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Tom Rothman talks Aliens, Avatar, X-Men and More

By Rodney - April 28, 2009 - 10:05 America/Montreal

Robert Sanchez at IESB.net ambushed Tom Rothman of Fox at the Wolverine Premier in Arizona to ask about some of the projects coming down the line. Robert asks him about returning to the Alien franchise for a prequel, and this is Rothman’s answer:

Rothman said of the possible Aliens film, “There’s been some talk. Ridley Scott, Ridley is right now working on Robin Hood, but I think he’s toying with the idea and that would be great for us. I mean, it’s always been a matter of, really, if you can get the originator to do it that would be the greatest thing, so I’ve got my fingers crossed, all of them.”

The article also hits up on some other key tidbits that I will fire out bullet point style

- Robert Sanchez of IESB has Sources.
- Robert Rodriguez will be rebooting Predators (Rothman calls him Creative Godfather -writing/producing)
- Daredevil Reboot is eventually going to happen
- Wolverine Stingers will hint at what films will come next in the X-Franchise
- No comment on Reboot Fantastic Four
- You better be at Comic Con if you want to see more about Avatar.

The intersting quote by Rothman in the interview is that he describes Avatar as “THE movie that will change the way we see movies” but then continues to say that even if it wasn’t for the revolutionary effects and technological marvel, the real thing to look forward to is the “totally great kickass emotionally driven story”.

That makes me more excited for the movie than any of the tech advancements it promises to reveal.

Check out IESB.net to see the video of the Interview.


  1. Phil Gee says:

    “Robert Sanchez at IESB.net ambushed Tom Rothman”

    That’s something a lot of us would like to do ;)

    …And according to James Cameron, he and Ridley Scott approached Fox about teaming up to make Alien 5 a few years ago and they said they’d rather make ‘Alien Vs. Predator’.

  2. Matt K says:

    -rodriguez rebooting predator seems like a bad idea, i would rather see a sequel than a reboot, but i am still looking forward to see how it turns out.

    -looking forward to daredevil reboot

    -want to see fantastic four reboot, just glad alba wont be sue storm anymore

    • Matt K says:

      i really dont want to have an origin for the aliens(xenomorphs), but hopefully the make this one as great as “alien” and “aliens

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      why would they even consider a reboot? there are so many directions that the franchise can go with out making sequals, prequals, versus, or any other b.s.

    • Rodney says:

      If there so so much more to do… then its a sequel. If it doesnt fit with the franchise its a reboot or remake.

      You don’t make sense.

    • Rodney says:

      And Matt…

      It doesn’t have to be an origin story to be a story from before Alien…

      just sayin.

    • Matt K says:


      yeah your right, i guess most(including myself) assume when they do a prequel they mean origin…my bad

    • Matt K says:


      i guess i should have read your response before posting a comment on the article john just made.

  3. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    would love to see a new aliens movie and predator, just no sequal, no reboots, no more versus unless they are going to do it right.

    daredevil reboot? take a hint from incredible hulk and you’ll have my $10.00. same goes for Fantastic Four.

    • Rodney says:

      No sequels, No reboots… but you would love to see more aliens and predator films.

      How do you do ANOTHER predator or alien movie without it being either a sequel or reboot??

  4. 1138 says:

    Rothman is an idiot who has tendency to cheapen franchises .ie FF, DD, Alien just to mention a few. I know people at Fox and the morale is so low. They all think Rothman is A Dork and Idiot.

    That being said RS returning to the Alien franchise would be awesome!

  5. 3R!C says:

    How come they don’t remake The Godfather, Citizen Kane, and The Dark Knight?

    • Rodney says:

      Someday they will.

      And Dark Knight is just another remake of a different kind.

      Remaking isn`t always bad.

    • alfie says:

      to call dark knight a remake is stretching it a bit.

    • Rodney says:

      There is already a Batman movie out there where Batman faces the Joker. This is clearly not a sequel nor does it attempt to be in any sort of canon with the Burton/Schumaker films.

      Its a remake in that the story is already done, and they did it again. I did say “of a different kind”

      But they remade the entire Batman franchise and its nothing but praise.

      People always cry wolf on the Remake/Reboot, but in a lot of ways they can be better than the original.

