James T. Kirk vs. The Snow Beast Video

Posted by John Campeaon 30. 04. 2009in News Chat

The release of the new Start Trek movie is getting closer and closer… and while I have some major reservations about the film, I can’t help but be excited about it at the same time. I love Sci-Fi and I love Star Trek… so this is something I’m pumped for.

Last night on lost, they showed some clips from the upcoming movie. This is is of Kirk getting in some trouble against a snow monster. (video via iO9)

The only thing I don’t like about this video is that it reminds me a little too much of that scene from Phantom Menace when they’re in the little mini-sub running from the sea creature.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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17 Responses to “James T. Kirk vs. The Snow Beast Video”

  1. Kristina says:

    No Jar Jar though.


  2. 3R!C says:

    Use the Force! Pull your sabre out of the snow!

  3. methos says:

    That bigger beast reminds me of the monster in Cloverfield.

  4. Arc Cadio says:

    I like the look of the bigger monster on screen than what we saw drawn couple weeks back.

  5. Persetti says:

    Those are some crazy beasts…big fucking beasts is always good

  6. Hero Supreme says:

    Theres always a bigger fish

  7. Matt K says:

    damn that was awesome

  8. ButterOnMyPopcorn says:

    A tropical colored monster in an icy wasteland. Apparently that planet is void of Darwinism.

  9. Dave says:

    Wouldn’t a creature on an ice planet have fur? That second creature should’ve had fur.

    • Devan Price says:

      its so bad ass it didn’t need fur.

      “Arc Cadio says:
      April 30, 2009 at 10:10 am

      I like the look of the bigger monster on screen than what we saw drawn couple weeks back.”

      have to agree i thought it wouldn’t fit to well but after seeing this i could care less.

  10. 1138 says:

    I was really excited to see this movie but the more I see the more silly it’s beginning to look. I am still going to see it…I’ve got my ticket already but man do I have reservations.

    I mean is JJ making Star Trek or just retreading Star Wars???

  11. Nite Owl's limp noodle says:

    How does that remind you of that scene in Star Wars? Because a bigger monster kills the smaller one? Yikes…making leaps there Johnny boy. Wait til the rest of the scene in the movie. Old Spock shows up in a cloak and rescues Kirk Obi Wan Ep. IV style….

    • 1138 says:

      I know what you mean but that scene just seems typical George, just substitute Kirk with Obi, Luke or Qui-Gon.

      I wanted a reboot not a retread of old ideas.

  12. Kaneda979 says:

    I thought it was pretty cool, both the monsters looked great running around.

    But I have to agree, the scene did remind me of the part in Episode 1 as well. But I still liked it.

    The only thing that really bothered me was that the dude playing Kurk’s reaction to the monster’s was a little too comical. I keep worrying if this guy has what it takes to carry on the legacy of James T. Kurk. So far I haven’t been to imprest. I keep wanting to see a trailer where he has more then 1 or 2 lines in it.

  13. Kristopher Tapley says:

    Saw this tonight finally. Best movie of the year.

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