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First Look at Universal Soldier 3

By Rodney - April 22, 2009 - 14:02 America/Montreal

Old School Action stars seem to be the flavour of buzz lately with all the news about The Expendables, but lets not forget that Universal Soldier is also returning to its roots and digging up two other coveted stars of a simpler time.

We get our first look at Dolph Lundgren and Jean Claude Van Damme in Universal Soldier 3.

Hold me closer, tiny dancer.



  1. AARON says:

    Holy crap that looks awesome

  2. chris....the real one says:

    lol, they are actually doing this…wow

  3. Steve says:

    Wait, there was a Universal Soldier 2?

  4. tom. says:

    I thought JCVD was too good for this stuff now? wasn’t that his explanation for not doing The Expendables?

  5. alfie says:

    JCVD didn’t so the expendables because according ti JCVD when he spoke to stallone about it there wasn’t enough character for him.

    he kept asking stallone about his character and who he would be playing and stallone didn’t have an answer.

    that was van dammes version of events anyway

  6. HAZMAT says:

    Wasnt Vann Damme planning on becoming a “serious actor” and do different movies then the retarded ones he used to be in?

    Well I guess that being in Universal Soldier 3 is the best route to achieve that goal…

  7. Kiddo says:

    The first Universal Soldier kicked ass. I think I need to rent that soon

  8. Zoidberg. says:

    I grew up watching JVCD movies. I am so looking forward to this.

  9. Darren J Seeley says:

    Yes there was a Universal Soldier 2 (”The Return”) as well as two cable films which are “non-canon” in regards to the film series.

    Lundgren is a “clone” of Sgt Scott, and this still looks interesting because both actors look beat up, but it doesn’t appear that the characters are antagonistic. (It could also be Sgt Scott will remember later on n the new flick and then go crazy like the first film)

  10. Grave says:

    Ill try my best to not say anything till i see a trailer.

  11. Mauvy says:

    “I’m all ears.”

  12. Kaneda979 says:

    LOL, sweet. I didn’t know they were both doing the 3rd one. This is great to see them both back at it again. I’ll have to see it just for the nostalgia factor.

    I just wonder if it’s going to be in theaters or strait to DVD.

  13. Henrik says:

    The reason Van Damme is doing this is becaus he is under contract for a third film. He really hopes this film wont ruin his chanses for doing more serious roles.

  14. Sablicious says:

    WTF?? 0_0 These two are still doing action movies?? o_0

  15. nar says:

    i dont understand, dude. i believed that dolph lundgren dies in the first movie

  16. Pat says:

    I hope this is a hit, I would really like to see Jean Claude make a comeback. I know he screwed up in the past, but if you really think about some of his classics he f’ing rocked!

  17. Spider-Clown says:

    I like the idea of Van Damm doing this again. He deserves a second chance. He payed his dues for ruining his career with drugs. If anyone ever saw JCVD, his new better movie since this original, you’d say he did a great job. It’s a good movie just give it a chance and ignore the French captions for some of the movie. Oldies are back, accept it because movies latly suck. If only Van Damm was like this awhile back, he could have been Gambit in this upcoming X-men

    • David Lopan says:

      Ignore the captions? What’s wrong with the captions? It was a foreign film…and it would be difficult to understand the dialogue without it.

  18. Blockkhead says:

    Its good that the Universal Soldiers part 2(NOT the Van Damme/Goldberg one), part 3 and I think part 4 are forever gone from this planet. Anyone remember these ones from about 10yrs ago? I worked in a video department when they came out.

  19. i12bnmovie says:

    Van Damme was contractually obligated to make one more movie for this company, and they basically forced him to do this one or they would sue him for breach of contract.

  20. Gerald Salinas says:

    Jean Claude Van Damme movies were never Great and my opinion is they were never intended to be, they are what they are, Just Good Fun.

  21. KISSman says:

    Oh man, that’s cool!!! I’m so glad they both are in it. I’m so psyched after seeing these pictures!

  22. musicsoup says:

    this picture rules. super stoked about seeing them together again. and honestly, pretty glad that emmerich isn’t directing. means there’s hope for it.

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