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Dr Horrible Sequel a Feature Film?

By Rodney - April 21, 2009 - 06:26 America/Montreal

With all the success of Joss Whedon’s Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-Long Blog, I figured it was only a matter of time before he attempted another project like it. And from the sound of things he is thinking of continuing with Dr Horrible.

SciFi Wire says:

“Well, we don’t want to be beholden to anybody,” Whedon said in a group interview on Tuesday in Hollywood at a Paley Fest panel on the show. “We want to do the product the same way we did the first one, which is out of our hearts, and then go to people [and say], ‘OK, if you’re interested in this, this is what it is.’ Besides, it could be something theatrical. It could be something on the Internet again, where it’s done on the fly and it all comes from us. We don’t know how we want that to be. The best thing to do is to write it. Then we can start deciding a business model based on the script.”

Dr. Horrible was the only pleasant surprise to come out of the Writer’s Stike.

Gasp! Joss WROTE!!! During the strike … of writers!! Blasphemer.

But I thank him every day as those infectious tunes digs its way into my every thought. They make me smile.

Peronally as much as I would love to see more Dr Horrible, I think that it was a contained story and I feel very satisfied with it. I think that is why I love it so much. I don’t need more. And believe me, Joss is the master at making me want more.

A Dr Horrible feature film? Sounds like genius. But I am going out on a limb to say I wish Joss would spread his genius out a little and come up with something else.

The networks need to cancel another one of my favourite shows.


  1. someeone says:

    I enjoyed the Dr. Horrible series hugely but… I dunno, I worry that anything longer might get a bit lame.

    I mean obviously I’d have to read/watch it to be sure about that (and I’ve been wrong before) but I’d be “concerned.”

    Another three part~ instalment could be fine though.

  2. John says:

    I dunno, I agree it was a self-contained story… not to mention the “villain” is defeated, the love interest is dead and the “hero” has become a proper villain and continuing the sympathetic role would be difficult. Maybe something else in-universe?

  3. John says:

    PS: Spoiler alert… :P

  4. Schulzy says:

    I completely disagree. That was Dr. Horrible’s Spiderman 1. The villian is born, now lets give him some heroes to fight.

  5. mandarinorange says:

    This is Joss Whendon we are talking about, what every he does will be gold.

  6. sirana says:

    You still don’t get it about the Writer’s Strike, do you?
    The writer’s only didn’t write anything for the members of the organisation with whom they couldn’t reach an agreement (the AMPTP, which is the trade association for all the major and most of the minor tv and film production companies).
    They were of course free to write for organisations with which they reached agreements.
    This included for example David Letterman’s production company which is why his show was the only late night show that actually had written content.
    And of course they were free to write stuff for their own projects, like … *drummroll*
    So please, no more senseless allegation that Whedon somehow broke the strike by writing Dr. Horrible. He was a vocal supporter of the strike and walked the line with all the other striking writers.

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