Marvel’s What The ?! Wolverine Premier

Posted by Rodneyon 30. 04. 2009in News Chat

Way back in the day Marvel did these comics called “What the-?!” and they were basically just spoof comics of the Marvel Universe. Well now they are riffing on Robot Chicken and using the action figures to play out stop motion animated versions of those comics.

Just in time for the premier of X-Men Origins Wolverine, we get the second episode of Marvel’s What the-?!

Love the closing credits song. Listen for the trademarked “snikt” in the background.


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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Marvel’s What The ?! Wolverine Premier”

  1. Geno says:

    Wolverine, thats my name…..snikting’s my game?
    I can see him using that as his new catch phrase.

  2. Matt S says:

    My brother works at a movie theater, so I caught an early emplyee screening of “Wolverine” last night, I avoided the bootleg and most of the Internet spoilers, so I could go into this movie fresh as fresh as possible. All I have to say, is it is a REALLY terrible movie, in fact it’s so all over the place it barely resembles a movie. So sad.

    • Dan C says:

      completely agree. watched it last night. i had high hopes but the movie is horribly wrong in almost every way. an insult to everyone who cared enough to pay the movie ticket, even more so to all of us wolverine fanS. I hate FOX

  3. Matt S says:

    That being said, Wolverine was worth going to see just to catch the attached teaser trailer for the Peter Jackson produced “District 9″. I’m VERY interested in seeing that movie now, it doesn’t show any of the thriller aspects in the trailer, it looks more like a pseudo-documentary about aliens, but it looks like it might be a really cool, smart, realistic alien film and I’m excited to see how it plays out.

  4. Gutpunch says:

    Not to be picky but the comic series was called “What if” not “What the?” which doesn’t make any sense.

    • David says:

      actually there is both the what if comics arent spoofs there just like alternate story lines the what the ?! comics were jokes though

  5. Phil Gee says:

    I love the voice for Wolverine. He sounds like a cross between Michael Madsen and a stoned guy.

  6. Jack says:

    I cracked up with the deadpool scene. Deadpool is the freaking bomb.

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