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Director Says No To Pirates 4 - Focuses On Bioshock

By John - April 8, 2009 - 07:49 America/Montreal

Gore Verbinski, the director of the Pirates of he Caribbean movies has decided to move on from the franchise. He won’t be directing Pirates 4. The good folks over at ComingSoon give us this:

Variety is reporting that director Gore Verbinski, whose main claim to fame came from directing Disney’s blockbuster “Pirates of the Caribbean” action-adventure trilogy to gross $2.6 billion worldwide, has decided that three pirate movies is enough. He’s informed Disney and producer Jerry Buckheimer that he won’t be directing the fourth installment, which is currently scheduled to start shooting in 2010.

This is surprising to me, but I suppose shouldn’t be shocking. The Pirates of the Caribbean movies have declined in quality with each movie to the point that the 3rd one was completely unwatchable to me… which is a shame because I absolutely love the first one.

Verbinski is gearing up to do one of the only video game movies that I think actually may have enough solid narrative story behind it to actually make a good film… BioShock. Admittedly I haven’t played the game, but I’ve watched a couple of my buddies play it for hours and I was really impressed with how much depth there was to it.

It’ll be interesting to see how the flavor of the Pirates franchise changes without its director.


  1. 3R!C says:


  2. Garrett says:

    Well maybe they will get an even better director. I’m curious too how much the flavor will change in the pirates series.

  3. Kevin says:

    While I am excited about Bioshock, despite the fact it’ll be a movie based off a video game, I don’t understand this move. Let’s see, a huge Blockbuster cash-cow, or something that will most likely be a dud, unless a miracle happens…I mean, was he high? I do think, however, it’s a good idea to get a new director for the 4th Pirates, and hopefully get it back to the glory that was Black Pearl.

  4. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    fine, i’ll do it.

  5. RAF says:

    I think the should get Tim Burton to do the 4th Pirates him and johnny are a match made in heaven.

    • Rodney says:

      I don’t need Pirates to turn into something quirky dark and morbidly delightful.

      Big Fish was as “bright” as Burton gets. He isn’t a match for this just because Depp is on deck.

    • Robert says:

      I think Burton and Depp have been a disaster for awhile now. Big Fish was the last “decent,” thing Burton did. Chocolate Factory, Sweeny Todd, not that great. I loved the stage performance of Sweeny, I thought the movie was lacking. Burton can’t really make a good movie to save his life. Thankfully Depp is still good at playing the same character he has played for about 20 years now.

    • EZELL says:

      LOL my bad. I agree Burton is loosing it. may be true But I don’t like his films not because I think he is bad I just don’t like his vision the goth thing does not work for me ever.

    • MADMAX_007 says:

      Eventhough I LOVE most of Burton’s work, I dont think he’ll make a good Pirates movies regardless that Depp is in it.

  6. Thomas says:

    The best thing about directing a video game movie is problably that there is automatically very low expectation, so that there is only one way to go: up! If he pulls it of he will be hot property, if he fails people will soon forget it…

    //Thomas, Stockholm, Sweden

  7. Robert says:

    “Verbinski is gearing up to do one of the only video game movies that I think actually may have enough solid narrative story behind it to actually make a good film… BioShock.”

    I take you aren’t a gamer…

    • Rodney says:

      Bioshock has more narrative than most games. But even games with MASSIVE story (RPG types) would struggle in a theater because the 40-80 hour storyline you muddle through couldn’t be captured in a 90 minute movie.

    • Robert says:

      True, but there are tons of other, non-massive RPG’s that have a wealth of good writing, and awesome narratives. Bioshock was even kind of weak. If my other comment was approved you would have seen the part where I mention that it is, in fact, Atlas Shrugged: The Video game. Don’t even get me started on the ending of that game. Both of them. 10 seconds long, if that, and don’t make sense.

      It’s a great game. It’s a great story now, and was a great story when Ayn Rand wrote it. I just think people are way too hard on the whole video game thing, especially people that don’t know that much about it. Just what bits and pieces they see/read about.

  8. Kevin says:

    The ending of Bioshock doesn’t make sense? Granted its based on the premise of an underwater utopia where people inject themselves to give them unnatural abilities, but I thought the ending was very well written without going into four hours of something no gamer likes; cutscenes.

    • Robert says:

      Even the developer said that they were cut short on funding at the last minute. The ending cutscene was pretty forced. It made sense, but it was just kind of “meh.” Compared to the way the story was going/being shown through the rest of the game. I haven’t said that Bioshock is a bad story. Relax a bit.

      I’ve been gaming since the days of Atari, I like the cutscenes, story, I dunno, makes me want to keep playing. Except Halo, I just like to shoot things in that.

  9. Jack says:

    bioshock is one of the rare few games that i consider to be art. not just for its fantastic world and visual direction but the deaply backed story and emotional rollercoaster that it is. i hope he can do it justice. if there is ever a videogame movie out there that could really nail success and change peoples perspective of games its this.

  10. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    I thought the last two pirate films were pretty awful. Way too long with no story to prepel things along.


  11. NoName says:

    good news and more bad news at same time

  12. free virtual worlds says:

    I agree that a 4th would be too much or maybe too soon? It’ll most definitely have a decline in popularity, especially when people keep wanting to see something better than the last and when they get disappointed (which they did) the last few times they’ll sort of lose interest. Give it more time for people to get over the trilogy and then much later when graphics technology takes on another significant level, they can start the hype up again!
    Bio-shock sounds like something much better to look forward to! If I only have enough money to watch one movie I’d pick Bio-shock over Caribbean 4, that’s probably how things work.

  13. Kaneda979 says:

    Awesome news. His talent would be so wasted on another Pirates movie, he should just keep his mind on Bioshock. Granted the first Pirates was fantastic, you can tell by the 3rd his passion for the series was all but lost.

    I don’t think we need another Pirates movie either and being that they are making a 4th one, I think it’s gonna be a long stretch for Disney to make it something more then just an overly bloated cash cow, no matter who directs it. I mean that’s ALL the 3rd one was for god sakes.

    I am so glad he is doing the Bioshock movie. The game series is unlike anything ever done before. If you’ve never played Bioshock, do yourself a huge favor and go rent it, right now.

    Granted it will be his first adult R rated movie, at least it better be R rated to pay the right tribute to the original game. The plot it’s self is nothing less then R rated. As long as he can put as much or more passion into it as he did the first Pirates movie, it will be nothing short of amazing. *crosses fingers*

    • MADMAX_007 says:

      You are wrong. Verbinski directed “The Mexican” starring Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts. He also directed “The Weatherman” starring Nicholas Cage. Both of these movies were rated R.

    • Kaneda979 says:

      Ohhh, cool, thanks, I didn’t know he directed those as well. The Weatherman was a great movie.

  14. EZELL says:

    I played BioShock and its Doom underwater. Its hard core is what I am saying and could be good or just shit like Doom was.

    • Kaneda979 says:

      Well it is similar to Doom, it’s really so much more. The mixing up of the different powers, trying to come up with new and elaborate ways to take out your enemies, the great direction of the game events, the insane and the amazingly creepy morbidness threw and threw in both story and game play, and a fantastic Hollywood quality horror story on top of all of it. I was far more then just another Doom clone.

  15. Devan Price says:

    just to capitalize on Twilight’s success they should just make the leading role a vampire. That way the can get girls interested, and destroying the image of vampires though out movie history.

    (sorry i recently watched twilight and I’m a little pissed off at it)

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