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Michael Bay talks Nimoy for The Fallen

By Rodney - April 22, 2009 - 13:03 America/Montreal

Michael Bay is nearly done post production on Transformers Revenge of the Fallen, but there is still one thing missing. The Fallen lacks a voice.

The fans all anticipated that Leonard Nimoy, who voiced Galvatron in the Transformers Animated Feature Film, would reprise his role (speculating Megatron would be reborn Galvatron) but now that coveted role might be better suited for him to voice The Fallen. But Bay is not eager to approach Nimoy for this.

Screen Rant says:

“You know, he’s related to me… And now that you are filming this, maybe you can send it to him.”

Laughing during the response, Bay went on to explain his hesitance at popping the big question (yes, to some, this is more important than marriage).

“[Nimoy] is married to Susan Bay, who’s a cousin to me… I just feel kind of bad about asking him. Like ‘I can’t pay you that much? But would you do this voice?’”

I think it would be a nice fanservice for Nimoy, who has never been afraid to appease the fans. And like Bay says, he thinks Nimoy is worth more than they have set aside for the budget or he would have approached him already.

So how do you approach him with a lowball offer and ask if he will voice the badguy in your film?

You leak it on the net via interviews.

I predict it will happen, and I doubt that The Fallen will have many lines (but likely more than Megatron had) but this would be a nice movie for Nimoy. Not a career move, certainly not a financial one, but nice none the less.


  1. Matt K says:

    Nimoy as “the fallen” would be great, the problem is that i think hes afraid to ask Nimoy b/c of the fact that “the fallen” will probably have little screen time at least less than devastator and megatron will have

  2. HAZMAT says:

    I would pay money to voice a transformer in a movie.

  3. 3R!C says:

    I’m sure the Fallen will show up and be all ” live long and prosper my fellow Autobots and Decepticons, now…DIE BICTHES!!!!” and murders both sides.

  4. Phil Gee says:

    Fascinating ;)

  5. Grave says:

    I think Bay has already asked Nimoy and he accepted. If Nimoy said NO then Bay would have said he said no. Which I dont know why he would, I mean Nimoy was the voice of Galvatron years ago and Im sure they didnt pay him more than they are offering in this movie. Bay likes to lead us in the oppisite direction just like with megatron so Im thinking he already asked him long time ago and his work is done. Now Bay is just leading us on.

    • Rodney says:

      We don’t know that he mislead us about Megatron. Maybe he IS in the movie and its just a cameo, maybe he ISNT in the movie and is just in flashbacks.

      Maybe bay is lying about lying.

      You are buying into his routine, but no one can know for sure.

    • riggs says:

      well with that post rodney its safe to say that he achieved what he wanted no?

    • Slushie Man says:

      Um, Rodney, Megatron IS in the movie in more then just flashbacks. In the ShoWest footage, we catch a quick glimpse of him.

    • Matt K says:

      i agree w/ slushi on that it showed megatron twice in the new footage:

      one, it showed him shooting an energy blast at the screen.

      second, it showed optimus punching megatron in the face

  6. michael says:

    there’s also been a few rumours that frank welker might return so there’s a chance it could be him.

  7. Gutpunch says:

    Micheal Wincott should do the voice. That man could read Little Bo Peeb and make it scary.

  8. Tom Croom says:

    I saw Nimoy speak just last Sunday at the FX Show in Orlando, Florida - and someone asked him about this. At that point, he had no commitment to the film - so if this is true, it’s something that just happened in the past three days!

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