David Slade to Direct Twilight Saga’s Eclipse

With the rapid fire production schedule of the Twilight movies, some might think they are trying to get these out before the buzz wears off for the popular book series. So when Catherine Hardwicke was replaced with Chris Weitz for New Moon, we now find out that Weitz will not be directing Eclipse.

Announced today we hear that David Slade will be taking the mantle for the third film in the series.

E!Online says:

After New Moon director Chris Weitz let it be known that he would be one and done, various names arose as possibilities to direct the adaptation of the third book in Stephenie Meyers’ bestselling young-adult novel series, including Weitz’s brother, Paul; Guillermo del Toro protégé Juan Antonio Bayona; James Mangold and Drew Barrymore.

But in the end, Summit Entertainment went with a guy who certainly knows his monsters, of both the human and otherworldly variety.

“I am thrilled that David Slade will be directing Eclipse,” Meyer said in a statement Wednesday. “He’s a visionary filmmaker who has so much to offer this franchise.”

With only one film out there, I am curious to see how the “one and done” method of directing these films will affect the series. I find that Hardwicke is just too damned creepy to look at, so if I were in the cast I would be fine to get rid of her, but the movie turned out surprisingly enjoyable.

We don’t know if Chris Weitz will do a better job or worse, but I at least hope his style fits with the first movie, and that concern carries over for any sequels.

I have liked the stuff that Slade has put out (30 days of Night, Hard Candy) so I hope he doesn’t break the streak for me, or break the franchise for the fans.

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11 thoughts on “David Slade to Direct Twilight Saga’s Eclipse

    1. I’m not sure if this is entirely correct, but Slade was primarily a music video director before he direct “Hard Candy”. And, from what I can gather, he also was a director of “30 Days of Night”.

  1. I cried when I saw this. I mean come on, bad source material is bad source material. No amount of amazing directing will change that.

    I just can’t wait for the last movie to be over so people will shut up about it and let this horrid series die.

    1. So you went out of your way to upset yourself over something you claim to care nothing about.

      You know, people who are not interested in Twilight just pass by these articles, but there is always one troll who has to try to bash it because that will make you “cool”

  2. I think the choice of David Slade is solid and Eclipse is the perfect book out of the series for him to direct. I can’t wait to see what he does with the movie. I’m even excited to see what Weitz is doing with New Moon. Entertainment Tonight will have an exclusive look tonight and while the show annoys the living hell out of me, I’ll DVR it, so I can see that one part.

  3. Nice choice, I actually enjoyed 30 days of night (wasn’t wonderful, but I enjoyed it, if they had taken the melodrama of the story it would have worked better).

    It’ll be surprising how they do the endings of New Moon and Eclipse in the movies, since in the books BOTH endings are very anti-climatic. I was really dissatisfied with how they were rushed. Those books needed like an epic battle between vampires but it never happened! sad.

    1. And how does Spade make it BETTER news?

      Look, if you think its all clever and original to bash on a series because its popular then welcome to highschool.


  4. Well said Jeremy K.! There are many instances in this book where I’ve wondered how they could possibly pull that off cinematically, but I think he will do a good job. At this rate, they’ll probably announce the director of Twilight: Breaking Dawn tomorrow.

  5. I am fan oh his as well. Seemed like a lot of people did not like 30 Day of Night, but I thought it was great. He created some awesome atmosphere in that movie. I am hoping the Twilight saga ends up like Harry Potter has; a little rough around the edges at start, and slowly gets better and better as the imperfections are ironed out.

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