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Eli Roth Wants To Do Sci-Fi Action Flick Then Full Thanksgiving Movie

By John - April 15, 2009 - 22:42 America/Montreal

There is something very likable about Eli Roth. He seems like the type of dude I’d totally like to hang out with to watch a Football game or something like that. That being said, I’m not exactly a huge fan of his as a director. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t DISLIKE his work… I’m just not convinced either way on him. I thought Hostel was a solid little movie… but Hostel 2 was so bad it was almost unforgivable.

Now it seems that Roth is aiming his directorial career in the direction of a Sci-Fi action film to be immediately followed by a full theatrical version of his “Thanksgiving” trailer which appeared in Grindhouse a couple of years back. Movie Web gives us this:

“I don’t want to give away the title yet, because I have to make sure I own it 100%, but it’s going to be something that is really fun with lots of mass destruction,” he said. “I wanted to do something along the lines of Transformers or Cloverfield that was a little more science fiction-based, and with lots of chaos and mass destruction.”

“I don’t want to say what [the monster is] yet,” Roth added. “Once it gets set up, I will let everyone know. It is not aliens or robots or a virus - it’s a little more grounded. But when people hear it they are going to be like ‘That is going to be insane!’.”

Ok… that all sounds well and good. Even I have to admit that I’m pretty curious about what kind of project he’s got in mind. There is however one huge problem:

The last movie Roth directed bombed, and even the first Hostel didn’t make all that much money. What studio is going to ante up $80-$100 million dollars to this guy right now? I certainly wouldn’t. As a fan I think I’d dig seeing this idea of his come to life… but the harsh reality is that he’s never shown his films can pull in enough people to justify that kind of a budget.

I think he should do Thanksgiving first (I’d love to see this), have it make some serious coin… and THEN shop around his bigger idea. Just a thought. But for all I know He’s already got the money lined up. I just highly doubt it.


  1. David Lopan says:

    I’ll watch whatever Eli Roth does. He brings the type of campy fun horror that was big in the 80s. Those movies had three things. 1. Boobs. 2. Humor. 3. Lots of blood. His movies are fun.

  2. chris....the real one says:

    the only thing i liked from him is cabin fever…those hostel flicks are pointless and that thanksgiving trailer as very ok…not to excited about anything coming from him, except the rumor of him doing that stephen king book, cell

    • joeshabazz says:

      I don’t think we can judge Eli Roth just yet. Granted the Hostel movies were just torture porn, but if you compair it to the other movies in that sub-genre, Hostel is pretty good. I loved Cabin Fever, and he hasn’t really done anything else of note.

      I’m looking forward to Cell though, not exactly an audience friendly book, but maybe he can pull it off.

    • Matt K says:


      cabin fever was great

    • chris....the real one says:

      yes, yes it was…

  3. NATE-O says:

    Wow guys kinda harsh on the Roth…the guy has directed what 3 movies (Cabin Fever,Hostel 1&2)…all of which didn’t bomb…hostel 2 made triple its budget so i wouldn’t consider it a total disappointment even though it wasn’t as good as the first…Just sayin 2 outta 3 ain’t bad

  4. alfie says:

    John from a 4.8 million dollar budget Hostel made over 80 million dollars at the box office. Thats huge.

    even the “bomb” Hostel 2 made over 30 million from a 10 million budget.

    • John says:

      Hey Alfie,

      All that shows is that if you give him $10-$15 million he can possibly make a profit for you. There is nothing in his track record that suggests if you give him a blockbuster budget he can give you a return. That’s just the way it is.

      What he needs at this point is a film like Thanksgiving to do 80-120 million… THEN go to financers and ask for the bigger bucks

  5. nbakid2000 says:

    I enjoyed Hostel, didn’t see Hostel 2 or Cabin Fever.

    I’d like to see a full Thanksgiving movie but I wonder if it was best left in Grindhouse?

  6. Brad says:

    I think this guy has great potential. His first outing in Cabin Fever was original, Hostle was as well. Hostle 2 was a bit forced but the guy keeps learning and working on improving himself.

    Now that he is hanging out with Q.T. and Brad Pitt on the set of Inglorious, I can only imagine that was a great learning environment. Both Q.T. and Pitt know movies and I see that as being a major collaboritive room.

    I expect much from Eli in films to come.

  7. EZELL says:

    Its not the director that sells films its the producers.

  8. EZELL says:

    and cast

  9. fullmetal_medji says:

    Wow! I never thought that Eli was the kind of guy who wanted to make a big budget sci-fi movie. I mean I like Eli Roth, but I think he just needs to stick with his niche right now, which are horror movies. Then after he’s made some profitable low budget horror flicks he can pursue this project. At the same type he needs to stop making torture porn movies cause the appeal of those movies is dying fast. Plus I want to see him make Thanksgiving, Cell, and Trailer Trash.

    • Will says:

      Fullmetal, you say he needs to stop making torture porn yet you want him to make thanksgiving. Maybe my memory of the “trailer” is a bit fuzzy, but I seem to remember an awful lot of pointless killings involved. And if it is people in unnecessary pain you don’t like, Cell certainly will not be your cup of tea. If they kept to the story line of the novel they could presumably have one of the highest death counts we’ve ever seen.

  10. obi-wan kubrick says:

    Why all the Hostel 2 hate? It added depth to the story. Getting into the minds and lives of how the people are bought by the two American’s is great. The Thanksgiving trailer was creepy if you ask me.

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