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George Lucas Returns Star Wars to the Big Screen with Legacy Trilogy

By Rodney - April 1, 2009 - 01:21 America/Montreal

George Lucas couldn’t stay out of the Star Wars sandbox for long and despite claiming he would never make another Star Wars film, he has announced he will be returning to the big screen with a new trilogy.

TheStub.ca says:

Announced today, George Lucas will return to Star Wars films announcing a different tack. This time Lucas will adapt a Star Wars story he did not write in a trilogy of films he says will excite and reinvigorate the fans.

The story in question is the Dark Horse Comic book series Star Wars Legacy, and the adaptation will be named The Legacy Trilogy.

Star Wars: Legacy is set 125 years after the film Return of the Jedi. The comics feature Cade Skywalker, a descendant of Luke Skywalker, who was trained as a Jedi but has abandoned the order. He apprenticed himself to the pirate Rav and lives among bounty hunters, smugglers and pirates. Cade has also dropped his last name. The series begins with an attack on the Jedi Temple and the overthrow of the Galactic Empire by a newly created Sith order.

Lucas hopes to give a new chapter and a new franchise that is distant enough from the existing timeframe. The tone will be darker and promises to be void of Lucas’ token kid friendly comic relief.

Some friendly reminders will be the very outdated but faithful R2-D2, and Mark Hammill who is in negotiations to appear as the sage Force Ghost that offers guidance to Cade Skywalker.

As a huge Star Wars fan I feel that tickle in my tummy that will soon burst into new movie madness and the fans that have struggled with Star Wars’ shortcomings may have little to bark about.

Lucas wants to admit that he has heard the fans, and he wants to give us another movie that we will love. Lucas will be consulting on this himself getting final say on everything, but he will not be writing or directing. He still feels this is his baby, but is willing to loosen his grip to bring it to the big screen.

There is so much potential for doing a serious dark world of Star Wars with no Jar Jar’s and no whiny kids. This concept of a far flung future not only canonizes the myriad of novels (previously in a gray area of canon), but also sounds like Lucas is taking a page out of the hotly anticipated Star Trek franchise, often seen as the other side of the coin to Star Wars.

Star Trek is receiving a wave of anticipation and renewed popularity with its own reboot/sequel and perhaps Lucas wants to step away from the restraints of his current trilogy limbo to give us a new story without retelling the old.

So get out your sleeping bag and lawn chairs and get in line. Star Wars is back on the big screen and things are about to get crazy!!


  1. Matt K says:

    i like the fact that he isnt directing, but i would have much prefered that there wasnt anymore films, but as long as it has good story and a good director them im in.

    • Jake says:

      Um, do you know what day it is? I’m taking this with a grain of salt(so to speak) until the April Fool madness dies down.

    • Matt K says:

      dude i made that comment last night when i didnt realize it was a april fools joke and its kinda impossible for me to delete my comment or take it back

    • Matt K says:

      but i thank you for calling me out on my mistake nearly 24 hours after i made that mistake and after the “madness” has died down

  2. Seth Rex says:

    This is going to be AWESOME! I can see it now. But expect the usual arguements.

  3. Formless says:

    This should be QUITE interesting.

  4. Dan says:

    Sounds like an April Fools gag to me.

    • Matt K says:

      to be honest i hope it is

    • Jeremy K. says:

      I agree, sounds like Aprils fools; however, unlike Matt K, I hope it isn’t. The Star Wars universe is big enough to go on forever with new stories and new characters, but with that said, I highly doubt this is true.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      I think it’s an April Fool’s gag myself.

      The only new thing on the Star Wars front, is more reports on that upcoming LA TV series or another game.

      As far as films go, I’d rather have Lucas get into other films not related to The Force. It could be another fantasy/sci-fi film. It could be an adaptation of Shadow Moon, (that follow up Willow) get it up and running. (Or, seeing how the first film was, what, 1988, a more plausible Fools Joke would that Willow was getting a remake.
      Or at least, it would be a joke for another month, seeing how everything under the stars is under a re-something banner….

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      APRIL FOOL!!!
      but he should totally do Shadow Moon, willow was bad-ass. or at the very least another ewok made for tv movie.

  5. Slushie Man says:

    Does nobody catch on that its April 1st in parts of the world?

  6. Jeremy says:

    This better not be an April Fools joke. If it turns out to be true, this will be awesome.

    • Jeremy says:

      Just noticed, Rodney wrote both posts on the Stub AND the Movie Blog, and they only referenced each other. Rodney, you summonagun, couldn’t resist, could you?

    • Rodney says:

      I admit nothing.

  7. Vito says:

    I call BS!

  8. The Darr says:

    Umm…April 1st, anyone?

  9. chris....the real one says:

    gosh im sick of star wars

  10. Ryan says:

    Rodney you bastard. But in a good way.

  11. wordy says:

    gosh im sick of movie site april fools posts

  12. Roman says:

    I REALLY hope this is the real deal. The Legacy comics ROCK!!!! They are INSANELY good. This would be the best move he’s made in a long time.

