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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Release Date Moved Up

By John - April 14, 2009 - 21:45 America/Montreal

Great was the anger released by Harry Potter fans around the world when it was announced that Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince wasn’t going to be released until 2009 when it was originally supposed to hit theaters late 2008. Great cries of “boycott” echoed through the halls of Hogwarts… but as time has passed on cooler heads have prevailed and you really don’t hear anyone mention the film’s delay anymore… just excitement as the release date draws closer.

Well, that release date has just gotten even closer as Warner Bros. have announced that the release date for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince has been moved up from Friday, July 17th to Wednesday, July 15th. Now, I’m sure those 2 days don’t make up for the 5 months delay… but Potter fans will take it.

As for myself, it’s well documented that I’m not a Potter fan, but the last two films have really impressed me to the point that I’m actually looking forward to the new film. Let’s hope it doesn’t disappoint. If it does, at least we’ll know it two days earlier now.


  1. Matt K says:

    the sooner the better

  2. Darek-T says:

    It’s not that much but it at least makes me just the little bit more happy

  3. frankwolftown says:

    Can this movie just leaked as well so we can all get it over with?

    • Angela says:

      Oh yes… the leak would probably be without the magic of CGI, nothing better than a magic movie without special effects. “Llangorian Flotsam!… what do you mean nothing happened.” lol..

  4. Kristina says:

    The move to 2009 has put a damper on my excitement for this film, honestly. I was pumped for it last year and the hype machine was solidly churning out pics and trailers. But it got moved, I sort of forgot about it, and I’ve gone from “Yay Potter!” to “I’ll see it when I see it”.

  5. HAZMAT says:

    Wasnt this movie finished like in 2008?

    • Rodney says:

      Its been in the can since around October last year.

      As John mentioned, WB decided to delay it because they didnt have any massive tentpoles to offer for the 09 summer.

    • HAZMAT says:

      I think, that even if they did have good movies in the 09 summer, they should have moved it up

      YES, Im mad that they moved it 6 months away but, its a smart move from WB…if I were the king of the world and I owned WB or 20 century FOX or whatever….Id do whatever I can to release my G, PG and PG-13 movies in the summer, when kids are out of school. I mean Harry Potters MAIN audience is teenagers…a lot of adults but its a book that has a 90% teenage characters…

      But as a fan, Im pissed I didnt see it waaaayyy back then in november when QoS came out

  6. War-Journalist says:

    What’s with all this Wednesday stuff? Sure the sooner the better for a release, but why is everything switching to Wednesday now?
    Anyway, yay. It’s approaching quickly. But I think now that the whole “Dumbledore is gay” thing is out, people might not take the movie seriously. I know it’s a terrible, shallow, awful thing. But it happens. I personally don’t give a shit. I’ll enjoy it all the same. As long as they didn’t change/cut out too much. I’ll stay there for 3 and half hours if need be. If/when I am able to go to the movies, that’s my day. I don’t make plans to be anywhere, that is my day. My femme friend will probably drag me to the midnight premiere.

    • HAZMAT says:

      MAN I agree
      There are SO many famous (not movie star famous, King Pharaoh famous) people that were homosexual…its insane how many famous leaders from ancient Greece and Egypt were homosexual…

      Alexander the Great, Ricardo Lion Heart, Leo Da Vinci, Caesar, POeter the great, Like 4 popes, and that Edward king from England were all gay.
      Yet peopel freak out abotu Dumbledore being gay, Im glad Rowling said hes gay, maybe gays will freaking be accepted

      I cant believe theres such a thing as the word “homophobic”
      thats NO DIFFERENT then saying “Im black-a-phobic” or “Im chineese-a-phobic”

      Maybe imthe one thats ignorant, is there a phobia for everything?

      I have a phobia for roaches, orcas and possums…

  7. nbakid2000 says:

    Honestly I’m not that excited about the new film because I considered the last one to be so baaaad. Ugh.

    Anyway, I WILL probably end up seeing this in theaters (as I have all the others) sometime.

  8. obi-wan kubrick says:

    How did the 4th film impress you? It was horrible. So far the 3rd film is the best by a long shot.

  9. Matt K says:

    who really cares if a CHARACTER is a homosexual?

  10. Rodney says:

    Phobia literally means “irrational fear”. It doesn’t have to be justified. I don’t know that a phobia to killer whales would be considered irrational. Just sayin.

    Homophobia is a real thing. People fear what they do not understand.

  11. HAZMAT says:


    Killer whales are scary.

    What scares me about them is that they live in COLD water…and its scary..being in FREEZING water…at night…the water is completely dark…theres nothing but black water in the horizon..and you know theres a pack of orcas swiming under you ready to eat you. Those whales eat SHARKS. And they have that scary ass face that looks like theyre smiling…and the seals are swimign in the beach…not a care in the world…nice day to be in the beach…sunny outside…UNTIl A 7000 TON ORCA APPEARS OUT OF A WAVE AND EATS ALL THE BABY SEALS!

    Possums? They eat everything, they eat plants, they eat animals, they eat carcass, they eat POSSUMS…and they have that face…when they “growl” they look scary as hell


    I understand all of these animals but I would seriously (not exagerating) rather be in a cage with a grizzly then in small dark room with 3 roaches

    Why am i always the one getting off topic?

    sorry about that Rodney

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