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New G.I. Joe Trailer

By John - April 30, 2009 - 14:42 America/Montreal

I’ve gone on record before that I sadly yet firmly believe that G.I. Joe is going to be the biggest disappointment of the summer of 2009. I so want this movie to be so good… but it won’t. I so hope I am so wrong.

A new trailer has hit. It’s in English with french subtitles. To be honest, the trailer looks pretty sweet… but so did the trailer for Phantom Menance… so take it with a grain of salt:


  1. Gareth says:

    WOOT!!!!!! this is goin to be one hell of a rollercoaster ride!! I’M IN!!!

  2. Steven says:

    I love Phantom Menace…it’s very underrated.

    That fight scene between Darth Maul, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan was epic.

    • Jake says:

      Underrated? That depends on your definition. I know many, many people who think Phantom Menace is one of the greatest movies ever made, and that’s just plain ignorance. Episode 1 had it’s moments but it mostly failed.

    • Matt K says:


      i agree, the film had a great lightsaber battle between maul, qui gon, and kenobi, and the pod race scene was awesome, but overral the film was awful

    • HAZMAT says:

      I REALLY dont see why fan boys hate the new star wars movies so much

      I never talk about this (like….EVER!!!) because i know that ill get crucified but…the originals were kinda lame…the new ones were the ones that I like

      The old ones look so old and with shitty graphics and I cant stand them…the new ones had that amazing pod race and the fucking yoda fight was masturbation worthy…

      And i really do apologize, cuz I know how much people usually love the old ones better…and you guys love it with such enthusiasm and determination that it fucking scares me shitless to disagree about it…kinda scary to come out and say “yeah the new ones were fucking cool…the old ones looked old and dumb”

      Id rather share my opinion about bladerunner sucking before i say this^^^ but i dont think you guys are going to come to my house and kill me so….yeah.

      Im over that fear.

    • Matt K says:

      i liked the prequel trilogy, hell i think “revenge of the sith” is the second best Star Wars film next to “Empire Strikes Back”, and episode 1 had its moments, but overall a awful film.

    • 3R!C says:

      Meh, to each his own I guess. Generally I like both trilogies equally. Specifically I like the old trilogy more. Guess it’s cause that’s what I grew up with.

  3. Jake says:

    I think I’m salivating. This had better be a good movie, because that was a freaking awesome trailer.

  4. AARON says:

    I was one of the people saying this would suck…..but holy crap that trailer rocked! Nice action, hot girls. Dang! However some of those graphics look very cheesy

    • Dan says:

      So the trailer looks good … the trailer to Ishtar looked good too … I have yet to see a bad trailer.

      Gotta agree with John - I have MAJOR reservations about this, which is sorely disappointing, as I was a fan of the cartoon as a kid.

  5. Matt K says:


  6. Phil Gee says:

    I’m afraid I thought it was utter crap. There’s just nothing here to get excited about, nothing I haven’t seen somwhere else.

    I mean the ending is a direct rip off of one of the trailers for ‘Star Trek’.

  7. T-Vo says:

    Man, talk about “Glass Half Empty John”. So its not Citizen Kane, I want shit blowing up and black and white ninjas during summer, keep those Oscar movies during the winter!

    • John says:

      Hey T-Vo,

      Sorry man, but Phantom Menace had lots of battles and things blowing up… and it sucked. You still have to make it good. Doesn’t have to be Shakspeare… just it has to be entertaining.

    • AndyS says:

      I enjoyed Episode 1. The hype surrounding it was not fair.

    • T-Vo says:

      Phantom Menace didn’t suck. I didn’t live up to the hype of fanboys waiting 20 years for another Star Wars movie, living up to the expectations was damn near impossible. Boys 13 and under loved the movie and thats who it was made for. I thought it was ok, POD Races, Space Battles and the Duel of the Fates was the shit!

  8. Meli says:

    It’s classic Stephen Sommers popcorn it might look and smell good, but it leaves you unsatified. I would like the movie to prove me wrong, but I think it’ll even be stupid as an action flick. Those acceletor suits are ridiculous. In animation they’d be cool, live action, no. Sure, I’ll give it that chance and mostly because I want to see Snake Eyes and Shadowstorm fight.

  9. Matt says:

    The clip at the end where Baroness shoots the missle and the Joe’s are dodging and spinning looks just like Transformers end fight scene.

  10. Thos says:

    What’s up with the Iron Man suits? Meh…

  11. John says:

    definitely gonna give this one a chance - while keeping my low expectations.

  12. HAZMAT says:

    :::: Head explodes ::::

  13. shinobi says:

    I was more hyped with the superbowl spot. I really hate the camera postions a closups on the se/ss fight. It is my wolverine+helicopter-cringe-moment from this trailer. The CGI needs work, but there’s still time for that. Not liking the exo-suits thing. BUT it does look like a fun film. I’ll probably watch it when it opens.

  14. party marty says:

    is this a remake of that Trey Parker/ Matt Stone puppet film? It even had the eiffel tower destroyed.

