Russell Brand to Remake Drop Dead Fred

Posted by Rodneyon 28. 04. 2009in News Chat

Russel Brand is sure getting his name out there, and most recently he is attached to a remake of Drop Dead Fred. The story of a woman and her childhood imaginary friend from the early 90s will be updated.

ComingSoon shares:

The 1991 original starred Phoebe Cates as a wallflower who loses her job and husband during the course of a lunch hour. Forced to live back home, she’s reunited with her childhood imaginary friend (Brit actor Rik Mayall), who promises to help but causes more havoc.

The trade says the take for the update is to make a film in the tone of Beetlejuice, building a universe around the concept of imaginary friends. Brand would play the trouble-making pal.

Now we get to play the “Remake Game” and compare this to our list of our extensive but in no way absolute 4 Rules Before Making a Remake!

1) The original has to have a good story I loved the original Drop Dead Fred. It was a heartwarming story that appeals to the inner child in all grown ups - that tug back to a simpler time when it was OK to have an imaginary friend, and seeing the two worlds collide. Yes, the story is a good one and well worth repeating.

2) Majority of current audience hasn’t seen the original Ask anyone about this movie. Go now and ask “Have you seen Drop Dead Fred” and I guarantee the reaction will almost entirely be the same. Slight pause, glancing up and to the right, then a moment of recognition and a “Yeah I remember that” and at best people will think Carrot Top was Fred. This movie might still be on a vague radar ping, but most people haven’t seen the original, or if they have, its been so long that it doesn’t matter.

3) Original has to be at least 20 years old This year will be 18, so by the time its made it might be. Or damned close.

4) The story would benefit from a modern telling This is the pants kicker for me. I don’t think it would BENEFIT from a modern retelling. Aside from the fashion sence that said bold busy patterns and padded shoulders were in, this movie will pretty much be the same if told in a modern retelling. I do like that they want to hit up a broader concept that imaginary friends come from a parellel existance and have “rules” and such, but that too was touched on in the original.

So my verdict is that I wouldn’t mind seeing Drop Dead Fred remade. Of course my sway has a lot more to do with seeing Russell Brand just OWN a role where he plays a silly imaginary friend that leads our main character into crazy hijinks, but it just makes sense to me.

Brand is one of those guys you either love or hate, but for this type of role, I could barely imagine anyone BUT him doing it.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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21 Responses to “Russell Brand to Remake Drop Dead Fred”

  1. Phil Gee says:

    “The trade says the take for the update is to make a film in the tone of Beetlejuice, building a universe around the concept of imaginary friends. Brand would play the trouble-making pal.”

    Now that reminds me much more of a film called ‘Little Monsters’ starring Fred Savage. I don’t know if i’m the only one who remembers that movie.

  2. Matt K says:

    this is awesome, Brand would be PERFECT for the role

  3. Jason says:

    Yeah great instead of doing something original he’s going to stay within his ‘comfort’ zone and do something that is totally him.


    • Rodney says:

      And what’s wrong with playing a role you are good at?

      Not everyone is CAPABLE of getting out of their comfort zone.

    • Meli says:

      Well, the problems I have with a lot of actors who stay within in their comfort zone are they become stale and boring. Once they’ve reached that level I stop watching their movies. Of course, if they’re still able to make money on it then I can’t say I particularly blame them.

    • Rodney says:

      To be fair he has had two high profile roles where he plays the aloof quirky slacker type.

      Sarah Marshall, Bedtime Stories, and of course the upcoming Get him to the Greek (which is the same role as Sarah Marshall)

      St Trinians he was different, but this is what is going to put money in his bank so you know we will see more of this until he has to move on.

      Then we will see if he has lasting power.

    • Meli says:

      Brand might prove to have lasting power, but I’m pretty indifferent on the matter because I’m not a huge from what I’ve seen, so far. My feelings are all personal taste/opinion. There are plenty of actors out there I don’t like and find uninteresting, but have managed to have a career for themselves.

  4. Meli says:

    I love Drop Dead Fred too much to even want to see a remake, so I’ll pass. I’m not a huge fan of Brand either he seems like a reasonably intelligent and nice person, but his act doesn’t thrill me nor does his whacky persona.

  5. Devan Price says:

    This is awesome! I loved the original and it would be great to get it back out into the public. DDF was possible one of the best movies I ever bought at a flea market. (no joke when I was around 6 I bought it at a flea market)

  6. Mike says:

    I think what 90% of the people I know would say is “cobwebs snot face!”

  7. Aaron says:

    I just finished Russell Brand’s autobiography… And I agree with John… I absolutely cannot see anyone but him in this role! If they have to remake the movie, he is the perfect choice. I’d love to see it! I think they should bring Carrie Fisher in to play the “Mega Beast.”

    Is this remake really going to happen? I actually got really excited by reading this article. Bring it on!

  8. Aaron says:

    my bad. sorry ’bout that. haha…

    i thought he said both… been a while since i’ve seen it.

  9. Ricci says:

    I don’t know how much you guys in the states/canada see of Russell Brand but in the UK in my opinion his popularity and one dimensional humour is kind of waining at present.
    He can’t even get a desent TV slot for his poor comedy shows.

    He’s long been overrated and I can’t see him holding a film up on his own.

    I liked Russell Brand in his early days back when we got his humourous outtakes on current affairs and the goings on in big brother, but now…..he’s a load of rubbish.

    He is certainly no match for Rik Mayall who played the original fred.

    I wouldn’t mind seeing a remake of this film, I loved the original and have cryed laughing ta it many a time, but with Brand……..No thanks.

    • Meli says:

      Maybe that’s why he’s crossing the pond because most over here haven’t had a lot of exposure and aren’t tired of his act.
      I liked him in Sara Marshall, thought he blew as a host to the Mtv Video Awards host and haven’t yet seen Bedtime stories.
      I don’t feel any interest in a Drop Dead Fred remake or having Russell Brand play Fred.

  10. Tracy says:

    I don’t know… Fred began my long distance one sided love affair with Rik Mayall, so… maybe. It was a fun movie and I think Brand would probably do the character right. Who’s playing Phoebe Cates, though?

  11. Young filmer says:

    Drop Dead fred was one of my favorite joints back in the day. I entered Dead Tone in the search engine and this came up. Im trying to buy my copy of Dead tone online

  12. Heather says:

    I’m a HUGE fan of the original. It came out at a time when I was dealing with a lot of emotional and mental abuse in my childhood. And I even “invented” a friend like Fred after this movie. “More Money Molly”. (I was a child, so sue me!)

    Anyway, I don’t usually decline a movie because it’s a remake. I’d be interested to see how they do the story differently, but I think a lot of us hardcore DDF fans are going to have a hard time seeing anyone but dear Rik playing him.

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