New G.I. Joe Trailer On Friday

Posted by John Campeaon 29. 04. 2009in News Chat

There is no movie coming out this summer that I am expecting to be more disappointed by than G.I. Joe. After seeing Channing Tatum’s terrible performance in “Fighting” last week, my expectations have dropped even lower.

This film has been handled wrong right from the begining. The wrong director (really… you want the director of Van Helsing to direct this?!?!?!), the wrong cast (aside from Dennis Quaid and maybe Ray Park)… basically I have no hope for this movie. I’m crossing my fingers I’m dead wrong and it turns out good… I’m just not expecting it at all.

Anyway, there will be a new trailer for G.I. Joe hitting the web on Friday according to our friends over at MoviesOnline. I hope it’s better than the first one and gives us some reason for optimism.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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29 Responses to “New G.I. Joe Trailer On Friday”

  1. Thos says:

    Yarp, I am passing on this one, especially after seeing how cool GI JOE: Resolute was on Adult Swim. Ray Park is a good choice for Snake Eyes, but I agree that everything else is wrong. Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Cobra Commander? Really? WTF? Should have been Gary Oldman… that would have ruled…

    • Kaneda979 says:

      LOL, are you serious? The kid from 3rd Rock From the Sun is playing Cobra Commander?! Wow, I had no idea. You gotta wonder if miss cast actors ever sit there and think, “man, I so wrong for this role. What was I thinking?”

      And yup, Gary Oldman would of been amazing as Cobra Commander. But I’m surprised they even got Dennis Quaid to sign on for this train wreck.

  2. Gareth says:

    I cant wait for this film no matter how much y’all say how bad its goin to be.

  3. g8tor says:

    i’m planning on taking my kid to see it. good or bad.

  4. AARON says:

    I think it’ll be horrible, biggest disappointment of the summer will probably be this

  5. Matt K says:

    i dont mind about the choice of director, i liked “van helsing”

  6. Matt S says:

    Anyone know if the trailer will be attached to Wolverine also?

  7. Rob D. says:

    I’m really not expecting this to be a great movie. I more then likely will not see it in the theater. However I’m half hoping it will turn into a great action flick. Like Demolition man or Judge Dredd. Both horrible movies but really fun to watch. With great special effects and good action. It could make it onto my Blu-ray shelf.

  8. Jeremy K. says:

    Only thing about this movie I am curious to see is how Joseph Gordon-Levitt handles playing Cobra Commander. I read recently he has been cast in Inception which seems like it would be more up his alley acting wise, but that is only based on mood and settings created in other Nolan flicks. Cobra Commander just seems like an odd fit for him.

    • Roguepirate says:

      As a big fan of JGL, i was surprised he took the role of cobra commander. But before any “heath ledger will be a horrible joker” statements are made, I’d like to see how they plan on portraying Cobra Commander.

  9. Meli says:

    I have so little hope for this film and it makes me sad because a GI Joe movie has potential to be a good movie, but all we’ve seen shows how potentially awful this movie will turn out. Watching GI Joe: Resolute this last weekend was pretty cool and had me thinking that is probably going to be ten times better than the movie.

  10. Phil Gee says:

    Well it’s not the new trailer, it’s the FIRST trailer. Apart from the superbowl spot, we haven’t seen a thing from the film but like I said, I think this will be the big bomb of the summer.

    They managed to make Transformers look cool enough to appeal to adults but this film just looks completely juvenile.

  11. Josh Brunsting says:

    I’m excited, but I really would love to see, instead of a feature live action film, do a GI Joe film in the style of Batman: Gotham Knight or what they have already done, with GI Joe: Resolute. That’s just me though.

  12. bigsampson says:

    ok here is my opinion……MEGAN FOX is basically channing tatum and marlon wayons is basically shia leabouf….u say transformers was so awesome yet the movie was made by BAY…which is basically the same as the guy who did vanhelsing…every one thought bay was a joke before transformers….no story all explosions….now my observations is why do u hate on gi joes so much but love transformers so much?

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Uhhh… The Island, Bad Boys 1 & 2, Armageddon, The Rock, and Pearl Harbor all had stories. The action may have been at the forefront, but they all definitely had stories. Not saying they are all good movies, but I found The Island, both Bad Boys, Armageddon, and The Rock all highly entertaining. Steve Buscemis is a god and was awesome in both The Island and Armageddon.

      Shia LeBouf is on a whole different playing field than Marlon Wayans, and can’t really compare the two.

      Cant really say much on your comparison of the other two… neither can act all that well, but Megan Fox is a much nicer piece of eye candy that Tatum.

    • Thos says:

      I’m actually one in the minority that did/does not care for the Transformers movie. I don’t plan on seeing the second one when it comes out. As hot as she is, Megan Fox was a distraction…

  13. Andy D says:

    You said the same about Transformers.

  14. HAZMAT says:

    This movie will be so awesome itll blow a hole right through Nepal all the way through the Earth and itll come out on the other side of the world in Seattle

  15. 3R!C says:

    Would of been cooler as a video game than a movie.

  16. HAZMAT says:


    It says there that it will show if you watch Star Trek!!

    So this friday ill watch Star Trek AND theyll show this trailer in it!

    Thundercats- HOO!!!

  17. Kristina says:

    Where’s my Rainbow Brite movie?!

  18. says:

    im also not a huge transformers, mediocre in my opinion this second one looks alot better tho… actually looking forward to this, im a huge fan of the 1st two mummy movies and i think Joseph Gordon-Levitt can make a great cobra commander. but i do think i will be disappointed because of those stupid iron man suits. but my opinion will be shifted by the trailer

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