Wolverine Reshoots Explained

Posted by Rodneyon 27. 04. 2009in News Chat

Its the ones closest to you that hurt you the most.

I have a lot of hope for X-Men Origins Wolverine. I have been reveling in these movies for a long time now. As a comic book collector I have been waiting a LONG time and this is a golden age. Then some retard steals the movie and puts in on the net unfinished. A lot of the criticism trying to rain on my parade are basing their assessment of the movie on an unfinished cut.

But this assessment is based off an unfinished workprint that is said to be missing some footage and a lot of effects.

FilmJunk says:

Director Gavin Hood said that Fox had a tradition of hiding “easter eggs” in their films (the hidden scene at the end of X-Men: The Last Stand, for example), and although he didn’t say how many different endings there would be, at least one of them is related to the Deadpool character. Apparently Fox is hoping that fanboys will go see the movie multiple times in order to see each of the different stingers after the credits.

I have no doubt that they would want to add footage, finish the movie, hell they might even be taking the critiques as the biggest un-invited test market of all to make some tweaking changes.

But multiple endings?? Does this just sound like “insurance for boxoffice receipts” to you?

I am torn, because if this leak never happened I would probably geek over this like a good little fanboy. But right now it feels like a counteroffer.

I don’t want this to taint my anticipation of the film, but on the other hand it might actually give me more hope as the idea sets in.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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58 Responses to “Wolverine Reshoots Explained”

  1. Matt K says:

    its probably just to put asses in the theatre

  2. Kinoo says:

    I caught a screening in Paris and after the credits, I got to see a scene of Wolvie drinkng “to remember” in a japanese bar, maybe hinting for a sequel based on the Japan adventures of Logan ? !

  3. Rob says:

    Wow….multiple endings that you have to go see the movie more than once to see?

    WTF…that’s bullshit. I would just see the movie once at the theater and youtube the alternate endings. Who wants to pay $10 to see an alternate ending of a movie? I feel ripped off every time I pay $10 for a FULL movie, now I gotta pay it again to see a bonus min of extra ending.

    I don’t get to pissed at the movie industry, even when they screw up franchises like video games and anime…but this is effin ridiculous.

    And who says if you go again tom see the new ending that you will even see the right one? You might see the same ending again.

    • Rodney says:

      I don’t feel ripped off going to see something that cost MILLIONS to make that I get to enjoy for the very low price of $10.

      No more than if I buy a novel that costs $10 and get to enjoy that as well. Or the lunch I buy that cost $10.

      The multiple endings might be there to lure multiple viewings, but it does not guarantee it. Multiple alternatives, including the bluray that is destined to find its way to my DVD shelf solve that.

  4. party marty says:

    Im expecting youtube with have all the endings in bootleg, so I doubt this will work.

  5. 3R!C says:

    The endings will be on the DVD and Blu-Ray. No real need to see it twice. They’re thinking they’ll be losing money due to the pirated copy, so now they’re pulling out easter eggs left and right.

  6. T-Vo says:

    Over at Aintitcoolnews, they had someone who saw both versions and said they are the exact same, minus the special effects.

  7. AARON says:

    yeah the “drinking to remember” line was awesome. I’m actually thinking of seeing it this weekend

  8. Jeremy K. says:

    Clue: Good use of multiple endings.
    This: Bad use of multiple endings.

    It’s one thing to put a final scene after the credits, it is something entirely different to make multiple final scenes and try to twist the arm of the audience to see the movie several times to see each ending. Just think if when this is released on DVD they followed suit and released multiple DVDs with different ending after the credits… I would laugh a lot.

    • Rodney says:

      Jeremy, CLUE had the last 20 minutes of the movie different with multiple endings.

      These will be multiple “stingers”. Short clips after the credits roll that will be different. Not at all like how Clue changed the movie.

      Thats what a stinger is.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Yes, Rodney, I do understanding the difference between the two. When I am saying endings I mean final scenes. No, I am not stupid enough to think that an ending before the credits and a final scene after the credits are the same thing. I am just pointing out that there is a good use for multiple final scenes and bad use of final scenes. Creating different final scenes for a theatrical movie is a bad use. It’s almost as bad as those damn video games that provide exclusive content depending on which system you buy it for.

      (PS.. I am still waiting for a Masters of the Universe 2, why else show Skeletor coming out of the red water after the credits? In other words, I am old enough to know that a movie ends with the credits and anything after is a “stinger”. It was just easier wording it the way I did.)

  9. cloud720 says:

    So who else is planning on see this in theaters anymore?

    • Rodney says:

      I am.

