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Old Dogs Poster

By John - April 20, 2009 - 19:44 America/Montreal

What the hell happened to Robin Williams?!?! No seriously. This guy was one of the best actors in the business for a few years, and in the last 5 years he’s just totally gone down the toilet. Don’t think I’m a Williams hater… I’m pissed because I appreciate how much talent he has, but the man has done pure crap for YEARS now.

Case in point, the new movie “Old Dogs” that’s doing with John Travolta (don’t even get me started on him… although I admit he was actually pretty good in Hairspray). How bad does this borderline “Three Men And A Baby” rip off sound:

Two best friends — one unlucky-in-love divorcee (ROBIN WILLIAMS) and the other a fun-loving bachelor (JOHN TRAVOLTA) — have their lives turned upside down when they’re unexpectedly charged with the care of six-year-old twins while on the verge of the biggest business deal of their lives. The not-so-kid-savvy bachelors stumble in their efforts to take care of the twins (newcomers ELLA BLEU TRAVOLTA and CONNER RAYBURN), leading to one debacle after another, and perhaps to a new-found understanding of what’s really important in life.

Bru-Tal. You’re not supposed to pre-judge a film. You can think it LOOKS like crap, but you shouldn’t decide in your head that it IS crap before seeing it yourself. Yeah well… I’m breaking that rule. This movie sucks. I haven’t seen one single frame and I’m telling you right now it sucks. I’ll apologize later if I end up being wrong. But this movie sucks.

Our friends at MoviesOnline share this Old Dogs Poster with us. Maybe because they hate us.


  1. Kristina says:

    CREEPY CREEPY airbrush job.

    Did Travolta walk into a wig shop and say, “Give me the Efron?”

  2. Krazie835 says:

    I thought The Final Cut was pretty good.

  3. AARON says:

    You’re right john, it DOES suck, man I feel bad for Robin, another crap movie.

  4. 3R!C says:

    What are they doing?!

    I agree though, Williams is the shit but why can’t he come out with some good films? The only decent ones he’s done have been straight to DVD.

    Travolta, I’m kinda if-y, I’m waiting to see how he does in the Taking of Pelham 123. Though I have a feeling it will be him and Denzel trying to play a character, but they’ll just be playing themselves.

  5. eric says:

    robin williams’ face in the poster looks like he’s already apologizing for how much this is gonna blow. why does he do crap when he can be doing more films like good will hunting? what a waste.

  6. Rommey Romes says:

    I agree Final Cut was pretty good, probably his best in the last five years

  7. Vito says:

    It’ll be a shame if it does suck. That’s a potentially awesome pairing.

  8. Gunther says:

    As Eric says, the expression on Robin Williams face tells everything:
    “Sorry guys, that you have to go through this ‘thing’ with me together.”
    It’s a shame Williams has to do such stuff but I guess they don’t have anything better for him right now or don’t give him the chance for some obscure reasons.

  9. BobaFett says:

    Hmmm…From GWH, One Hour Photo, What Dreams May Come and Insomnia to…Man of the YEar was pretty good too (at least RWs part, Laura Linney sucked…)

    RV? OMG!
    License To Wed? WTF!

    What’s next Death to Smoochy 2?

    Hire a new agent or something Robin…

  10. MADMAX_007 says:

    This looks like a rehash of “Role Models” except with older guys and “Disneyfied”

  11. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    Man of The Year wasnt crap and in The Night Listener he did a pretty good job, he got his oscar - Let him be.

  12. Aaron says:

    Poor, poor Robin Williams… I would have liked to see him play the Joker (that was before Heath did his thing). Williams is worth so much more than this crap…

  13. The Jim Walker says:

    You know, they didn’t even have to use word play with the tagline on the poster (Sit. Stay. Play “Dad”.)…

    They could have just used the original “Sit. Stay. Play DEAD.” because that would perfectly describe the recent careers of these two!

    • bigsampson says:

      amauter internet blog threaders…and the expression on his face? ya that probely has something to do with the plot of the movie…funny u guys jump the gun on a movie that will probly make $30 million opening weekend and will have tons of kiddies loving it….cause thats who the movie is intended for.

    • The Jim Walker says:

      I never said that it wouldnt make money. I just wish it “appeared” to be a better film. Both Travolta & Williams have done a ton of great stuff, but recently IMO they have turned in mostly shit. (Like DeNiro & Pacino… CLASSICS who have turned into caricatures of themslves).

      And just because it will make money and is for kids does not mean it has to be a bad film or stupid. Now, many people are stupid. If i had a nickel for every stupid person on this earth i would wipe my ass with million dollar bills… or a handfull of nickels… but, that could get messy.

      And PS - Who knows, it could turn out to be the next classic. But for now, it looks grim to me.

  14. Phil Gee says:

    It’s not such much Travolta and Williams that creep me out on this poster so much as the imaged of the child actors peeping out of their backs like conjoined fetuses or something.

    If you look closely at the credits at the bottom, you’ll notice that Travolta’s wife Kelly Preston as well as his daughter are in this. I can’t put my finger on it but something about that makes me want to vomit.

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