Don Johnson Becomes Porn Director In “Born To Be A Star”

Posted by John Campeaon 28. 04. 2009in News Chat

I’ve got a soft spot for once famous celebrities reemerging onto the public stage in some odd roles. At one point in time there was no bigger star than Don Johnson. When Miami Vice was at the height of its popularity, Johnson was not only outrageously popular… but he was a fashion icon for men as well… something I’ve never seen happen since. It seemed like every other guy walking down the street was dressed like Sonny Crockett.

Johnson is back… and he’s not a cop this time. He’s playing a porn director in the new project “Born To Be A Star”. The folks over at ComingSoon give us this:

Nick Swardson is starring as a small-town nerd who learns his quiet and demure parents were famous porn stars in the 1970s. This motivates him to leave northern Iowa for Hollywood, hoping to follow in their footsteps and fulfill his destiny as the biggest adult-film star in the world. Johnson plays a down-on-his-luck director who discovers Swardson and gives him a shot.

It’s a funny concept, even if it does remind me a little too much of Boogie Nights… with Don Johnson just playing the same role essentially as Burt Reynolds did… but hey, this one is a comedy so let’s see how it pans out.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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3 Responses to “Don Johnson Becomes Porn Director In “Born To Be A Star””

  1. Cinema-Phreak says:

    Yeah sounds like boogie nights with a few jokes and porn star parents. Maybe they will get mark walberg to play one of the porn star parents LOL.

  2. Kristina says:

    He never should have gotten that face lift. Yeesh.

  3. Devan Price says:

    Nick Swardson…

    Is he directing gay porn or something?

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