Jackie Chan Announces 100th Movie

Posted by John Campeaon 29. 04. 2009in News Chat

Jackie Chan is the man. When a performer… any kind of performer… does things so well that he almost becomes a genre in an of himself, you’ve got something really special. Jackie Chan one of those guys. Love him or hate him, you can’t deny the massive influence he’s had on the movie industry or the amazing career he’s carved out for himself and the fact that he paved the way for guys like Jet Li and Tony Ja to become recognizable names in North America.

Chan’s career is now about to hit another milestone. He’s planning his 100th movie project. The folks over at Yahoo News give us this:

The 55-year-old “Rush Hour” star said on his Web site he will co-direct the film tentatively called “Chinese Zodiac” with Stanley Tong (also directed Chan in Rumble In The Bronx, with shooting to take place in China, Austria and France. The brief statement seen Wednesday did not give further details. Tong, whose credits include the TV series “Martial Law” and the comedy movie “Mr. Magoo,” directed Chan in the 1995 action film “Rumble in the Bronx” and the 2005 fantasy “The Myth.”

I’ve always thought it was a shame that Jackie Chan was never really (in my opinion) used properly in the North American movie market, aside from perhaps the first two Rush Hour movies (I really loved the second one). I hope the 100th will be something special.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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10 Responses to “Jackie Chan Announces 100th Movie”

  1. Ray` says:

    Anything with Jackie Chan in it I will see, even a 55 year old Chan is more exciting then 99% of martial artist in todays movies.

    The guy is pure class, 100 movies, holy crap! :)

  2. party marty says:

    This was talked about in hushed tones a while back then cancelled. Glad its happening as it was said to be an Armour of God sequel.

  3. Grave says:

    Yeah I agree, Chan was never used well in American films, even Rush Hour. Seems like he was always taking a back seat in US films even when he is supposebly the lead. Anyway, Love Rumble in the Bronx so Im up for a 55 year old Chan doing what he does best.

  4. T-Vo says:

    Fuck the American movie market, stick to Hong Kong Movies!
    Even bad Jackie Chan movies are entertaining. Don’t make anymore Hollywood movies, please! Although, I thought Forbidden Kingdom was far from perfect, but I was entertained throughout the flick, thanks to Chan an Li.

  5. HAZMAT says:

    This guys so weird

    “NO! I dont want to fight you!”

    I would be beating the shit out of random people if i had his abilities

    “Please! We can talk this out! (Im Jackie Chan!)”

  6. prahanormal says:

    FUCK YES. Finally a movie I can look forward to.

  7. Kaneda979 says:

    Awesome news. Glad to see he’s returning to his roots for his 100th. Man, his 100th movie, that’s amazing. Good for him and good for his die hard fans, both on his 100th movie and returning to the type of films that made him such a success around the world. Hardly any of his American movies have been worth while in my opinion.

    Rumble In The Bronx was a great action movie, even if that was the only good thing about it, the action. But is was filled with action and stunts no one had ever seen before. It will be interesting to see what the director of Rumble In The Bronx has learned after all these years to put into this new action fest with Chan staring and to have Chan there co-directing, this is going to be inedible.

  8. HDpunk says:

    chan should do a action move in english, the only king of movies hes done in hollywood are comedy & family movies

  9. Anti-Septic says:

    Well, I am happy for Jackie that he has reached this milestone and even happier he is being honored for it.

    Hong Kong cinema really went through a rough patch and it has made a strong resurgence with the younger stars finally getting some movie time like Jackie Wu Jing, my current favorite Hong Kong action star.

    I still feel it is time for Jackie to step away from the camera and be a producer and director, he is getting way to old for the stunts he’s still doing. Personally, I only like the Jackie films in his heyday of Drunken Master, Young Master, Dragon Lord, etc. Love the period stuff with the costumes and when he actually did something that resembled fighting.

  10. B A T M A N says:

    this article and thread is win! (:

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