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Latest Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Trailer Online

By Rodney - April 16, 2009 - 20:46 America/Montreal

The latest Trailer for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince has found its way online.

I imagine in the next 3 months before this movie finally gets released there will be so many trailers and promotional material out there you could edit the entire movie together with trailer footage and make a flipbook out of the posters.

I guess this is what happens when you finish a movie you started an aggressive advertising campaign for almost a year ago then push it back 8 months.

Still excited to see it. Easily my favourite book of the series.


  1. Matt K says:

    damn!! i cant wait to see this film

  2. tzaylor says:

    Sweet, lovin the black smoke effects for the death eaters.

  3. HAZMAT says:

    Yo how many “last” trailers ARE there for this movie?

    Id have to say Malfoy looks awesome

    • Rodney says:

      I agree. Finally Malfoy is becoming the tortured pawn he was meant to be instead of just the mouthy bully who trips over his own insults.

  4. spence says:

    effin awesome….cannot wait for this.

  5. AnnOra says:

    Thanks for posting this Rodney! Definitely a jump start to my morning. I think calling off work on July 15th is in order :)

  6. jujubee says:

    WB, I believe, said that this is the final trailer! Now we can look forward to tv spots and interviews! Yay!

    I love this trailer!! I’d say that yes, some parts seem untrue to the book, but for the most part, it looks like this is the most faithful to the book since SS & COS.
    I cannot wait for this film!!!

  7. Kristina says:

    Geez, is Hermione going to be spazzing like that through the whole movie? Ugh, my favorite character has been reduced to a crying mess. WTF.

    • Meli says:

      Don’t worry Kristina, Hermione is still the rational one of the trio.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Shes cried in every single HP movie so far!

      But without her they wouldnt have gotten to the end of the FIRST one, without her harry/ron would still be in his first year…academically. They need someone to copy off of!

      And every time they would get in a fight with her their grades would steadily drop so they were like “Shit! I think we should start talking to her again…were going to fail potions!”

  8. Phil Gee says:

    I think I’ve seen like 6 or 7 trailers for this thing to date…….but hot damn they keep making them so good.

    I think the die hard fans will have cooled down over the release date move now. Nobody’s boycotting this thing. They’ll all be lining up in early July for their tickets.

    • Meli says:

      I think you’re right. I was one of those REALLY pissed off fans who decided to boycott the first weekend, maybe two, but about a month ago I gave up on the plan…I’m too excited for this film now.

  9. someeone says:

    I enjoyed the last trailer more. This one reveals too much and doesn’t get me nearly as excited.

    The last just seemed “directed” this one seems to be more of a random clip show.

  10. Dragonslayer says:

    I’m having a geekasm. This looks so fucking awesome.

  11. TheRZA says:

    if i didn’t already know how the movie ends it would be my most anticipated movie the summer. best book in the series and the trailers just get better and better

  12. Ozymandias dat that ass. says:

    I just geeked all over myself…This movie looks amazing. I love the last one the most so far…this one may out do it (IMO).

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