New Night At The Museum 2 Trailer

Posted by John Campeaon 30. 04. 2009in News Chat

I never did warm up to the first Night At The Museum flick. It wasn’t horrible… it just never hit the chord for me. No big deal. I don’t have tons of faith in the sequel either, but even I’ve got to admit this new Night at the Museum 2 trailer is pretty charming (aside from the part with the little Einsteins which was very lame.

Check out the new Night at the Museum 2 trailer (make sure to click the higher quality option:

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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14 Responses to “New Night At The Museum 2 Trailer”

  1. Yamo says:

    yeah the first Night At The Museum was ok this one looks bad but it does has the always funny Hank Azaria and Bill Hader. So this may be a dvd movie for me

  2. Dave says:

    I think this is an old trailer. it was released in February.

    I did love the first film. Just good fun and made me a laugh a lot. Looking forward to the 2nd.


  3. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    The first one was just ok and still made a ton of money- $250 million domestically. Believe it or not this will probably be May’s biggest box-office.


  4. Jake says:

    Yeah, this trailer’s been out for quite a while. Saw it on IMDB months ago.

    Somehow I doubt it will be much worse than the first, partly because the only appeal was the charming actors and there happen to be more this time around.

  5. Matt K says:

    i enjoyed the first film and looks like i might like this one as well

  6. Matt K says:

    the scenes i saw w/ darth vader were fucking hilarious

  7. Darek-T says:

    wait what little einsteins?

  8. Derek 8-Track says:

    Wait, is Clint Howard playing the same role he played in Apollo 13?

  9. Mladen says:

    I liked the first one.

    I have a secret crush on Amy Adams, so will so see this.

  10. Will says:

    How many roles does Hank azaria play? It sounds like he is at least two statues and one historical figure.

  11. Yorick says:

    I think John embedded the wrong video.

    • Dave says:

      I don’t think he has. All the main movie sites have posted it saying ‘new trailer’ even though it’s been out for months! Weird.

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