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Turkish Rambo coming to DVD

By Rodney - April 15, 2009 - 23:36 America/Montreal

There has been a lot of talk about copyright violation around these parts lately and no one knows how to rip of something that isn’t theirs like the Turks. No, not all Turks, specifically I am talking about the creators of the cult sensation “Turkish Star Wars” that was made by ripping off soundtrack, scenes from Star Wars (and others) combined with footage filmed of Turkish actors to make their own film.

Well Dark Maze is making its Turkish Rambo (titled: Rampage) available on DVD. Oh the movie is likely to be of such “high quality” as their previous releases. Check out the trailer:

I about projectiled my diet cola from my nose when the Rambo guy was hauling off with his impressive rocket launcher and the shell flops out of the end and they don’t even try to hide the telltale “thoomp” noise.



  1. Matt K says:

    “his mission is to kick ass, and eat cabash, then kick some more ass”


  2. geoff says:

    i like how he shuts his eyes when he’s shooting. rofl

  3. DirkAnger says:

    Crap - tastic!

  4. dave stopher says:

    that looks funny as lol!!!

  5. bigsampson says:

    coming to dvd’s for the first time EVER!

    lol fooomp

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