  15. eric says:

    too much cg maybe itll be better in a theater instead of my computer screen. not a fan of the cast at all. overall…meh.

  16. AndyS says:

    Um please show me Cobra Commander!

  17. AARON says:

    The CGI was laughably fake

  18. Kristina says:

    That was AWFUL.

  19. Ren says:

    Wow. The end where the guys in suits are dodging the torpedos is so LAME!

  20. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    I saw the trailer and i was not inprest, no good music at the end makes a action trailer lame. Wolverine has a great music background at the end and it works. GI Joe only looks interresting for the role of Dennus Quaid and the short cameo of Brendan Fraser. They should have left the green stuff, it looks too cheap.

  21. dax says:

    i have mixed feelings on this trailer. the cgi looks bad in many places like the Eiffel Tower collapsing, the undersea shots, the aircraft scenes.
    The part where the car fired missles reminded me too much of Transformers. I won’t be sure until i see more trailers.

  22. Rob D. says:

    What is with these metal suits? On top of that was is with the Transformers shot of them dodging the missels in the street?

  23. Derek 8-Track says:

    All I can say is that Sgt Slaughter and Former Chicago Bear William “The Fridge” Perry better show up. to be real life living GI Joes is a great honor and they definitely deserve cameos in the movie.

  24. Jeremy says:

    To me it doesn’t look any worse than that steaming pile of crap Transformers.

  25. MechoPower says:

    I think it looks pretty awesome…but the dialogue looks (sounds) like it will be what kills this movie!!

  26. 3R!C says:

    The movie looks meh. I was never really a fan of G.I. Joe as a kid (I was more into Transformers). I did see a couple of episodes though. This, to me, would look way better as a video game than a movie. The only thing of the director’s I’ve seen is The Mummy and The Mummy Returns, I really didn’t care for Van Helsing.

  27. Jack says:

    this movie looks like the very definition of FAIL. still watching the eifle tower melt would be entertaing…

  28. TheRZA says:

    There is definately some interesting stuff here but if the CG is done by whoever did Van Helsing, and it looks like it is, then this will be shit.

    Mostly because plot in a flick like this willl likely be a non-factor and CG would be its only saving grace.

  29. MandarinOrange says:

    I don’t get it, all I have seen so far looks pretty good. I don’t see this being the Ironman of 09 but it looks like it has some pretty awesome action. More over, from what is in the trailer, they do slow-mo cam and not shaky. This is a big plus. I know some people are critical about slow-mo but I like it and it beats shaky any day of the week.

  30. Ultra Magnus says:

    ive heard alot of people comparing this to Dragonball evolution. but the difference here i think is that Gi JOe will at least have good action or it looks like it. dragon ball had crappy action and horrible god awful dialog. i have hope for gi joe. good one but not high ones.

    i cant wait for wolveine tommarow

  31. bdaviet says:

    TPM was the weakest Star Wars film IMHO but I think a lot of fanboys hate it because they are expected to. For gos sake it is still Star Wars!

    I am still holding out some hope for G.I. Joe…fingers crossed.

  32. GODFATHER says:

    I was anticipating this movie when I first heard it was being made, but after seeing the trailers, it’s looking like crap… How much Transformers can they rip off, anyways? And what’s with the exo-suit BS? Please! I’ll save my money…

  33. Kalpesh says:

    I feel Transformers 2 wont live up to the hype & the best movie this summer’s gonna be Terminator Salvation.
    Like it or not!

    • Matt K says:

      yeah i think “terminator salvation” will be the best film of the summer, however i think “transformers revenge of the fallen” will make the most money.

    • Kalpesh says:

      @ Matt K
      Atleast one person agrees with me.
      Long live the Terminator franchise.
      Cant wait any longer!

      Terminator Salvation will revive the franchise & should bring back the faith of all those people who lost it after T3.

    • ret.ro.bot says:

      “Public Enemies” will be the best movie of the summer. hands down.

  34. Kalpesh says:

    I Think this trailer looks damn cool.
    If the movie is anything clode to the trailer it will do well at the box office.

  35. Kevin says:

    That looked fuckin gay

  36. Ross F says:

    |Matt says:
    |April 30, 2009 at 3:20 pm
    |The clip at the end where Baroness shoots the |missle and the Joe’s are dodging and spinning |looks just like Transformers end fight scene

    that’s exactly what i thought too

  37. adam says:

    crapola !

  38. Kaneda979 says:

    Nice, very nice. Pretty much only 2 things bother me.

    1. Destro has no mask, while the actor isn’t big like Desro, I like the actor allot from other things I’ve seen him in, so I can live with it. Hopefully he’ll still get a mask by the end of the film.

    2. Storm Shadow seems wimpy compaired to Snake Eyes. I need to see a clip of them fighting.

    Other then that looks good. Even the whole “super suits” thing. It’s still G.I Joe style, there were “super suit” G.I. Joe toy lines. Can’t wait. Though I still fear Cobra Commander is gonna suck ass.

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