that dealt with the Dark Phoenix Saga.

For the most part, this animated series was the closest thing to the comics of that same time.

I liked X-Men Evolution, and the new Wolverine and The X-Men and there will likely be 3 dozen more animated series. This one just reminds me of a simpler times and I will likely pick it up out of nostlatia sake. But also because I never had the second season. My favourite episode (with Nightcrawler) was on that second season.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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42 Responses to “X-Men Animated Series Season 1 and 2 on DVD”

  1. chris....the real one says:

    i def gonna get this thing here….this has to be the best show based on a comic seris ever, hands down. the phoenix saga cartoon series is what got me into comics in the 1st place…

    • SlashBeast says:

      Actually, Batman the Animated Series undeniably takes the title as best show based on a comic series.

  2. Brent L says:

    This is awesome.. even tho I have a homemade DVD .. both seasons with menus and stuff… a friend made it for me.. this will be awesome to pick up

  3. HAZMAT says:

    I had my first sex dream about Rogue when I was like 9.

    X-Men is like a fucking porno. Do their tits NEED be that big??

    Im not being a douche here trying to start a stupid conversation….im serious:

    My little brothers play the X-Men games and when the “loading” screen comes up…they show SO MUCH cleave in those loading poster moments! Its inappropriate for my little 6 year old brother to be looking inside Jean Greys shirt at her WAY TO BIG TO BE HUMAN breasts

    And yes, rated E games do the same shit

    Only female hero with normal looking tits:


    And aunt May but she has no powers (unless you count the power to survive a huge sniper bullet from penetrating your torso….happened in Civil War)

    • HAZMAT says:

      And in this series Rodneys talking about^^^^ they used seduction SO fucking much its not even funny…especially Storm

      In the old show I remember Storm and some other female trying to lure some dude out of jail…yeah the guy was in jail and they were lap dancing/cat walking all over the prison hallway

    • chris....the real one says:

      i sadly felt the same way….i wanted all the yellow on rogues costume to be flesh..lol

    • chancepassenger says:

      remember all those marvel “swimsuit edition” comic books that came out once a year? with artists like jim lee, whilce, etc…

    • chris....the real one says:

      lol sure do…wizard did the same thing sometimes

    • B A T M A N says:

      those were the days lol.

    • John says:

      Hehe yeah, that show was obscene…

      1. Draw impossibly hot naked woman
      2. Remove nipples
      3. Colour in any colour but pink, add belt and tiny jacket.
      Result: good old family-friendly cartooning :P

  4. gene czech says:

    hey rodney what did you think of batman the animated seris? I liked that better then x-men. X-men was still good though.

  5. 3R!C says:

    Finally!!! This is best news you guys posted today next to the new Transformers trailer.

    I grew up watching the animated series as a kids, this is awesome!

  6. TheRZA says:

    This show introduced me to the Marvel U and was my favorite cartoon, second only to Spider-Man, growing up. Especially loved when the two would cross-over.

  7. Rodney says:

    An update for you guys unfortunate enough to catch the latest Troll attack. We are usually quicker at solving these problems. The offending comments and those attached to them were all removed.

    That particular poster (and sadly his brother) will be unable to continue posting here. Ever.

    Thanks for coming by!

  8. gene czech says:

    Hey rodney. Im sorry about my post. I was just trying to defend you.

    • Rodney says:

      No worries. Anything in response to the troll just looked out of place once he was banned.

      People like that just make themselves look bad. I don’t have to insult them. They do a fine job on their own. lol

  9. gene czech says:

    Also what did you think of batman beyond? That show was fucking awesome.

  10. chancepassenger says:

    loved this show when i was a kid. also loved how the show did their own takes on days of future past, the bishop storyline (gambit as the “traitor”), and of course cable! man… brings back memories

  11. Sam says:

    It’s about fuckin’ time!

  12. Brian says:

    I never really watched that much of this show back in the 90s. I think I was coming off of my 5+ year X-Men high. All the spin-off tiles and bad 90s artwork turned me off. But in the process of reading all the old uncanny x-men so might have to check this show out. Were the New Mutants ever in any episodes?

  13. Yamo says:

    i walk in at my old job and my ex-boss told me about the dvds and i jizzed i got all the batman we just need the spiderman cartoons of the 90s and i can die happy.

  14. NoneJudgeDoom says:

    Has everybody forgotten about Spiderman and his amazing friends? The X-Men first appeared with spidey to fight the Juggernaut but it’s not on DVD. Walt Disney owns the rights to that series too. Disney is sitting on my childhood memories and I want it back!

    • Rodney says:

      They made that appearance and they tried a pilot X-Men show “Pryde of the X-Men” that basically introduced the X-Men through the eyes of their newest member Kitty Pryde.

      Wolverine had an Australian accent because they couldnt figure out how to make him sound “Canadian”

    • Kaneda979 says:

      “Wolverine had an Australian accent because they couldnt figure out how to make him sound “Canadian””

      LOL, that’s awesome, is that really how uncultured America was back then?

      I remember that pilot and I’m glad someone else does too. I remember thinking it was so bad ass, aside from Wolverine’s bad voice acting choice. I was telling my friends in school all that week that there’s this awesome new animated X-Men series that started and that they should check it out. Then that next weekend when the next episode was suppose to air, it never did and I was like “what the hell”?

      I love how the basic plot of this show, which got canceled, was basically later used for the movies. They just replaced Kitty Pryde with Rogue. Also, while Wolverine had an Australian accent in the cartoon, they got an Australian to play Wolverine in the movies. Genius! ;p

  15. Spence says:

    sweet, i loved this series. i remember I would watch these every morning before the bus would come. There were many times that i almost mmissed the bus because of them. Thats sad, isnt it.

  16. free virtual worlds says:

    oh yes nightcrawler is coolest.

  17. ButterOnMyPopcorn says:

    Loved this show when I was in my “early years”. The animation unfortunately does not hold up.

  18. Kaneda979 says:

    Bad ass, I love this series. I’ve been waiting for it to make it to DVD for years now. They’ve kept taunting me by playing them on JETIX for some time. Definitely picking these up. Thanks for the heads up.

    Now they just need to get Eek the Cat out on DVD already.

  19. Phil Gee says:

    I’ll definately be picking up these and I just hope they release all the seasons.

    They re-releasing G.I.Joe on DVD in a few months and I really hope they get to put out the whole two seasons of that. The original releases came out years ago, stopped before they reached the end of season 2 and cost a fortune from ebay now.

  20. nbakid2000 says:

    I wasn’t allowed to watch X-Men as a child and I finally saw some of the episodes on an old VHS tape I got from my friend and really enjoyed them.

    In fact, just recently I started watching cartoons I missed back then due to strict parents…TMNT, X-Men, The Tick…

  21. obi-wan kubrick says:

    This was by far the best animated series of the 90′s along side Batman and Gargoyles. Bryan Singer watched these for influence of his X-Men films. I can’t wait to get these.

  22. Joseph says:

    Wow, Wow, Wow,.

    I just finished watching both Vol. 1 & 2 and it was amazeing. The Dvd’s are set up so perfect asseason one begins to role into season 2 , 2 into 3 etc.

    I hope they decide to reaslese the next 2 volumes quickly. Is there anywhere to post , and request they make the next volumes.

  23. Robert Schuh says:

    when will they make DVD’s of the 1980′s animated cartoon uncanny x-men where magneto later becomes the headmaster of the x-men school.or is it already out on dvd or is just a rare dvd collection because I am looking for all the seasons of the 1980′s animated cartoon uncanny x-men on dvd.

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