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Even More Half-Blood Prince Posters

By Rodney - April 21, 2009 - 04:41 America/Montreal

Adding to the flipbook that is the reams of set pictures and posters of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, we get four new character posters for the film.

These feature a pairing of characters.

It’s no secret that this is my favourite chapter of the series, but seeing that Malfoy and Snape image reminded me of how the two characters reach their importance in the last chapter. The way their story comes together as the result of this story and onto the next is a wonderful buildup. It took 6 books but now we finally see WHY Malfoy was there to begin with. He isn’t just a prissy bully wannabe.

Check Latino Review for enbiggened images.


  1. AARON says:

    I only like the second one and the fourth one a little bit, but I got to admit, the movie does looks good

  2. ROBB says:

    I hate to say it, but is anyone still watching these films? The whole thing is kind of old. The books finished up a while ago, and for the most part, most everyone has moved on. Harry WHO?

    • Matt K says:

      i still watch them and the fact that they make money is proof enought that people still watch them

    • Rodney says:

      You got a little dust in your hair from that rock you have been living under.

      Harry Potter is far from over with.

      They are building an entire theme park recreating the school and other locations from the book. You think they would do that on a dead franchise?

    • Phil Gee says:

      Oh yeah, I forgot about the theme park. It’s nice to see that the recession isn’t stopping everything.

  3. AARON says:

    No offense Phil, but no recession stops movies, as I recall the industry is always booming, except in September

  4. Robb says:

    I’m pretty suprised at you guys. Once you’ve been around a little longer, you’ll realize that just because a movie makes money doesn’t make it good. You’re letting Hollywood and the general public dictate what is “good.” Sorry, but I’ve watched all of you bash film upon film that raked in wads and wads of cash. You shouldn’t use the figures they tell you to make your decision about if you thought it was good or not. You need to have your opinion FIRST, gentlemen. Not after you see the numbers.

    • Rodney says:

      What is your point Robb? You think that we are just excited about Harry Potter because it makes money??

      Good is a matter of perspective, and all based on opinion. I am sure there are people who liked Dragonball even though it made $30m world wide.

      But what we are discussing here is the ignorant comment that the Harry Potter devotion has waned because you personally have your own opinion on it.

      Big Boxoffice might not guarantee that its a good movie, but you cant argue with repeat admission and heaping piles of DVD sales. Clearly people are going out of their way to see this over and over… then buying a dvd. It is not something you do over and over again when the movie is bad.

    • Matt K says:


      you asked if anyone is still watching these films? and i pointed out that the fact that the movies are making money just shows you that people DO indeed still watch these films, hell to be honest i dont like the first 3 they only got good(for me) w/ “the goblet of fire”

    • Matt K says:


      i totally agree w/ on that just b/c a movie makes money doesnt mean its good though.

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