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Linkin Park and Zimmer to Score Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

By Rodney - April 27, 2009 - 10:22 America/Montreal

The score of a film can solidify its message, bridge logic to emotion, and punctuate impact in a way that gives you chills. So even with popcorn summer blockbusters, they want to make sure they get it right. Linkin Park’s “What I’ve Done” was a good match for Transformers, and so Michael Bay will have the rock band put together another song for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. But they will also be lending their theme song into the overall score which will earn them a composing credit.

FirstShowing says:

Michael Bay has of course turned to Linkin Park again to write another song for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, but is that all they’re doing? A news break on singer Mike Shinoda’s official blog announces that Linkin Park has not only been working on a song, but that song is being used as one of the themes, which is going to be part of the score for the film. Additionally, he mentions that he’s been working with none other than Hans Zimmer.

The musical score and how each song relates to one another in the movie can make or break it.

I constantly talk about how painful the score is in Ladyhawke (one of my all time favourite films) and how the movie is a testament to overcome such BAD score. And I have to say that I really like Linkin Park’s stuff. Instrumentally I find it to be some of the greatest rock stuff on the market, and to tie in one of their songs into the melody of the score is a great idea.


  1. Devin says:

    Hans Zimmer is money! The Dark Knight score was just awesome. Sent chills down my spine.

  2. OMAR says:

    well there continuing to play upon what succedded previously

  3. HAZMAT says:

    I hate linkin park only when they try to rap (Nu Metal as they call it) but when they act like a real band then theyre awesome…like in their last album “Minutes to Midnight”

    The song in transformers was cool..what ive done

    But I liked the Smashing Pumpkins better “Doomsday Clock”

  4. 3R!C says:

    Linkin Park is good. I liked their older stuff when they were angrier. Didn’t care for their last album.

    • Rodney says:

      Funny, I appreciate them more without the angry.

      The angry stuff I wish was available without lyrics because their stuff is just great. I found the screamy barking ruined it but I grew to like their more recent stuff.

    • MADMAX_007 says:

      Hell yea!! Hybrid Theory and Meteora are so awesome. Unfortunately they went into the “U2″ route on Minutes to Midnight. I only dug half of that album.

  5. EZELL says:

    LP is geek music for a geek movie should be good for this kind of film.

  6. Henrik says:

    Linkin Park? Really? Are we gonna see Shia Lepoof sitting in a corner crying and cutting himself in the film?

    • Rodney says:

      Two years too late Henrik… Linkin Park did the main theme song in the first Transformers movie.

      And they are not emo. But nice try.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Its Linkin Park

      Not My Chemical Romance

      And some emo bands are awesome, not all of them blow

  7. AARON says:

    LP is great for this one, and What I’ve Done was a great choice for the ending credits in the first, and Zimmer? YES!!! But I find it hard to believe, we are like 2 months away from the release, and they are still in post-production

  8. prahanormal says:

    I really don’t like Linkin Park. I mean it seems like a good match, but it just bothers me how over rated a band can be. On the other hand, Zimmer scoring it makes me very happy.

  9. Persetti says:

    Nu-metal sucks generally, but Linkin Park’s earlier stuff is pretty good, and their music fits pretty well with this movie. I always thought their music had a sci-fi vibe…

    Hans Zimmer is great, allthough I think a Brad Fiedel soundtrack ala Terminator 2 would suit these movies better…if only someone could imitate his style…

  10. Steve says:

    I thought Minutes to Midnight was their best album to date, and ‘What I’ve Done’ was an awesome fit for the original Transformers. Glad to see they are coming back for this one.

    I’m kinda sad that Steve Jablonsky isn’t coming back, I thought he did a great job with the score of the original. Hans Zimmer is awesome, but I’m shocked to see they didn’t stay with Jablonsky.

    • Javis says:

      Oh come on!!!! we all know Zimmer was behind the score of the firt one, Jablonsky is only a puppet. This is gonna be the same, maybe better!

  11. Darek-T says:

    I love Linkin Park

  12. Mike Mai says:

    ugh, yuckkkk. not again. i’d rather listen to kid rock than linkin park

  13. Gareth says:

    I thought they Jablonsky signed back on for the sequel???

  14. Joedy says:

    LP suck. Their first 2 albums were good, and then they went and changed their style. In the words or Rick James, i which i had 4 hands so i could give them 4 thumbs down

  15. Kaneda979 says:

    Awesome. The Dark Knight and Batman: Begins score’s is just amazing. As much as I enjoyed the score from the first Transformers, I think this one will be even better.

    While I can’t say too much for Linkin Park, their Breaking the Habit is one of my favs, but thats really the only song of theirs I like. And they are into this kind of entertainment. The band loves anime and cool looking robots, and I’m sure they grew up with Tranformers, I can see them putting allot of heart into this one.

  16. Ultra Magnus says:

    likin park sucks. but i will admit what ive done was a good match for transformers. it was even stuck in my head when i read the end of Harry Potter 7. so i can hope good things.

  17. Shane Hero says:

    I remember having brought Minutes To Midnight just before Tranformers came out, and I had What I’ve Done stuck in my head. I LOVED that it ended up in the film, I have never geeked out over a sountrack before like I did with Transformers. All the music was fantastic, score and soundtrack, for the first movie. It really gave a great vibe to the whole film.

    I look forward to what they put together for this film. I’m sure it will be fantastic once again, maybe even better since they’re really collaborating on the score and soundtrack.

  18. free virtual worlds says:

    Linkin park and Transformers! hmmm yeah sounds promising. I can imagine the thrill already just hope they dont scream too much.

  19. Derbmeister says:

    Horrible name for a band, but they are good musicians, and hey, at least they didn’t decide to use the Goo Goo Dolls!

  20. Matt says:

    I like Linkin Park well enough, though I certainly don’t think that they’re instrumentally one of the best rock bands around right now. Bands like Muse, Animal Collective, and Queens Of The Stone Age are much more interesting. Listen to something like Bliss, New Born, or Brothersport, then compare it to What I’ve Done…no comparison, really.

    In any case, music is subjective, so i’ll just leave my tangent at that. Despite the fact that I like some bands better, I still like Linkin Park, and i’m always interested in what they’re doing because I went through an obsessive Linkin Park phase for a few years. Also, their new album sounds promising, and i’m interested to see where they’ll go after Minutes To Midnight. I was already going to go see Transformers 2, so this is a good added bonus.

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