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Magneto Movie Maybe?

By Rodney - April 23, 2009 - 06:22 America/Montreal

Lauren Shuler Donner was interviewed about producing a number of comic book related films like the proposed First Class and a possible Constantine sequel, but more importantly she talks about X-Men Origins: Magneto.

Today’s producer in the spotlight is Lauren Shuler Donner, who recently spoke with SCI FI Wire about Cirque du Freak, First Class, the Magneto prequel, and the potential Constantine sequel.

When asked about whether or not the Magneto movie would hit ever hit screens Donner said, “I don’t know. Magneto is a fantastic script, and hopefully we’ll make it.”

When asked if the uncertainty around Magneto had anything to do with waiting to see how X-Men Origins: Wolverine does in theaters, she said that might have something to do with it.

I imagine that EVERY X-Men spinoff movie is going to be affected by the success of the most recent effort to come out. This is how they gauge if the market is still hot for this type of film. No rocket science there.

I would be curious to see what angle they are going with for a Magneto origin story. We already saw a very young Erik get the heel end of a rifle in a Nazi concentration Camp. I imagine they would lead in with that. Maybe catch up years later with him struggling as a survivor of the war.

But I can’t see this having any value without Xavier. The whole point of telling an origin story with this character would be dependent on his relationship with Charles, discovering other mutants and choosing to do something about it. Together they build Cerebro, and since neither seems to have an engineering degree, maybe describe how it is that they did this (introduce Forge?)

Magneto’s early days as an active in the mutant world is just as dependant on Xavier as I would think Xavier’s is dependent on Magneto.

And of course you know they will name drop a dozen or so mutants to appear later like they did in all the X-Films. I look forward to playing “spot the mutant” in Wolverine next week.


  1. Slushie Man says:

    I have an early draft of the Magneto spin-off and its mostly about him traveling the world after WWII, looking for Nazi leader remnants that are in hiding, that he has a personal grudge against, and using his powers to kill them. There was more to it then that, but that’s the basic plot. It was actually a really damn good read.

  2. OMAR says:

    I would imagine that the movie is mostly based to justify the ideals that magneto has. I would definately love to come up on an earlier script of the Magneto movie. If you have a link to it please forward it.

  3. Pman67 says:

    I don’t know Rodney. I’m not sure that you need Professor X in the first movie. Magneto’s history is one of the more fascinating stories in comics. I don’t know if you read the recent limited series, Magneto: Testament, but there aren’t even any other mutants in the whole story. It’s all about his early life at the start of WWII and his life in the concentration camps. I recommend the series to anyone that hasn’t already read it. Now, I know they’d never do this, but they could do a Magneto movie series in the same way they did the old Damien: Omen series. Have the first movie show his childhood and life during WWII and first glimpses of his powers, the second would follow his post war life as a young adult, showing his world travels He’d meet Xavier at the end of the 2nd movie)and the third would depict their budging friendship, early adventures and inevitable estrangement. I think that has the making of a great series of movies.

  4. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    perfect, it will start in world war two, and then end shortly after wolverine and lead into x-men first class, which will pick it up from there. I love it when a plan comes together.

  5. HAZMAT says:

    I would love a Magneto movie..hes so awesome…not just his powers..but the way he talks and the way he does everything makes him pretty cool

    You know who I would like to see play Magneto? The guy who played prince Caspian in Narnia 2

    Obviously like Rodney said, you have to tie it up well with Xavier and Cerebro and the hollocoust but i think that another think that MUST be in this movie if it gets made is Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Polaris

    I would like all of the above to be bad^^^^ and I want them to tell this story from the “villains” point of view (Magneto of course) and then have him and his family go in different paths then Xavier and have them fight Xavier and some young X-Men…no one wins at the end but obviously thats the beginning of the Brotherhood

    Have young beast, cyclops, jean, storm, gambit, iceman and colossus be the x men against those charcters I mentioned^^^

    Well, thats what I would like to see if this gets made. Theres 100 different routes this movie could take and still be awesome

  6. Jenny says:

    This is the origins movie that I have been waiting for. Yeah, I like Wolverine as a character, but a Magneto movie is what would really have me interested!

  7. David Lopan says:

    They’ve had the magneto prequel in “pre production” status on imdb forever. I never really saw a need for it but it is an interesting story. It has potential to be better than the wolverine story, I think.

  8. Mladen says:

    Maybe Sabretooth will get lobotomised and grow beautiful silky blonde hair in this one to bridge the gap to the original X-men movie.

  9. Kaneda979 says:

    Wow, I thought this thing was already being made. Well that sucks. So that means if people want the Magneto movie to happen, they HAVE to go see Wolverine, whether they want to or not?

    Well I am going to see Wolverine anyway, he is my fav Marvel super hero. However, the more I see of the film of late and the more of the crappy product placement and bad marketing, my hype for the film keeps growing smaller and smaller. I guess I’ll just be going to see it with lowered expectations.

    Honestly, now I want to see the Magneto movie more then Wolverine. The script just sounds so much better and so far the film isn’t being over flowed with great characters comic book wise, but are mostly all being used badly movie wise. Hince the Wolverine movie. Plus Magneto is my fav Marvel villain. >_<

  10. James says:

    No offense to Xmen/ Magneto fans!!!<< but im kinda gettin bored with them all. 3 was enough. Marvel and DC’s (etc etc) so big they can replace all the crappy movies (im talkin to u, chihuahua movie!) with their characters both new and old… more giant robots… women in spandex… I’d be happy. But there’s always room for Magneto I guess. I’m just getting impatient.

  11. Aaron says:

    I hate that we have to see how Wolverine does first. Magneto would be a way better movie… How many times do we have to see Wolverine getting operated on in a big tank before we can shift the focus to someone else in the franchise. Now a Holocaust/Revenge/Mutant story that HASN’T already been told is something I’d be interested in!

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