      It would be ignorant to assume that because you have seen the work print that everyone else has. Or that it would stop them from going to see it.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      I am not planning on seeing it in the theater, but that has nothing to do with the work print (which I did not bother with seeing) or this news. I am still recovering from the awefullness of X-Men 3 so many years later that anything X-Men movie related is still a turn off. Plus, there are just to many other movies I want to see in May: Angels and Demons, Terminator Salvation, Up, and Star Trek just to name a few. I’ll netflix Wolverine when it comes out on DVD, though.

    • cloud720 says:

      Well yes, I have seen the workprint, but i was still planing on seeing it in theaters. If I had not seen the workprint I would still wait for the dvd. After the credits or not i still feel like it is part of the movie. I wouldnt want to go to the theater multiple times to get the complete experience.

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      i am still going to see it in the theater, even though i did not like what i saw in the bootleg. Hell, who didn’t go see the re-re-release of the original star wars trilogy? I saw all but a new hope in theaters when they were first released, same movie with jsut a couple of added scenes, nothing really changed but i went a couple of times. it’s just to get that theater experience.
      what they needed to do was follow the cannon more closely then reading the basics, taking a crap and using that as the story. i’m so upset i can’t think straigh.help me obi-wan…either way i’ll see it once on a weekend morning for $6.00. can’t beat that.

    • alfie says:

      its not so much the work print that should stop people from going. its more the fact that the film looks fucking terrible.

    • Rodney says:

      I don’t know where the hate is coming from.

      Trailers looked fine to me and everyone I know who has seen it (the movie - not the workprint) hasn’t hated it.

      Rotten Tomatoes has a positive mark on it already

    • blackbeard says:

      what “hate” rodney, some people just think it looks stupid. like i do, adding tons of random mutants that will prolly have little background wont make me think otherwise. its basically x-men 4 with wolverine as the focus, like the other 3.

      • Rodney says:

        And the XMen movies were all very financially successful. So you are surprised they are sticking with a winning formula? And yes, Wolverine was a focal point of the first movie because he is the MOST POPULAR Charcter of the entire franchise. Again, you are surprised. But XMen 3 was less about Logan and more about other mutants, but that’s the one everyone says they hate?

        And the “tons of random mutants” are FUN for comic book fans. They are just background to everyone else but with about a half century of content can you blame them for putting in some Easter Eggs?

        Some people just go out of their way to dislike something on purpose. But when there is a review of the film, we will see if people like this direction or not. I guarantee you not everyone will like it. Thats just part of movies.

      • blackbeard..lol says:

        did i show any kind of surprise in my post. i understand that if a movie makes money (good or not) they will shoot out sequels that are more of the same, its common sense.

        im one of those that doesnt like this direction. just because im not a fan of the way they handled the x-men im going out of my way to dislike it? come on.

        im a comic fan and throwing in random mutants just for the sake of it doesnt sit well with me. im not “hating” (God i hate that term, lol) its just not my cup of tea.

      • cloud720 says:

        I really hope to see a review from both you and John after the movie is released

      • Jeremy K. says:

        Funny, I was just discussing these movies with a friend not to long ago. My point was that all three of the movies put a huge focus on Wolverine, and now that I have had him thrust down my throat for three movies straight, seeing one solely based on him just does not interest me. The first X-Men Wolverine joins them and makes his mark, second one they cover how he got his claws and spent the end at the frozen lake where he had it done, the third one he lead the new younger mutants and was the only one that could stop the Phoenix. I felt that they focused on him quite a bit in the third movie, but maybe that is just me. I did not like the third movie just because they started killing off major players and causing other major players to lose their powers. It’s a dramatic effect if one or two major people has this happen to them, but the number of main characters they took out of the playing field was ridiculous. Comparatively it is like the older Batman movie throwing to many villains into a single movie… it’s just to much for one movie and kinda ruins the experience because of it.

      • Jeremy K. says:

        Damn, I hate when I forget to hit “Reply”. The above was supposed to be a reply to Rodney’s comment a few posts up.

    • alfie says:

      my hate is coming from the fact that to me the film looks absolutely terrible. I actually cringe and kind of feel sorry for everyone involved.

      jackman needs a hit as outside of xmen what has he really had that has done well?? his career must be on running on fumes

      the fountain (which I loved but hardly set the rest of the world alight)
      and one of the biggest cinematic crimes of the past ten years van helsing.

      the prestige was great but again not a massive huge hit.

      when you look at his filmography its paints a fairly grizzly picture of bad bad movies so if this tanks he is in trouble as this is his baby.

      i expect a massive opening but a huge drop off.

      and so far the RT rating maybe good but when you read them some of them a pretty marginal….borderline.
      Mark my words the RT rating is going to plummet once more critics reviews come in.

