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Shia LeBeouf To Join Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps

By John - April 28, 2009 - 15:36 America/Montreal

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: One of the greatest and most quotable lines from any movie in the 80’s was the immortal one spoken by Gordon Gekko (portrayed brilliantly by Michael Douglas) in one of the greatest 80’s movies “Wall Street” where he says “Greed is good. Greed works”. The line is not one that I’d want to teach my kids in the future, but it is one that pretty much captured the economic temperature of the 1980’s.

There is a sequel to Wall Street in the works under the title “Money Never Sleeps” (I freaking love this title by the way). It’s been in the works for a while… got shut down… but now has the green light again with Oliver Stone set to direct it, Michael Douglas returning to the role that won him his Oscar, and apparently Shia LeBeouf who is in talks with the studio to join the project.

This is amazing news (the sequel being given the green light again). Gordon Gekko is one of the most amazing characters to hit the screen in the 80’s and I’ve been dying to see more of his story post-prison (he goes to prison after the events of the first movie).

And hey… if you want to know more about the script for “Money Never Sleeps”, our friends over at Latino Review put together this great little video outlining the plot. Check it out.


  1. 3R!C says:

    Shia doesn’t fit well as a stock market trader to me. Maybe if they got somebody a little bit older. I agree though, Money Never Sleeps is a badass title for part 2.

    • Seth Rex says:

      And just what does it take to ‘fit’ as a stock market trader?

    • Jeremy K. says:

      I wouldn’t think Giovanni Ribsi would be a good stock broker either, but he was awesome in Boiler Room. And yes, I am a fan of Ribsi. Have to wait to see the movie to see how Shia LeBeouf does.

    • 3R!C says:

      @ Seth-I’m saying Shia looks a little young in age to be a stock market trader. Unless they somehow work it in that he is some sort of whiz kid.

      @Aaron-Shia is a good actor, not great, but good (IMO), I really haven’t seen him in anything other the Trasformers/Indy/Eagle Eye movies to really sway my attitude towards him as being a really great actor. He’s got talent, I’m hoping they’ll let him use it in this film.

    • methos says:

      odd, I just realized that Charlie Sheen was around 22 years old when he filmed Wall Street and Shia is 22 years old now. THE STARS HAVE ALIGNED! lol

  2. Omar says:

    Casey Affleck will be a better fit for the movie.

    • chris....the real one says:

      very true….casey is a much better actor as well. amazing in everything ive seen him in.

    • 1138 says:

      Yeah I can see that. I think that is a very very good choice. As for Shia LeBeouf his an OK actor nothing special…seems kind of one note to me. Besides he does not have that leading man quality.

    • riggs says:

      You hit the nail on the head with casey

  3. AARON says:

    What do you mean he doesn’t fit well? I can totally see this, he’s a great actor when he gets the right roles, heck, he’s always a great actor

  4. alfie says:

    “greed, for lack of a better word, is good.”

    great scene

  5. The Small Town Critic says:

    I don’t get it. How is a new “Wall Street” movie going to work today? We’re in an economic crisis. Stock market trading isn’t a profitable business right now… Unless they have Gekko tricking LeBeouf’s character into spearheading a Bernie Madoff-like “Ponzi” scheme. That would be workable and would make Gekko even nastier by stealing billions from his own clients. Quick, somebody write this down.

    • Rodney says:

      Yes, because EVERY movie takes place in the here and now.

      And you make it sound like Recession means they are closing Wall Street. People are still making money out there.

  6. Kate says:

    Please, not Shia La-TEEN-MOVIE-Beof!!!! Why?!!!! This is not a good sign.

    • Rodney says:

      Really? How many “teen movies” has Shia been in?

      I mean, there are a number where he was a teenager, but going through the list I am wondering just which films he has done (since leaving the teen demographic tv show Even Stevens) that you are considering “Teen Movies”

  7. Kristina says:

    They are putting him in because he’s a draw right now to younger audiences who have never seen or even heard of this movie. That’s it.

  8. alfie says:

    I also believe they are putting him in because he is a capable actor.

    Could be worse…

    they could’ve cast efron

  9. leeloo says:

    wtf no fiddy?

  10. Ivan Boesky says:

    Fans of the original should know that “money never sleeps” was the working/intended title of that film. In fact the line is uttered by Gekko in the scene where he calls Bud from the beach

  11. Marco says:


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