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Jonathan Nolan Not Credited On Terminator Salvation

By John - April 28, 2009 - 14:57 America/Montreal

The WGA is a grotesquely political body. We saw that in the recent writers strike, and now we see it again. Jonathan Nolan (The Dark Knight Director’s Christopher Nolan’s brother and co-writer) had made major contributions to the script of the new Terminator Salvation script… and yet… he was not allowed to be credited.

His contributions to the script were so significant that director McG earlier said Nolan was “the lead writer of the film.” and “I don’t know how the WGA rules work but honest to goodness, we did the heaviest lifting with Jonah”. And yet… this “lead writer” who did the “heavy lifting” doesn’t get a credit. Help me out here.

Our friends over at /Film looked into it a bit more and give us this:

I called the Writers Guild of America to find out, and they told me that the FINAL “Written By” credits for the film list only John Brancato and Michael Ferris, the duo that wrote Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines and the original script for Terminator Salvation. The WGA told me that the credits are not currently in arbitration, and that Jonathan Nolan is NOT listed on the final credits. Of course, this doesn’t mean that Nolan didn’t have a large contribution to the film. Changes in dialogue, character, mood and tone can mean the difference between a good movie and a bad movie. But WGA arbitration is a strange, often disputed and sometimes political process. Nolan would have had to change 51% or more of the story to earn a credit.

So if an actor is only in 5 minutes of a movie… less that 5%… then they get a credit. But someone who contributes as much as Nolan did to the script doesn’t get a credit. I’m not going to pretend to understand the interworkings of the WGA political machine, and I’m sure this happens all the time… but it’s still really messed up.


  1. AARON says:

    That’s wrong, dead wrong. He should be credited for everything he’s done and what so far looks like a good script.

  2. 3R!C says:

    That is bull! He should get credit, the Guild is crazy!

  3. Kate says:

    Christian Ble initially wasn’t gonna do Terminator. Then McG hired Jonathan Nolan, and Bale agreed to do it. The changes Nolan made must have been significant for Bale to all of a sudden change his mind. This is bull .

  4. Seth Rex says:

    And this is the same guild that ‘works for their workers’ to get more money and shit.

  5. SlashBeast says:

    Jonah Nolan’s influence can definetely be seen with the trailers and McG himself has stated that he was a major contributor. This is downright wrong.

  6. Sound Designer Dan says:

    That’s weird. He’s credited on the cardboard poster stands.

  7. Rodney says:

    I wonder if on IMDB they will list him under WRITERS and put (uncredited) next to his name! lol

    I always find that amusing on IMDB, since they are giving CREDIT to someone uncredited.

    It should say (uncredited -until now)

  8. Kristopher Tapley says:

    I asked Nolan about this myself and he said he worked on it in the early stages, nothing more. I think McG pumped that soundbyte everywhere because Nolan (at the time of the set visit that spawned the quote) was a “name” writer.

  9. Kristopher Tapley says:

    Also, don’t be so naive with your last statement, John. If every writer who had everything to do with every script was on every credit roll, it would be absolutely absurd and you know it.

  10. EZELL says:

    That suck he did not write the whole thing DK was good Rise of the MAchines made me want to kick Jim CAM in the balls for giving them the right write it.

    And JIM CAM is on of my favorite directors.

    • Gutpunch says:

      But Jim “Cam” does not own the Terminator franchise and has no say in who does what with it. They could have the Epic Movie guys write and direct a Terminator movie and he could do nothing about it. He has no right to give away.

      As for Nolan. His contribution was the reason Bale came aboard in the first place so he should get credit. Now do we know if he gets a “additional writing” credit or nothing at all?

    • JDH says:

      Does James Cameron get any royalties from the Terminator franchise? I read somewhere that Linda Hamilton got them in their divorce settlement.

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      I think there was some dispute as to actually owned the rights, right around the time before T3 got started. It was between camereon and his old partner, I forgot her name. am i wrong?

  11. bigsampson says:

    my question is how do we know if this is completely true…maybe it would just sound cooler if his brother was the writer….maybe he really didnt do shit…most of this is just speculations…and like i said having nolans brother writing will make people think it has more credibility IMO…but if he did write a lot then the WGA is lame.

  12. Kaneda979 says:

    I hate the WGA, they are just an evil money hungry cult, and I don’t think writers should join it or should have to join it, whatever the case is, to make it big as a writer.

    Props to independent writers who don’t put them selves threw this crap.

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