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      special effects don’t make a movie.

  10. jaffahut says:

    Well, 5 fresh reviews at Rotten Tomatoes so far :D

    As I understood, it opens here tomorrow, but I’m not That excited about it. I might wait a few weeks, till the theaters are nearly empty so I don’t have to listen to the kid next to me eating candy & popcorn, chatting with his buddy through the film :P

  11. Haole says:

    Why not just let all the endings play during the end credits?
    I still think they should have done that for the end of Return of the King, have a basic ending and then as the end credits roll, show the other endings for the different characters, more of a epilogue…

  12. Kristina says:

    Who the hell would go see a movie that many times just to see different easter eggs, all of which will be on Youtube in a matter of days?

    • Phil Gee says:

      It won’t even take that long. The film opens on Wednesday 29th over here. All the endings will be on Youtube THAT day.

      They always let us know about these easter eggs ahead of time and because of that, the people with the camera phones sit through all the credits armed and ready to film the hidden ending just so they can be the ones to share it with the world, get it embedded on tons of movie websites, and get a couple of thousand views for their Youtube channel before it gets taken down, thus eliminating the need for even the most ardent Wolverine or Hugh Jackman fan to pay to see the film again.

      I’m guessing that I get to choose my coda on the DVD.

    • Kristina says:

      Of course YOU get to pick, Phil.

      You’re royalty! :)

    • Phil Gee says:

      And you are far too kind to me. I don’t deserve you Kristina.

  13. robertwolf says:

    Wow Fox! What a bunch of decent guys you are. I slap down 9 Euro for a ticket and I may not see the ending I want, I have to throw down another 9 Euro in another theater to see it. Yeah…What about I just check it out online after the film because there’s no way I’m risking my money in a lotto type situation.

    Just because Fox fucked up and the workprint was stolen, doesn’t mean we should get caught in the crossfire like this.

    • Rodney says:

      So someone steals the workprint from them and its FOX’s fault?

      I know its all trendy cool to bash Fox, but honestly.. BLAMING THEM for being stolen from is pretty weak.

    • robertwolf says:

      Maybe I’m a little too harsh saying it’s Fox’s fault, but I feel it’s up to Fox to protect their own work, their responsibility and because of the workprint being stolen by someone from Fox, we got multiple endings as a result to suck the money dry from fans.

      I love Deadpool, I want to see this ending with Deadpool, but should I really have to go to multiple showings and toss down more then what I should be paying for? No.

    • Rodney says:

      That is a lot harsh to blame Fox for the leak. If someone wants to steal something then they will find a way to do it no matter what the precautions they take to prevent it.

      I imagine they will have stingers for all the main characters, and I would think theaters would label the showings (Ending 1, 2, 3 etc) to assure you that if you are going to go to the movie again (fanboys do that) that at least you have the chance to see the different stinger.

      I don’t know that people will go TO see the different endings, but it is common for fans to go more than once, so its an added benefit for them anyways.

  14. spiderfreak182 says:

    im against bootlegging, but when this film comes out, im glad it exists so i can watch the other endings online.

  15. Kiddo says:

    I would like to see this opening weekend, sadly it looks like all cities in Mexico are closing down public spaces like cinemas because of the swine flu. Already in Mexico City cinemas are officially closed, also theaters, churches, schools, among other places.
    Man Fox must be going crazy, first the piracy thing now you have the swine flu panic affecting some of their markets.

  16. Kevin says:

    This just seems like a way of trying to brush off the pirated copy. It just doesn’t seem like they had planned on doing this until it leaked out, and now they are just trying every pathetic thing they can think of to get those people who pirated it back in the theaters. This small piece in the end won’t get me into the theaters, I may go see it, but I’m still kinda jaded after the nightmare that was X-men 3.

  17. bigsampson says:

    idc i thought the movie was a 6/10
    mainly cause it was a big budget movie and the action was kinda lame n stale imo. (EDITED FOR SPOILERS)

  18. chris....the real one says:

    ill see it once…seems like a corny way to get repeated viewers.

    one of those endings is gonna be deadpool putting on his trademark mask and/or talking to the audience

  19. Kristina says:

    Is it just me, or is this starting to reek of desperation on Fox’s part? They know a ton of folks have already seen the movie, so they are busting out a million bells and whistles to get our money. “Reshoots! Cool effects! Easter eggs!” Gotta admire their hustle. I haven’t seen a studio this desperate to boost their opening weekend in a while.