  13. Roman says:

    Okay, I am starting to think this IS a joke because there’s no mention of this ANYWHERE on the web. Not Funny at all.

  14. Kate says:

    Posted forty minutes too early. ;)

  15. Justin says:

    Some of the text is lifted right from the Wikipedia page for the comic. And note how the stories link back to one another.

    Happy April Fools! :-)

  16. Andy D says:

    You bastard. You almost had me.

  17. leeloo says:

    george lucas there is not without the wars of the clones.

    fools day of april i think.

    i read that one on the web about batman 3 with depp as the riddler and james cameron using his new 3d tech to recreate heath ledger and like an idiot i totally bought it.

  18. Benjamin says:

    god, I hate april 1st

  19. spiderfreak182 says:

    lol, 3/4 into i remembered april fools, and rolled my head along with my eyes…
    i need to stay away from all news today

  20. Andrew says:

    If this is an April Fools joke (Which it is no doubt) then Rodney you suck….
    one because well, you got my hopes up..
    two because you can’t do an april first joke on March the 31 at 9 o clock…botard

    • Rodney says:

      It was April 1st in my timezone Andrew. Get over yourself.

      The timestamp was changed this morning.

  21. LMangue says:

    hehe, yes, get out that Taun Taun sleeping bag! ;)

    Love AFD.

  22. fluffmaster says:

    Ignore Jazz Monkey fellas. I know him personally, and he’s the biggest Superman geek I know. He’s even got the shambolic Lois & Clark series on DVD, and a Superman bedding set.

    • Jazz Monkey says:

      Dude, do you remember that time when that girl came to chat you up in the club and you panicked and then physically shat in your pants!

  23. Mladen says:

    Dammit, i fell for this for about 5 seconds. Awesome overrode logic.

    Couldn’t we at least try and spread this around as a ‘rumor’ and see if Lucas notices that people LOVE the idea? Then he can pretend he thought of it, and everybody wins.

  24. fluffmaster says:

    Yes Jazz Monkey I do. Must have made an impression, because she’s now my wife. :-)

  25. Wilco says:

    Imagine if this actually gets made all thanks to this post.

  26. bigsampson says:

    wtf dude i swear i almost shit my pants.
    u pretty much said everything that would make me want to wait in line 3 days to see this!

  27. Hassleberry says:

    This was posted the day before April Fools.

    • Rodney says:

      It was April 1st in my timezone when I posted it.

      The site is set to LA time, but I am in Ontario Canada, so the stamp was off.

      Its corrected so future readers will see the proper timestamp.

  28. Hassleberry says:

    I take it back, this is obviously an april fool’s joke, as I searched the internet, and found nothing about it, also I went to the The Stub, and it said, The Movie Blog Says: (and then has the thing about Lucas making the new movies).

  29. bjon86 says:

    well done. you got me. But Lucas would never let somebody else direct one of his star wars movies. he’s stupid like that.

    • Rodney says:

      Irvin Kershner directed Empire Strikes Back, Richard Marquand directed Return of the Jedi.

      Lucas directed the prequels and A New Hope. Clearly he will let others direct his movies.

    • bjon86 says:

      damn you got me there. then why did he decide to direct the newer stuff? he did didn’t he?

  30. UberBarrett says:

    i call BS….april fools.

  31. sjp1966 says:

    I am in two minds about this. I wonder if he should just leave them be…. but if they have a nice dark storyline and a good director then it could be more than a little arousing lol.

  32. HDpunk says:


    this is obiously an april fools day joke, but you cant be post on the day before, good try though

  33. HDpunk says:


    the source website’s post was done by a Rodney Brazeau & it actually quotes the movie blog LMAO

    good one rodney you almost had me

  34. MJS says:

    He cites Thestub.ca, but if you go tp the link, the quote themovieblog. You have to get up pretty early in the morning if you want to April fool me

  35. total jiu jitsu says:

    good one, i actually believed it until i read some of the posts.

    on a side note, @rodney are you going to be doing movie reviews here?

  36. Jamal says:


  37. thiboDude says:

    god damnit, nicely done.
    I admit I got thrown off by the messed up time stamp, but damn, did you have me going.
    now im just kinda bummed out for one; I was so easily fooled (not too hard to do though) and two; that thee will be no Legacy movies *insert sad-face emoticon here*

  38. J L says:

    Why do people insist on ruining the joke? Congrats, you figured out it was an April Fool’s joke, do you realy need to ruin it? A joke is only funny if people beleive it, he had a few peple buying in, and then you internet kings had to show your intelligence and ruin the joke. nice work

  39. Charles says:

    Happy april fools!

  40. ramsey says:

    Hahah, I fell for it for a good 10 minutes. Was about to post the link on Facebook when I saw the date!

  41. AARON says:

    Awesome! I heard he wrote three more scripts for it awhile back, don’t get me wrong I love Star Wars, probably in my top 5 of all time, I’m not tired of it, but what more could he have in store?

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      yeah, i remember that too, wasn’t it supposed to be a nine part epic story-line? or was that just a rumor too?

