Roger Rabbit 2?

Posted by John Campeaon 29. 04. 2009in News Chat

Roger Rabbit was such a ground breaking film in so many ways. Not only was it visual hilarious with the combination of animation and live action, but the story and dialog in and of itself were just hilarious. And has there ever been a sexier cartoon character than Jessica Rabbit? I submit to there has NOT.

It’s always amazed me that considering the enormous popularity and success of Roger Rabbit there there has never been a sequel. Well… that may be changing as Robert Zemeckis has recently dropped that we may be seeing another Roger Rabbit film. FINALLY!

The guys over at AICN chime in with this:

The only thing that I’ll say is this… Please, Mr. Zemeckis… what makes Roger Rabbit work is that he’s a 2-D toon in a 3-D human world. I can see you updating it with crazy awesome CGI via performance capture, but unless you have a brilliant idea that can explain why 2-D Roger is now 3-D ultra real Roger you’re going to lose a lot of the magic that made the original film work.

I totally agree. Roger Rabbit (and Jessica) need to stay in the 2-D animation realm. Maybe have other 3D characters… that could actually be a part of the plot… but keep Roger and Jessica 2D!

I am so excited about this!

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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15 Responses to “Roger Rabbit 2?”

  1. Mladen says:

    If they do work in 3d, I’m guessing there’ll be a pixar/dreamworks angle to this. So not just the traditional toons of the original film, but cameos by Wall-E and Nemo and Buzz Lightyear etc.

  2. Ian says:

    I hope Zemeckis can get away with more easter eggs in the second one

  3. Vidsub says:

    I love the first one, so I cant wait for this. I heard a while ago, like 1998, they started animating it and even wrote songs for it, but then it got scrapped.

  4. Jordan says:

    I love roger rabit it was the very fist movie i can remember watching and i still have my vhs copy i think part 2 woud be good but i don’t want them to do 3d

  5. alex says:

    I bet the plot will be about how Toontown is getting remolded or outdated, Roger can’t find work because the new toons are all in 3D. no one wants to watch 2D. Im sure they will have the 2D toons and 3D toons mingling.

  6. alex says:

    wait nvm, I forgot the time setting of the movie.

  7. Derek 8-Track says:

    if they must add 3-d toons throw Buzz, Woody, and Shreck in there.

  8. Devan Price says:

    does anyone still know how to add 2-D characters to a movie anymore?

    This will more then likely be in 3-D.

  9. Thos says:

    I haven’t Roger Rabbit since it first came out. I don’t remember anything about it. Guess I need to Netfix it…

  10. Dryer says:

    Just hurry up with a Blu-Ray release !!

  11. Phil Gee says:

    They’re not going to top Judge Doom as a villain though. Let’s be honest here:

    “(dissolves adorable little cartoon shoe in ‘The Dip’) This is how we do things down here in Toontown”

  12. Gerlach says:

    In the first one, Betty Boop suffered from being B/W - maybe (the more I think of it, likely might be the word…) the plot will revolve around the 2D-animations being out of a job, now that the 3d’s have taken over. I’m in!

  13. Stig says:

    How about Pixar, Dreamworks, Fox, Disney, MTV, Hanna Barbera, Aardman and Warner Bros. characters sharing screentime.

    B.O.B from Monsters vs. Aliens could have a keyboard duel with Mike Waszowski from Monsters Inc.

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