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Twilight 2 - First Pic Of The Wolf Pack

By John - April 22, 2009 - 08:34 America/Montreal

I never understood what all the hype around Twilight was all about. I mean come on… it’s nothing new. It’s a concept that’s been done 1000 times. A vampire, who is also a GOOD vampire, falls in love with a mortal girl. Been there, done that too many times to remember. But I was surprised that I actually really enjoyed Twilight. Not the best movie, but pretty damn solid.

Anyway, as most of you know they’re already well underway in filming Twilight 2 (New Moon), and members of “Team Jacob” (it shames me that I actually know what that is) will be pleased to see the first official pic of the Wolf Pack. USA Today gives us this:

Four actors — Chaske Spencer, Alex Meraz, Kiowa Gordon and Bronson Pelletier, all with Native American heritage — join Taylor Lautner, 17, who returns as a hairier, scarier Jacob Black. The plotline finds Jacob growing closer to a distraught Bella (Kristen Stewart) after her vampire beau, Edward, runs off.

Yea yea yea… I admit it. I’m looking forward to this next flick to see which way it goes. I’ve never read the books, and I won’t because I don’t want to spoil the movie watching experience… but I’ve been tempted.


  1. Ryan says:

    I love me some naked Indians.

  2. The Jim Walker says:

    **sniff** **sniff** I smell an airbrush.

    PS - John! Good to have you back posting regularly! Welcome back! (Even though you never really left… So welcome, uh, around!)

    PPS - You couldnt stay away from a story about half naked men, could ya! j/k.

  3. MEDavidson says:

    ZOMG! Designed for the women folk. Or is Victor Salva now directing?

  4. Jenny says:

    I am looking forward to this too. I didn’t think the movie was that great on it’s own merits, but I am quite curious on how the next one will go, and so far the wolf pack looks better than I thought(though some may not look as bulky as I would have hoped, but I can only ask for so much).

    As for the books, I will warn you that they are addictive. Literary heroin. You won’t emerge into the real world for a few days. Be forwarned.

  5. Meli says:

    I caught this picture online last night and my jaw dropped a little…
    There might be some airbrushing in the promo picture, but all those guys are naturally good looking.
    I wasn’t a huge of Twilight the movie and I’ve been skeptical about how well New Moon will turn ou;, however with the recent casting news I have to say I’m a bit hopeful that Weitz is going to deliver a good flick. I’m feeling excited for Nov 20th…as a fan of the books I would really like to have a good follow up.

  6. Gutpunch says:

    A gay classic in the making.

    • RonSalon says:

      Hip, Hip hooray! Nothing wrong with that. And from a gay man’s perspective…the one on the left is the most attractive.

      @MEDavidson said, ZOMG! Designed for the women folk.

      -and gay men.

  7. AnnOra says:

    This picture is reminiscent of my favorite Vegas show - CHIPPENDALE’S! Just another way to get girls’ vaginas tingling :) I’m definitely looking forward to New Moon.

  8. Jano says:

    Write Comment here. Before you do, review these rules:
    1) Stay on topic
    2) Disagree and debate, but no insulting other commenters or the author
    3) off topic messages for the author should be emailed directly, not left as a comment.

  9. Jano says:

    Sorry about the previous post…

    I thought Twilight was awful, I will think twice before giving a chance to any of its sequels (this may be goind of topic but “Let the right one in” appears to be a better alternative -haven’t seen it yet though)

  10. Zach says:

    I don’t understand the popularity of this series either. There’s been so many renditions of this kind of thing and this embarrassingly pales to the rest of them…I recently saw Let the Right One In, a similar movie with the roles switched (girl vampire) and it’s fantastic…

    • Meli says:

      I’m not directing this comment entirely at you, but the whole comparing Twilight and Let the Right One In is getting old. I don’t feel it’s a valid agruement because they’re two completely different movies. Just because both movies have a vampire and human romance storyline doesn’t make them the same.
      Twilight is a teenage romance geared for teenage girls to swoon and giggle over an angsty and flowery fairy tale of a story.
      Let the Right One In is a chilling, beautiful story of survival for a child vampire living in a modern world.

  11. Kiddo says:

    Let’s hope this is better than the first one,
    I was somewhat disappointed with it.
    The director for sure is better.

  12. bigsampson says:

    Dude twilight was fucking horrible…..bad special effects…horrible teen over acting ( and underacting, trying to capture the teen idc tude)
    i watched it 60% through and i thought wow this movie is like high school the musical without singing.

  13. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    the first one was alright, I could care less,but will probably see the second one-the best part, i have no expectations what-so-ever. never read the books, don’t plan on reading them anytime soon. i know the whole story and if its good i’ll admit it and if its bad i’ll never let you forget it.

    pure entertainment, and i’m fine with that.

  14. Chris Dillon says:

    they were probably hard pressed to find 4 native americans.

  15. prahanormal says:

    OH COME ON. I don’t care how much you like this series, this is the gayest image I have ever seen. It’s not even subtle at all.

    • chris....the real one says:

      LMAO..this was on my screen when my lil brother came downstairs…very akward

  16. HAZMAT says:

    This is bull

    My senior class looks as buff as those dudes

    thats all they are…dudes

    In the books they were supposed to look 30 and be 7 feet tall and be as muscular as hulk hogan

    And yeah yeah yeah..I cant always get what I want..yadda yadda yadda

    But REALLY. How hard is it to for ONCE have a movie that gets something fucking RIGHT. How hard is it?? Just cast dudes that look like werewolves…these guys look like theyre about to do my taxes (naked)

    Like, I totally get some things not being exactly like the book…like watchmens ending…that was necessary…or transformers…the whole lego looking robots COULDNT be left unchanged….THIS, on the other hand, CAN be changed and it would be very simple, cast other people.


  17. HAZMAT says:

    And I want to know which ones playing Sam so i can personally follow him and blow dart steroids in his neck while hiding behind the bushes behind his appartment

  18. HAZMAT says:

    Omg John I know this is irrelevant but…holy shit dude its funny

    Remember the vieo you posted about superman being in the dark knight? theres a #2…


  19. alfie says:

    Twilight was atrocious.
    the directing, the acting, the story - everything.

    If it wasn’t based on popular books it would have gone straight to dvd.


    it was about as good as the airbrushing on these abs.

  20. Doug (not Nagy) says:

    First, I’m always way behind on the internet slang. Can someone tell me what ZOMG means and, if you know, where it came from.

    Second, admittedly, I haven’t read the books and only seen half of Twilight, but it seems like a ripoff of Angel. If I’m wrong, I apologize.

    Third, the guy on the right looks like a 12 year old vegetarian. Just sayin.

  21. EggaMoobyMuffin says:

    I love seeing these dumb teen crazes try to fling like little birds they fly for a little bit then start to fall and fall and fall then right into an alligators mouth, and then here dead, its very amusing to watch, like Hanson or the olsen twins, this series is only a phase, those homo erotics in the photo will be begging for change in 2 years lol

  22. MechoPower says:

    I agree with HAZMAT…I mean what the fuck…The physical traits of the guys/wolves was given in the book and that shit up there is not it. Granted, I know its going to be hard to find real physical specimens to match the story but who is going to believe those turds up there are going to turn into massive wolves that dont whip ass!!! I read the books (obvioulsy) and was drawn in but the first movie killed everything for me…that was terrible…should have been B-rate. I am still going to see the movie though (damn curiosity!!!).

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