  42. Hassleberry says:

    Even though it’s fake, I still thought it was pretty funny! I wish it was real, and AARON, just in case you didn’t know it is an April Fool’s prank.

  43. crap... says:

    Great April Fool’s joke. Much better than the Batman 3 one, this actually sounded legitimate.

    April Fool’s or not, I’d be in full support of this idea, without Lucas directing of course.

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      that is what he should do, just write the scripts and hand them off to other directors, we’d be rich.

  44. Jeremy K. says:

    Honestly, the part about Lucas listening to the fans was a dead giveaway.

  45. The Jim Walker says:

    I eill simply leave my mark and repeat about 850 people above. April Fools Gag.

    I wasnt even KINDA taken in bythis one. Your previous gags have been much more… “seductive”…

  46. Meli says:

    haha! I got the tweet message last night and like, huh, I’ll have to check that out in the morning. THEN while driving the kid to school I remembered it was April 1st, but I still came here to read the article you devised.
    -sigh- How dare you play with the hearts of the Star Wars devoted! Even if only for a moment.

    It’s going to be hard to believe a lot of anything in the movie news today.

  47. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    the first aside, would this even work? I don’t think so, even though it would be like one-hundred years plus after jedi, i don’t think so, but just having star wars in the title will make people line up, just look at the clone wars theatrical release…wait a minute.

  48. Louis says:

    Lame april fool ;)

  49. Matt S says:

    Man, I gotta stop visiting movie sites on April 1st. You just can’t trust anythithing you read that day. It’s just as asinine as rick rolling, only it’s condoned by adults with fully functional brains.

  50. 3R!C says:

    Now, I wonder if someone will let this get out to the mainstream media outlets and really screw with people’s heads. :-)

  51. Chris says:

    Almost had me there, but even if Lucas were to continue with SW, he wouldn’t do it so soon after the last film in 2005. That being said, I hope he does allow the franchise to continue in the theaters under another director, there is no reason he cannot let someone else take over making movies, hell he can supervise, have final say on stuff, make sure everything fits into the SW universe, but PLEASE let’s make more movies, I personally can never get enough SW…well can never get enough good SW that is.

  52. TF Fan says:

    As long as Jar Jar bink’s great, great great grandson is in it I am all for seeing it.

  53. Jack says:

    happy april fools day… :(
    F*@k the internet…

  54. EZELL says:

    I wish this was no bull shit than I thought about it being
    April 1st dam you April 1st

  55. Bobby says:

    I hate you so bad right now. damn april fools

  56. Kris says:

    Slash Film’s joke was better…

  57. Thos says:

    The new Star Trek film is going to be *AWESOME*!!!

  58. alonewolf1 says:

    if this story came out on any other day would you think it was a joke

    i always wanted to see the orginal characters from the original films to come back after jedi wrap up now after so much time has past since jedi ended

    it would great if lucas would do a star wars film or films that would allow mark hamill,carrie fisher and harrison ford to reprise their roles

    yes i know there much older know but it would be interesting to see were the characters they played are now in there lives

    did luke with help from his sister bring back the jedi council, did leia and han lived happpy ever after, did luke find some one of his own to love

    i also know that alot of these questions have been answered in the pages of comics and novels through the years but it would be real nice to see it on the big screen

    and lucas shouldn’t wait to long if he ever decides to do another triliogy mark,carrie, and ford are not getting and younger as well as other main supporting actors of the star wars films.

  59. Jawa says:

    Haha. NERDS!
    I hope they remake the first star wars movie just to piss you guys off.

  60. Gareth says:

    Rodney dont make me send Boba Fett after you for this debacle!!!!!

  61. Darek-T says:

    no…..no…..that’s not true……THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!!!

  62. anthony says:

    april fools but to bad though Id love to see a movie set after ROTJ not 125 years but yeah finish up the rebellian story line

    • Rodney says:

      Madness? Most of this stuff was posted this morning. The “madness” of it all is well over my friend.

  63. Kaneda979 says:

    Well, April fools joke or not, if there were more Star Wars movies on the way and if they were based on the real Legacy book series, and not this knock up Rodney came up with, it would totally kick ass.

    The Legacy series is awesome. The new Sith Lords in it totally kick ass. Han and Leia’s daughter and son joins the dark side and so much more. I hope some day they really do turn it into a movie series. And it’s one of the darkest Star Wars stories ever.

    The Darth Bane books would make good movies also.

    • Rodney says:

      Hey man, I didn’t make any of that stuff up about the real Legacy comic series. I cut and pasted the synopsis right from the wiki page for it, and the details I talk about are right from the book.

      In the Novels, one of the Solo kids goes to the dark side, Jaina never does.

  64. Will says:

    Everything Lucas touches turns to garbage now. I don’t know how he can go from the first 3 AND Indiana Jones, to the latest trilogy mess, then to the doldrums of the clone wars. (yes some people liked them, but obviously not enough) George Lucas may as well be dead. Quit hanging onto the past.

  65. Thos says:

    So, is this real or was it an 01 April thing?

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