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Third Da Vinci Code Movie Planned

By John - April 20, 2009 - 19:28 America/Montreal

The Tom Hanks film “The Da Vinci Code” is a prime example of why movies based on other source material needs to be adapted, and just “sticking to the original” isn’t always a good idea. In my opinion, the film stuck TOO closely with the book, and it resulted in something of a dry and mundane viewing experience.

The second film in the series, “Angels & Demons” is set to come out soon… and I don’t expect much better from it, but here’s hoping… and they’ve already get the gears in motion for the third film which will be called “The Lost Symbol”. Our good friends over at Latino Review give us this:

The book, which isn’t out until September 2009, has apparently just been finished according to certain sources. Using my superior skills of deduction, I predict that the eventual third film will involve lots of running, cryptic symbols, a throwaway love interest, and Tom Hanks looking vaguely unsettled with unkempt hair. Wait, except for the symbols, isn’t that Forrest Gump?

Like many other people, I’ve never really understood the casting of Tom Hanks in this role. Don’t get me wrong, Hanks is one of the greatest actors of all time, and it’s NEVER a bad decision to add solid talent… but this just never seemed like the role for him.


  1. AARON says:

    A third one before the second one comes out. Hmm..you know I just think Angels And Demons will be good, but not great. The Lost Symbol as a title doesn’t sound at all close to Angles or Da Vinci code

  2. WidescreenWonderland says:

    Noah Wyle would have been my pic for Robert Langdon. The only reason that Tom Hanks (whom I also love) was in the role was the Ron Howard connection. He’s a great actor but he isn’t Langdon.

    “Angels and Demons” will be far superior to “The DaVinci Code” because of the race against time nature of the novel’s story. I hope they maintain that aspect in the movie.

    As for “The Lost Symbol”. I’m already a fan so I’ll be picking up on of those 5 million copies!

  3. Chris says:

    You thought the original stuck too close to the book? I thought it veered way to off, it spoiled the major twists much earlier in the book and a lot of the cool puzzles and riddles were taken out to save time.

    And I didn’t think the acting helped, as no one brought their A game to the movie.

    This one will be better since the story is more built for a movie and I actually enjoyed the plot better especially the words that are the same upside down and right side up.

  4. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    what ever happened to the book of secrets 3?

    didn’t they want some one harrison/indie ford like?

    the first one was like whatever and the second one will be like whatever and i’m pretty sure the third one will be like whatever. the books were okay.

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