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Nimoy Responds to Michael Bay to Voice The Fallen

By Rodney - April 27, 2009 - 10:35 America/Montreal

The newest trend in Hollywood today is all the rage. Who wants to pick up a phone and call someone, or even have your people talk to my people. That is just so 2008.

Now if you want someone to know what you are thinking or perchance have a request for them, you just drop it in an interview! And the proper ettiquette for replying? Also mention it in an interview!

I’m sure everyone will be asking him this question today, but during the press day for Star Trek, I spoke to Leonard Nimoy (Holy shit.. What a legend) and asked him if Michael Bay had contacted him about voicing a robot in Tranformers 2.

Leonard looked right at the camera and said loudly, “Call me, Michael! Call me!” he said he heard Michael was afraid to get a hold of him for some reason, but he’d gladly be a part of Transformers. Then he again reiterated to the camera, “Call me, Michael!”

I never had any doubt that Nimoy would turn down even a piddly handful of cash to do a voice role like this. It is a cool fanservice for him to have a part of the Transformers feature films after he was a voice in the 1986 animated feature.

Remember, this is the guy who hand delivered a surprise screening of the new Star Trek to fans who gathered to watch Wrath of Khan in a small cinema and lets not forget his tribute to Bilbo Baggins!

But I kind of get that awkward feeling that we are standing close to one of those conversations where people say things to each other with that tone that makes you realize they want you to be listening.

Just do lunch and make it happen already!!


  1. Phil Gee says:

    I’ve always wondered whether Nimoy even remembers doing the voice of Galvatron. I don’t think he’s ever been asked about it.

  2. Matt K says:

    this is great, i just hope they actually give “the fallen” enough screen time and not focus too much on megatron’s return

  3. 3R!C says:

    See Nimoy wants to do it. Don’t know why Bay is hesitating.

  4. Anti-Septic says:

    Holy Crap, I have never seen that Bilbo Baggins tribute. It was quite funny!

    Leonard Nimoy is just a very humble and gracious human being, where many a star thinks they are too good to do something so trivial as a voice actor, he is glad to do it.

    That is why he is worshiped by Nerds galore!

    Rodney, thanks for the Baggins clip. That was really some nostalgia.

  5. Kaneda979 says:

    WOOT, YES! Call him Michael, call him!! >_<

    Man this is so awesome.

  6. Kaneda979 says:

    LOL, holy crap that Bilbo Baggins thing is so freakin’ awesome.

    Thanks for putting that up Rodney.

  7. The Jim Walker says:

    Nimoy always seems to be a class act. Probably why us fans love him so…

  8. Millie says:

    Michael Bay had every right to be afraid:
    A) He’s Leonard Freaking Nimoy (a God, for sure)
    B) He’s his family, and it’s always hard asking family for things
    C) … He’s Leonard Nimoy XD

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