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Gregg and Mara sign on for Iron Man 2

By Rodney - April 23, 2009 - 08:51 America/Montreal

Clark Gregg, the soft spoken but persistent Agent Coulson for the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division in Iron Man will be reprising his role in Iron Man 2. As well a new face will be added to the cast but no one seems to know who she is playing.

Kate Mara will be joining the cast, and it seems almost deliberate that her role is kept secret, which only makes us speculate that it is important.

/Film reports:

Mara’s character identity is being kept under wraps (for now). Gweneth Paltrow is back as Pepper Pots and Scarlett Johansson is playing the Black Widow, so where does Mara fit into this picture? The fact that her identity is being kept secret is very curious. Anyone have any ideas?

The ulterior motive to these summer tentpole action flicks has always been to introduce little hints that lead up to the Avengers film, so I can only make wild guesses as to who Kate Mara might play.

She is a pretty girl, and could easily fit the role of the Scarlet Witch, though with Fox still owning the X-Men rights I doubt it would be revealed that she is daughter of Magneto. But of all the Avengers that she could be, that’s the only one I can think she suits.

There is also the Wasp, but I would think a spunkier firecracker of a personality for her. Not the feeling I get from Mara.

So that’s my guess. Wanda Maximoff. Scarlet Witch.

What do you think??


  1. Darren J Seeley says:

    I like the return of Clark Gregg as SHIELD agent Coulson. I was sort of expecting it anyway.

    As for Kate—
    I seen her in We Are Marshall and Shooter. I have not seen Zoom.

    Just because she’s cast does not mean she’ll be Wasp or Scarlet Witch- although Marvel has that Vision film planned shortly after (?) The Avengers.

    My guess Rodney?

    Justine Hammer
    Note: Sam Rockwell is 40 yrs young, Mara is 26. With a slight bit of makeup on Sam as Justin Hammer…

    (Justine Hammer also became the Crimson Cowl in the comics)

    • Anti-Septic says:

      I still say a Vision movie would be very boring movie, bleh. A Wonder Man movie would be ten times more interesting. My all-time favorite Marvel character. It’s too bad Marvel give him about as much respect as a dope addict.

      I know I am showing bias here but I have read all the Vision stuff and it bores me to sleep.

  2. Robb Wo says:

    I agree that it’s probably a big role if it’s being kept under wraps. But I see her fitting the Wasp role. Even though the character has the “spunker firecracker” thing going for her, I also see her as one of those characters that’s more mature and in control, too, after all the changes in the Avengers over the years and her life in an out of relationships with Henry Pym. That’s the kind of look I get from her. And I also don’t see that ‘chaotic’ manner of Scarlet Witch from Mara. Might even just be a very minor cameo, too, just to keep setting up the big film. How many more main characters can they fit in Iron Man 2?!?

    • John says:

      Dear Americans:

      Please, please, please stop referring to women as “spunky”. It is hilarious but icky.

      -Your Transatlantic cousins

    • Rodney says:

      Dear John the Transatlantic Cousin.

      Get your head out of the gutter. The word is used appropriately. It is not hilarious or icky - you just have a dirty mind.

      - Your CANADIAN cousin.

    • Devan Price says:

      Dear CANADIAN cousin

      Why don’t you call anymore? its seems like years since we last talked. I heard about your dog getting into the chocolate cake last Monday…

      - Your Retarded Mall Cop step-cousin

  3. Kristina says:

    It’s been a good week for the Mara family, huh? They’re getting roles all over the place.

  4. HAZMAT says:

    Madame Mask would be kinda cool if done right

    Kala, the military leader

    The Exemplars have a couple of females that are Ironmans villains too

    Conquest…but I dont see her playing Conquest

    And that girl thats a cheap imitation of storm and can control the weather

  5. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    carol danvers.

  6. Tripp Van Easille says:

    She is very pretty, I’m going to have to start digging thru the archives for my old Avengers back issues….plus pick up some of the recent vintage. And of course my thoughts then fly to DC and the current malaise in they’re pantheon of material. Deep sigh….

  7. jaffahut says:

    Hmm, perhaps her role doesn’t really matter at all? Sure, It IS fun to speculate with cool ideas, but I’m just saying… The truth is usually the less-exciting option. And besides, do we really wanna get this movie crammed with lots of superheroes that matter? Better just keep it ‘Iron Man’, not Avengers just yet…

  8. 3R!C says:

    She’ll probably be a love interest for Stark, trying to compete against Pepper.

    • LeoGuy says:

      Maybe its Maria Hill, the woman who took over S.H.E.I.L.D. after Nick Fury went missing.

  9. Default Prophet says:

    I’m gonna say either Agent 13, Sharon Carter or Carol Danvers

  10. Zoidberg. says:

    FUCK YEA! I love Kate Mara.

  11. Kaneda979 says:

    This will be awesome if she does end up being Scarlet Witch. I can totally see her in the role. Use this as a kind of set up for the character that will also be in The Avengers.

    I was hopping for a strong female Avenger in the movie and this could be it. But I suppose who knows right, til they let the cat out of the bag.

    It does suck though that they can’t do the whole, her being Magneto’s daughter thing though. And to use that as a way to tigh the X-Men and Avengers together, movie wise. Damn Fox.

    I wonder if Mrs. Marvel is going to be in Avengers or if they’re just going for a more classic Avengers feel, character wise.

  12. James says:

    I think they kicked out Scarlet Jo, kept it secret and replaced her with that cute girl in the picture. :D

  13. free online virtual worlds says:

    Ahh she’s pretty and sexy. Scarlet Witch definitely good to go!

  14. Bernardg says:

    Yeahh, she is cute, and got hot body too. Cute, hot bod, naturally redhead. She should be Black Widow, unless ScarJo moving out that wouldn’t happen. But maybe, could she be Miss Marvel? or Spiderwoman. Her role in Avenger is quite prominent to say the least.
    Being Wasp… doesn’t she supposed to be Asian? or half asia at least…

  15. g8tor says:

    someone already mentioned it but i think she would look good being the wasp.

  16. eretail says:

    She is cute, She is very pretty and hot body to
    it’s probably a big role and she can do this charachter very well.

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