Heath Ledger’s Last Movie To Premiere At Cannes

Posted by John Campeaon 30. 04. 2009in News Chat

Because of how brilliant he was in The Dark Knight, a lot of people forget that it wasn’t Heath Ledger’s last movie. Ledger was working on the Terry Gilliam movie “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus” when he died. As you may recall, instead of scraping the movie, they finished it with Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell all stepping in to play Ledger’s character to finish the project.

The problem has been that no one has picked up the film, and it’s looked like it never hitting the screens was a very real possibility. Until now.

Now, we are happy to report that “Doctor Parnassus” will have its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival on May 22nd. It is expected that an acquisition will be announced soon after.

This is good news. I’ve got to admit I’m more interested in seeing this movie for the way they handle the three actors stepping in to pick up for Ledger than I am to see Ledger himself (although that is obviously also very interesting to me). (source: WorstPreviews)

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Heath Ledger’s Last Movie To Premiere At Cannes”

  1. AARON says:

    Congrats to them, I’d like to see how it does with the mainstream audience

  2. mikeyclt says:

    Its too bad that an interesting concept like having 4 really strong actors play the same role like this had to come with Ledgers death… Really hoping that this gets picked up

  3. Meli says:

    I really want to see this movie, preferably on the big screen, so I’m hoping it’ll be well received at Cannes and get distrubtion here in the US.

  4. David Lopan says:

    Let’s get a god damn trailer already please? Gilliam is a visionary director and you would think that he would always get distribution for his films a little easier. Aside from The Brother’s Grimm, I didn’t see anything of his that I haven’t liked. I even really enjoyed the little film he made a few years back called Tideland. Gilliam is great.

  5. ramtastic says:

    i cant wait to see this movie. and did you know that depp, ferrell, and law gave their salaries to matilda, ledger’s daughter

  6. dolorescraeg says:

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  7. dolorescraeg says:

    jude,johnny and colin. it has to be amazing….let’s hope the u.s.a has a distributer wise enough to allow us to see this terrific combo.

  8. Kaneda979 says:

    Bad ass. Been wanting to see this one for some time now. Just such an amazing cast. So glad to hear it all came together. This should be an unforgettable movie experience and put Terry Gilliam back in the spot light as a ground breaking director. If it is a good movie that is. ;)

    It’s a shame Ledger past away at such a high point in his career and so young, but at least we have one last chance to see him work his magic. Reminds me of Brandon Lee, when The Crow was his last movie, which also came out after he past away…

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