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Naked Jessica Biel Photos From “Blue Powder”

By John - April 20, 2009 - 12:01 America/Montreal

I like Jessica Biel. I don’t think she’s a “great” actress, but she’s certainly serviceable and much better than some of the crap that’s out there being passed off as acting today (ahem… Jessica Alba). It’s also a nice bonus that Biel is one of the sexiest women alive that makes my normally pure and righteous mind think horrible deprived things that I’m sure are illegal in several states.

She once spoke about never doing nude scenes in a movie. Well… I guess things can change, because thanks to your good friends over at MoviesOnline, we’ve been pointed to new nude shots of the actress in her upcoming movie “Blue Powder“.

The synopsis for Blue Powder reads like this: “Several Angelenos meet on Christmas Eve through chance, tragedy and divine intervention. Swayze will play the sleazy owner of the strip club where Biel’s character dances. Redmayne will portray a mortician who falls in love with her. Kristofferson will play the head of a corporate crime organization who tries to convince his former employee (Liotta) not to seek vengeance on his former co-workers. Whitaker, who also serves as a producer on the film, will play a suicidal ex-priest. Newcomer Alejandro Romero will play a transsexual prostitute who shares an unexpected bond with the priest.”

Now, to be fair to Biel, she is playing a stripper in the movie… so her doing nude scenes is probably a part of her artistic integrity. I really don’t care what her motivation is to be honest :)


  1. Kevin says:


  2. chris....the real one says:

    damn shes always been on my top white girl list, and that last pic moves her up a couple notches…lol thank you very much john, happy 420

    • riggs says:

      word, ever since i saw her at a pre-emmy awards party with her booty sticking out, i had my eyes on her.

  3. Geno says:

    Not bad, looks good (Biel not sure about the movie). I believe that she did pose nude for a magazine called Gear? Either way, she looks great I envy the man that gets to go home to her every night.

    • GODFATHER says:

      That “man” is Justin Timberlake, that lucky SOB!

      I’m watching this movie just for her scenes. If it sucks, it was still worth it!

    • Herby says:

      the Gear shoot was a rebellious move to get out of being type-cast as that chick from 7th Heaven. Havn’t seen the movie yet, but I do prefer her like this.

  4. Matt K says:


  5. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    well, there you go. I’ll just pass, the backstreet boy can have her. ever since next, i just lost all interest, and it has nothing to do with her acting.

    • chris....the real one says:

      shes not attractive to u anymore?

    • David says:

      he was in N’sync and has completely distanced himself from that label he is funny he is a good actor and look what he’s hittin

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      I’m not sure how long ago it was, but there where some pics of here just out and about and she looked really really skinny in a very bad way. I think that she used to be pretty curvy (not scarlette curvy, now that is hot) and for whatever reason lost too much weight, just my opinion.

  6. BrDanzig says:

    This is totally awesome. I knew you cared about us blog readers John.

  7. Tripp Van Easille says:

    Oh My……

  8. Vito says:

    I love you, John…

  9. bigsampson says:

    that secong pic how she is arching makes me happy that females exist!

  10. Kaneda979 says:

    Very nice, thanks for posting these John. ;)

  11. robertwolf says:

    This is why I love this site.

  12. Kristina says:

    Even I gotta admit, that is impressive.

  13. 3R!C says:

    Love the last pic. I wish this happened around the time she was shooting Texas Chainsaw Massacre, she looked so hot then too.

  14. sexy says:

    She has a nice body, but fugly face.

  15. Darek-T says:

    I’m happy with this because (and please don’t ask me to explain) but I have a thing on my computer that blocks porn. Fortunately it doesn’t block blogs though. Now I have something to look at this time.

    • TF Fan says:

      Sounds like a court ordered porn blocker to me, were you and that dude from the Alexander Keith commercials downloading from the same site?

  16. TF Fan says:

    Sure she looks good, but what about her personality? Isn’t that all that matters people??? Man I have been married too long, sigh. Her chest is a little small though.

  17. Wilco says:

    JT is very lucky

  18. Craig says:

    Integrity or not this is great for all guys. Same with Marissa Tomei in The Wrestler, she was gorgeous there and Biel looks it here.

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