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Optimus Prime - Jetfire Combine

By John - April 20, 2009 - 23:16 America/Montreal

You all know I’m a Transformers freak. Well, some images have made their way online that have me foaming at the mouth. I don’t know if these pictures of toy boxes from the Transformers 2 movie are actually things that will be in the movie or not… but if this is… then I just can’t freaking wait.

From the folks over at moviechronicles comes this image of a toy box featuring Devastator… and that’s cool and all… but what’s even cooler is an image of Optimus Prime COMBINING with Jetfire to form what they call “Power Up Optimus Prime”. Ummm… how freaking awesome would it be to see that in the movie?!?!?! Remember, just because it’s a toy doesn’t mean it’ll be in the movie, we’ll have to wait to see. I just hope it does!


  1. sekngucing says:

    dok lawa optimus gabung dgn jetfire

  2. James says:

    Kick ass! If Michael Bay could pull off a voltron that’d be frikkn awesome!

  3. BobaFett says:

    Jetimus Prime?

  4. Grave says:

    I really dont want them combining transformers in the movie. But if it is in there I guess I just have to wait and see how it looks on the big screen.

  5. AARON says:

    The one optimus prime image rocks!

  6. Iceberg says:

    I think having Prime combining with Jetfire is a terrible idea for this Movie. I know, I know, I can sense the haters drinkin Hato-rade wondering what Iceberg been smoking.
    But lets think about it, having Prime combine will create another Character, and that to me is 1st movie all over again (not having enough of Prime on Screen). And not to mention, I have a feeling shit’s gona feel like some Power Rangers garbage. Where every other fight you have combining robots….
    I’m the biggest Transformers fan, but it’s not like I’ll be throwing my self of the Brooklyn Bridge if this crap is in the movie. I’ll just watch Terminator for more bad ass Machines delivering ass whoopings…

    • Matt K says:

      i agree, but im gonna wait and see how it turns out on the big screen to trash it

    • Knives says:

      Jetfire Combining with Optimus is nothing new. Transformers Armada did it and it worked. It didn’t create a new character in the show, it was just Optimus combined with Jetfire.

    • Matt K says:


      that was a cartoon and things that work in a cartoon dont necessarily work in a live action film, however it might work thats why im waiting to decide

  7. heyshenanigans says:

    Here might be a little more proof that this IS in the movie…


    This keychain is probably a closer representation of the movie version.

  8. bigsampson says:

    its cool and all but im not really into the transformer movie do to the hype every one builds it up to be…i was entertained by the first one but only enough to maybe watch it 2 times…not that it isnt fun eye candy …but really when i see megan fox on camera i cant stand her….she just has that presence of a bitch and shia is the kinda guy that seems to get his friends together and video tape himself throwing a burrito at a cop car then running so it can be on youtube….plus i understand its off the cartoon etc…but why do these robots have lame ass characterization..like talking in sound clips…the totally stereotypical black man robot etc…its like deep down its ok for stereotypes that go untalked about and are kept quite are allowed …w/e…i will watch the dvd but just not into it as much since all the fanboys just talk about it 24/7or at least w/e they can.

    • Matt K says:

      only thing i really didnt like about the first one was the juvenile humora and “the hackers”

  9. Kaneda979 says:

    Those are awesome. Gonna have to buy those when they come out. I wasn’t expecting Devastator to look so bad ass.

    As far as I know, the Constructicons will form Devastator in the movie. I don’t know about the Jetfire/Prime thing happening in the movie, but that would be freakin’ sweet if it does.

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