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Green Lantern Set To Start Shooting In Australia

By John - April 16, 2009 - 18:19 America/Montreal

When you think about it, The Green Lantern is sort of like The Greatest American Hero. Seriously… a seemingly unassuming but good individual encounters an alien item that bestows god like power on them.

I’m very curious to see how this project turns out. The Green Lantern holds a load of potential to be both terribly cheesy, and insanely awesome at the same time.

Things now appeared to be locked as the studio has announced they’re going into pre-production in July and start the cameras rolling in November… all in Austrailia. Movieweb gives us this:

New South Wales premier Nathan Rees announced that filming would take place at Fox Studios in Sydney, with pre-production to start in July and principal photography to commence in November. “The production is expected to employ 500 people at any given time, including 100 performers, 200 crew and thousands of extras,” Rees said. “Securing this movie will ensure skilled film crews stay in NSW. Films such as this invest heavily in the local economy and (have) flow-on effects for local services such as transport, construction and the hotel industry.”

Put me down as being excited about this one.


  1. Matt K says:

    hope this turns out to be a good film so DC can get some comic book films in other than batman and superman(not that i wouldnt mind seeing more of those lol)

  2. ethan says:

    yeah john you can put me on the “excited’ list as well. i think this character deserves a good film, i mean the comic is kickin ass right now and if his movie was done justice then that would be great. Honestly i don’t know who would play the part greatest but hopefully an enthusiastic actor with decent chops will be chosen for the role.

  3. Iceberg says:

    This is the last shot for DC to compete with Marvel. I’m sorry, this movie has to blow us away, it can’t be just ok, it has to be great. if not, then we can kiss Superman good bye in our life time. I mean they can’t ride Batman forever…

    So DC, times up

    • Anti-Septic says:

      Last shot, seriously? How many failures has Marvel had since making films? The big problem with DC is they have only supported their big three characters throughout the years, That being of course Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. Its true they have taken any chances sticking mainly with THe Superman and Batman movies.

      I think the Green Lantern movie has the potential to eclipse any Super Hero movie made for the simple reason he has the coolest powers and it will be a fresh movie for DC (Not a Batman or Superman) movie.

      I agree with your one statement that DC cannot live on Batman and Supereman forever.

  4. 3R!C says:

    DC’s time isn’t up. Thanks to The Dark Knight, pretty much all Marvel is trying aim to make their films more “darker” a la Dark Knight. Martin Campbell is a terrific director, I’m really looking forward to this. Now we just to get Superman going…

    • Iceberg says:

      How can u say that? So you mean to tell they are happy to be the one trick ponny? And if you say yes, ud need mad help sonn! Yes the Dark Knight and Batman Begins was hot…but what else? That’s a weak average if you ask me.
      So for real, if they Bomb this movie, it’s a wrap

  5. Fernby says:

    The effects in this film are going to be awesome. Green Lantern will be an exceptionally FX heavy film, and I for one cannot wait.

  6. Jordan says:

    Im looking forward to this i just wanted to know who is going to play the green Lantern i have heard some good casting choices and you know i think this is good for WB they need to get away from batman and superman i mean i love both but this i good they can do new cheaters i still think it would to have the flash in perduction and that 8 hour sperman movie i relly liked that idea. Hopefully this will get WB on the right foot for JL and maby batman 3

  7. free virtual worlds says:

    hurry, hurry, hurry! So looking forward to this!

  8. Phil Gee says:

    Martin Campbell is one of those directors who, if you give him a great script, he’ll deliver magic and if you give him a crap script, he’ll give you ‘The Legend of Zorro’.

    But I really think this film is going to be something special.

  9. Kaneda979 says:

    FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for this ship to sail for so damn long now. Ever since WB proved they could pull of a great DC comics movie, ala Batman Begins and then The Dark Knight.I so want this movie to turn out great also.

    Green Lantern and Batman are 2 of the very short list of DC characters that really get me excited about anything, well, DC related.

    Please be good, please be good, please be good….

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