  20. David Lopan says:

    I dig the idea of multiple endings. Clue did that, and I enjoyed it! Haha! I’m not paying attention to reviews on it, nor did I watch the workprint. I’m gonna see it in theaters, the way its intended to be seen and make my assessment. My opinion from seeing the trailer isn’t that great, but I’ve been surprised by movies in the past. Hopefully this will too.

  21. Mladen says:

    whoah, this is like variant covers. This has GOT to be the most comic-accurate movie yet!

  22. fullmetal_medji says:

    The wolverine endings are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.

  23. o-pop says:

    dude they just need to ruin house of M and just get it over with already

  24. Darren J Seeley says:

    At first when I read Rodney’s post my heart sank. What the heck is this? 28 Daze X-Men Later? and that “multiple endings” meant, that even for a prequel, nobody quite knew how to end the movie.

    But as I read on, I nodded my head. I getcha now. Zingers.
    Then I read the comments and my jaw crashes to the floor.


    Fox and Marvel. Marvel and Fox. Love the pair or hate the combination, we got to give them props.

    - In the studio cut of Daredevil there was a zing regarding Bullseye (restored in SE Dir Cut DVD)

    -Fantastic Sore Rise Of The Silver Dollar: I mean, you know, Fanatastic Four Rise Of The Silver Surfer, we saw Norrin Radd survive.

    We still await the true X-Men follow up which will be at least in part take place on Muir Isle, as the Last Stand zinger suggested.

    Of course, who can forget Marvel themselves treating the masses to last year’s (heavily spoiled) zinger in Iron Man?

    Folks have to sit through the credits somehow. Besides, while I haven’t seen the zings, from what I’ve been spoiled by the (negative) comments, at least two consist of:

    * A possible tease for Wolverine II

    * A possible tease for X Men Origins: Deadpool.

    * A possible tease for X Men First Class (Patrick Stewart lends his voice to a scene, we have young Cyke)

    * An event that could loosely tie into the Magneto spinoff.

    Whatever. I’m down with it, y’know?

    As for stuff goin on YouTube within a few hrs, it won’t surprise me, but not everyone who stays to watch the clips while the credits roll has a camera pointed at the screen Right?

    While I would have liked a follow up to Last Stand, (which I don’t think for one second was horrible- we know Prof X survived somehow, if we’re on Muir Island unleash Proteus as a duex es machina and he can alter reality to reverse the deaths of Cyclops, Jean Grey, Senator Kelly*, etc.

    *which also leaves Days Of Futures Past open as well.
    Hey I seen requests for Cable so much…if he shows up in a flick, Jean’s dead, Cyke’s dead. Good luck on that.

  25. Brandon says:

    It’s this simple I would not pay to see the movie twice for a diffrent ending especially AFTER the credits, end of story.

    They will all likely be on the DVD. (Scratch that they will probaly release a seperate DVD for each ending…”Best Buy Deadpool ending exclusive,” I can see it now.)

    Plus, How do you know what ending your getting!?! (I did not read all the comments if someone explained this)

    I would pay to see the movie more than once if it is really good, I saw Batman “onscreen” twice for example.

    On the other hand I paid seven bucks to see the “Revenge of the Sith” teaser trailer and then walked out of the theatre so Apples and Oranges

    Ok enough…I got to go BUY my tix for the movie Friday.

  26. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    it is not a bad movie, but it is not good. it is however very entertaining, and a perfect example that fox doesn’t know what the hell they are doing with the x-francise.

  27. HAZMAT says:

    Okay first of all, all of you that are wining about all the mutants need to STFU because all of you fans were PLEADING and WEEPING that gambit and deadpool should be in it. And tell me the truth, if Gambit and Deadpool werent in this, would you be as interested in seeing it? Thought so

    2nd, the trailers look nothing short of awesome. I still re-watch them

    And yes, dont deny it, there IS hate, I saw the movie and it was fucking awesome, thats my opinion but whatever, I think its the best of the 4 so far.

    Another thing I keep hearing, Deadpool has no mask. Of COURSE he has no mask, this is weapon x not cable vs deadpool!! He puts the mask on later on! This is just when he gets his cancer cured with the healing and he gets all of those powers like teleporting.

  28. alfie says:

    Looks like I was right - RT rating has plummeted to 45% now that more reviews are coming in……

    • alfie says:

      and down a further 5% percent….41….and dropping fast.

      big opening….massive drop. thats what will happen.

  29. Matt K says:

    chill out dude

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