  6. HAZMAT says:

    I really want to know this but it doesnt have to be answered, (it may be a stupid question) if you know then please let me know:

    Is the Daredevil reboot official? Because if so then i would out of my mind excited about it

    • bigsampson says:

      easy….the story of aliens has a long history…as much as i hate fanboys i would say im a alien fanboy. …firs let me say i would rather have the story of wilks….which is basically alomng the line of ripley n newt yet it explores it in a way more vast universe…a origins could work but i think we are ready for a earth invasion movie…and this would be what we want to invade earth..CHEST BURSTERS FTW….fuck daredevil.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Thats all fantastic big sampson

      But my question still stands

  7. Darren J Seeley says:

    First of all, Tom Rothman made some mistakes (AvP 1&2) but I wouldn’t call him an “idiot” int’l friends. In fact he isn’t the first studio head to make mistakes, I doubt he will be the last.

    “Alien 5″/ “Predators”- I, too, would like to see a film that follows ‘Alien Resurrection’, but if it winds up being a film that takes place before the first ‘Alien’? That’s even better. Not that I wouldn’t want to see Ms. Weaver back. Heck, I’m just as jelled to see Wynona Ryder back this summer (even it is a small role in ‘Star Trek’) It’s just that they want to reboot Predator too. Thus, Alien 5 being a “prequel” can effectively flip the middle finger at the AvP movies.
    The AvP films are now retconned and/or continuity have never existed.

    Rejoice! Celebration! Drink and be merry!
    Good riddance!

    Even if they continued from the 2003 film and the 2005 spinoff Elektra, they’d have to replace a good chunk of the cast. Ben Affleck has sworn it off, Jon Faverau (Foggy) directs other Marvel characters now, without Ben, Jen Garner won’t be back as Elektra I’m guessing (and the events from Elektra mess might have to be explained) and Colin Farrell…? Who knows. Maybe pull a 007 and keep a few of the character actors (be it Leland Orser, Micheal Clarke Duncan or Joey Pants) but that’s about it. (* I mention actor Orser because I always wanted to see a DD sequel in which we really find out why Fisk keeps that “un-Bronxed” stooge around-he’s a sociopathic enforcer/Keyser Soze type or Mr.Purple in disguise!)

    But I’d be fine with a restart. If Fox gave the rights back to Marvel, What Would Marvel Do? Restart it, right? More than likely.

    - Fantastic Four restart/reboot

    No mention. Hmmm…this means (to me) one of three things:

    1) There will be a Fantastic Four 3, maybe recast a little but without Tim Story regardless.

    2) *my view* Forget the FF and go for Silver Surfer film. Same “universe” thus FF can’t be restarted, because “Surfer” continues the “old FF continuity”, and that could confuse people.

    3) Rothman caves and is planning/considering giving up THe Fantasic Four and/or The Silver Surfer and giving the rights back to Marvel, using Fox as a distributor only


    EVENT film.
    EVENT film.
    WE haven’t seem much from this yet in promo, but now that FOX has promised ComicCon, *this* *this* *this* is the presentation/panel to see. Big, big,big. I know some folks despised Cameron’s film some 10 years ago, but Titanic, love it or hate it, huge box office numbers, Oscars up the butt and it will be great just to see James Cameron’s first narrative (non doc) film since all that.


    See the comments about the stingers from earlier. But this better be a huge cash whore, coming in above or at expectations. Otherwise that could have a ripple effect (I still think we would at least get an X-Men First Class or a direct follow up to Last Stand regardless)

  8. The Small Town Critic says:

    I’m really disappointed with “Wolverine” and what Rothman’s done with Fox. Looking forward to someone taking that guy’s place.

  9. Persetti says:

    Personally I like Aliens more than Alien, but either of the old directors doing Alien 5 (Aliens 2?) is the only preferable way to return to it…

    What I’d really like to see what happened to the crashed down ship in Alien, even a glimpse of that would be great

  10. Mutantsentry says:

    Evil corporation with private military exploiting alien resources…check
    Giant Mechs…check

    Could Cameron’s Avatar exist in the same continuity of the Alien films? Could the company mining Unobtanium also be the one from the Alien films?

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