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New Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Trailer Online

By Rodney - April 13, 2009 - 12:50 America/Montreal

A new International trailer for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is online, and this one focuses more on the connection of Horace Slughorn, a former teacher of Tom Riddle, the man who would become Voldemort.

Check it out.

I love this chapter, because this is where it all comes together. All the setup, side plot and adventures lead to this book and the big questions start to get answered. This is the quest that Harry was born to go on, and in his last year in Hogwarts (such a good rolemodel… highschool dropout) he realizes his destiny, finds out the truth behind Voldemort’s dark past and takes off into the climax.

This is the Empire Strikes Back of the series to me. Its where everything MATTERS and everything makes sense and you know what needs to be done. And in the next chapter is just the conclusion. Sure it will be a satisfying end of the franchise when the last epic conflict gets broken into two parts, but it all comes together here.

This is the one chapter they cannot afford to mess up. I am sure they will leave plenty of the book out. I expect that, but this is where they need to drive home those side bits.


  1. Slushie Man says:

    Looks damn good.

  2. HAZMAT says:


  3. Dragonslayer says:

    Words cannot describe how beast this movie looks.

  4. Darek-T says:

    OH MY GOSH!!!!
    I can’t believe it.
    They’ve released so many trailers for this and each one is at least 2/3rds new stuff and each one gets me jsut as hyped as the last.
    But I guess it is alot easier to make trailers when THE FUCKING MOVIE IS FINSIHED!!!

  5. AARON says:

    Looks good, and I’m not even into Harry Potter

    • Dragonslayer says:

      Dude, Harry Potter’s the shit, man. Everyone says he is a nerdy kid, but he’s beating up bad guys and picking up asian chicks. Next film he’s gonna go Rambo on Volde’s ass.

  6. Kristina says:

    I’ll be rocking my Slytherin scarf opening day. Hell yes.

  7. Meli says:

    Man, I cannot wait for July.

  8. War-Journalist says:

    Looks good. I like their choice of actor for Slughorn. I’ve never seen him in a bad role. Just another reason to look forward to the summer (because Warner Brothers said so). I just hope they don’t overplay the angst and such. This is the one where we really need to get into the feeling that Harry isn’t just a student; he’s a fucking warrior, as he said the “chosen one”. I agree with Rodney. This is where we learn everything we need to know so we can just run right into the last two movies (which are definitely more action-packed than the rest of the series). Good trailer.

  9. Vidsub says:

    This and Order of the phoenix were my least favorite books, but I liked the Order of the phoenix movie alot, so I think I will like this one too. Looks good.

  10. free virtual worlds says:

    Slughorn looks so…. different from my imagination =/ I hope he acts good.
    This movie has got to be good! I’m worried how they can do the whole story in one movie but hell the effects look amazing. And why isn’t Ron seen ANYWHERE?!

  11. obi-wan kubrick says:

    THis is my favorite of the books after 5. I hope this movie is as exciting as the novel.

  12. Calviin says:

    I second what Hazmat said:

  13. Gareth says:

    If this is the Empire Strikes Back of the series then Voldemort is the motherfucking Emperor.

  14. A.J ACS says:

    This is going to be one heavily anticipated movie, I’m very excited, but I’d have to say that.. the last movie was a let down compared to the last three, I just hope this one doesn’t let down die hard fans. What do you think it’s gonna be like? Because, the only movie that topped the book was the First I think, It really set the tone for the whole harry Potter thing, gave us less imaginative people a view to the world of hog-warts. The books are obviously better then the movie, and many fans agree, But all in all I’m really glad they have came out with another, The books, secrets are finally getting revealed in movie, JULY come quickly!

    My Favorite was the Third book.

    ± A.J ±

  15. Matt K says:


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