Five New Star Trek Clips Online

Posted by Rodneyon 27. 04. 2009in News Chat

The last time we got a sampling of clips from a movie it ruined any anticipation I had for the film entirely. So as I hit up the clips I did so half flinching waiting for something to offend me.

It didn’t happen. Check out this clip giving premise to Nero.

And a nice Easter Egg dropping the Abrams “Slusho”

Kirk is always been known as the ladies man, and it sends Trek in a new light to have Kirk hitting on Uhura. I don’t mind that at all as to me, it just punctuates that there is no canon not worth deviating from. Nothing saying they didn’t have history from the academy.

Fresh start people! Loving it.

MovieWeb has three more clips to check out.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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10 Responses to “Five New Star Trek Clips Online”

  1. 3R!C says:

    The first scene looked pretty cool. Don’t know about the kinda shaky cam movements. Makes me wonder if the camera man had a lot of sugar that day.

    The second one reminds me if Lucas had made an update Catina sequence and put it in one of the prequels.

  2. 1138 says:

    The more I see of this film the more I am not to happy. The first scene isn’t so bad the 2nd…very kind of see that done that…it just feels like the typical bar scene from a Micheal Bay movie…but I guess I need to see what I’ve seen so far in the context of the movie. But so far things look silly vs very cool.

  3. Daniel says:

    I definitely don’t mind a little deviation from canon on this. I was never a huge fan of the original series, but I did still enjoy it. So I’m pretty excited for this reboot.

    I consider all of this hype to be a very good thing. I’m sure that this movie will rake in plenty of money. I’m hoping it will generate enough interest to bring about a new Star Trek show. Something post Voyager and DS9 in the timeline would be nice. I think all Star Trek fans deserve a new series to get the awful taste of ‘Enterprise’ out of our collective mouths.

  4. RonSalon says:

    I’m with Daniel. While I liked the the original, watching it with my dad when I stood just this tall(holds hand at waste), I am stoked for the reboot.

  5. AARON says:

    Loved both of em

  6. Kristina says:

    Thank God I’m a Trekkie virgin so I don’t have to sit there the whole time whining about stuff being in or out of canon. My friend, the poor Trekkie bastard, is gonna be miserable, I think.

  7. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:


  8. The Dude says:

    I think Trekkies young and old alike will love this new flick. Anyone still worrying about canon is already beyond our help. The franchise needed a facelift, and JJ is the man to do it. The movie looks and sounds like it will have a great story with some awesome action and space battles. Not to meantion Leonard Nimoy and a new Enterprise. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Star Trek will be around for years to come. Live long and prosper!

  9. tzaylor says:

    This will be the best movie of the summer.

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